Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK)

All Hinox Locations and How to Beat

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK) - Hinox

The Hinox is a Miniboss enemy in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (ToTK). See all Hinox locations and where to find it, a boss strategy guide to learn how to beat the Hinox, as well as its drops and possible variants.

List of Boss Variants
Tears of the Kingdom - Hinox
Tears of the Kingdom - Blue Hinox
Blue Hinox
Tears of the Kingdom - Black Hinox
Black Hinox
Tears of the Kingdom - Stalnox

All Hinox Locations and Where to Find

Hinox Interactive Map Locations

To see all Hinox locations and where to find them, toggle the Hinox Icon (TOTK - Hinox Toenail,Hinox Tooth,Hinox Horn,Hinox Guts,Apple,Wildberry,Voltfruit,Palm Fruit,Mighty Bananas,Fortified Pumpkin Icon) on the right side of the Interactive Map, or use the Search function.

Be sure to select the right type of map and toggle between the Sky, Surface, and Depths on the lower left corner for the boss icon to appear.

How to Beat the Hinox

Hit Hinox' Eye to Stun It

Hit Hinox
Hit the Hinox' single eye with arrows in order to stun it. This will cause the Hinox to fall backwards, unable to attack.

Note: When the Hinox' HP is low, it will start to cover its eye with its hand. You can get around this by simply hitting the eye quicker than the Hinox can cover it or waiting for it to remove its hand. You can also get mid-air and hit its eye while slow-mo aiming.

Melee Hinox When Stunned

When the Hinox is stunned, it will be vulnerable to attacks. Run up to it and hit it with melee strikes until it gets back up. Repeat this process until the Hinox is defeated.

Shoot Legs with Elemental Attacks

If a Hinox has steel armor on its legs, hit it with electric attacks to shock it. If the Hinox has wooden armor on its legs, shoot it with fire attacks to set it on fire. These techniques will give you some time to get in extra damage while the Hinox is distracted.

Hinox Overview and Drops

Hinox Basic Info


These giant, one-eyed monsters live mostly in the woods and have large, thick horns. Hinox are known for tearing entire trees from the ground and using them as weapons. Occasionally, they fall asleep on reads, presenting terrifying readblocks for travelers. A deft hand can steal weapons from the necklaces they wear.
HP 600
Species Hinox
Compendium No. 175

All Possible Drops

AppleApple WildberryWildberry VoltfruitVoltfruit
Fortified PumpkinFortified Pumpkin Palm FruitPalm Fruit Mighty BananasMighty Bananas
Hinox HornHinox Horn Hinox ToenailHinox Toenail Hinox ToothHinox Tooth
Hinox GutsHinox Guts

List of Similar Enemies

Tears of the Kingdom - Hinox
Tears of the Kingdom - Blue Hinox
Blue Hinox
Tears of the Kingdom - Black Hinox
Black Hinox
Tears of the Kingdom - Stalnox

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Related Guides

List of All Bosses

List of All Bosses

List of Minibosses

Flux Construct I Flux Construct II Flux Construct III
Stone Talus Stone Talus (Luminous) Stone Talus (Rare)
Battle Talus Igneo Talus Frost Talus
Hinox Blue Hinox Black Hinox
Stalnox Molduga Flame Gleeok
Frost Gleeok Thunder Gleeok King Gleeok
Frox Obsidian Frox Blue-White Frox

List of Bosses

Master Kohga Colgera Moragia
Marbled Gohma Sludge Like Mucktorok
Queen Gibdo Seized Construct Phantom Ganon
Demon King Ganondorf Demon King Ganondorf (2nd Form) Demon Dragon


2 3 Anonymousover 1 year

The Black Hinox on the Tangar Canyon's plataeu (Depths), to the West of Lindor Canyon Mine is not on the plataeu but on the ground south of it (-2740, 1333, -0609). It's also a Blue Hinox, not Black.

1 Daniel T.over 1 year

The Hinox on the map in Popla Foothills is incorrect. It's a Stalnox and it's location on the map is correct, but the cords are wrong. Better cords are 0744, -1958, 0012.


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