Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK)

How to Use the Zonai Stake

The Zonai Stake is a Zonai Device that you can obtain in the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Learn how to get the Zonai Stake and where to farm it, and how to use it, including all possible fuse effects, and fuse attack power.

How to Use the Zonai Stake

Fuse Zonai Stakes to Weapons

Stakes can be Fused with weapons and shields, and can be attached to arrows. When fused, the Stake increases attack power by 5, and other effects may vary depending on where you fuse them.

Fuse Guide: How to Combine Materials With Weapons, Arrows, and Shields

Use as Foundations

You can use the Zonai Stake as a foundation for your builds and lock it in on any surface and in any angle. It can be used when crafting vehicles and other structures by sticking them together with other materials using Ultrahand.

How to Build Vehicles and Vehicle Ideas

How to Get the Zonai Stake

Stake Source and Locations

Primary Locations How to Get
・Sky Islands Dropped by Zonai Gacha Gumball Dispensers. Can be dropped by Flux Constructs.

Stakes are mostly found in the locations: Sky Islands. Look around these locations to farm for Stakes.

Zonai Stake Device Dispenser Locations

Device Dispenser Location

Rakashog Shrine Device Dispenser
-1777, -2027, 1148
Gerudo Highlands Sky

Natak Shrine Device Dispenser
3748, 1538, 1157
Akkala Highlands Sky

Starview Island Device Dispenser
-3460, -0367, 1943
Gerudo Highlands Sky

Digdogg Suspension Bridge Device Dispenser
-1627, -1888, 0002
Hyrule Field

Get from Zonai Device Dispensers

You can obtain the Zonai Stake by placing Zonai Charges or Construct Horns into Zonai Device Dispensers that have this device. The amount and type of Zonai Device dispensed is random, so be sure to prepare enough materials to farm for Zonai Stakes.

List of All Zonai Devices

Purchase from Steward Constructs

Once you've maxed out all of your Energy Cells, you can start purchasing Zonai Stakes from Steward Constructs at Crystal Refineries using Crystallized Charges.

The Steward Construct sells 10 of each Zonai Device and follows the restock mechanics of regular shops.

When Do Shops Restock?

Dropped By Monsters or Creatures

List of Monsters & Creatures
Flux Construct I ImageFlux Construct I Flux Construct II ImageFlux Construct II Flux Construct III ImageFlux Construct III

Stakes can be dropped by the monsters or creatures listed above right after you defeat them.

Zonai Stake Overview

Stake Flavor Text

TOTK - Stake IconStake
A Zonai device that can be fixed in place in the ground or on a wall. They’ve been used as footholds and building foundations because of their immovability when planted.
Type Zonai Device
Melee Weapon Fuse Effect Blunt Edge

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