Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

How to Get the Genjiroh | Weapon Stats, Mods, and Attachments

This page is about the weapon Genjiroh from Cyberpunk 2077. Read on to learn this weapon's weight and stats, including max DPS and other bonus stats, attachment and mod information, and where to find the Genjiroh.

Genjiroh Overview

General Info

Tier(s) Epic
Weapon Group Ranged
Class Pistol
Type Homes in on targets with self-guided micro-projectiles.
Manufacturer Arasaka
Weight 4.3
A top-shelf pistol found only in the hands of the world's elite... or those brave enough to take it from them.

Genjiroh Stats


Damage 66-80
DPS Variability Low Attacks Per Second 4.64
Headshot Dmg Multiplier 2.7 Shot Delay -
Charge Time - Charge Multiplier -
Effect Fire four rounds per shot. Increases ammo clip size, projectile speed and can target up to six targets simultaneously. Bullets deal additional electrical damage with an increased chance to apply Shock.

Note that the stats shown here are the highest values that we have been able to confirm so far available to this weapon. These numbers may be updated in the future

Other Stats

Crit Chance +29.8% Crit Damage +74.48%
Physical Damage - Bleeding Chance -
Electrical Damage +47-58 Shock Chance +20%
Thermal Damage - Burn Chance -
Chemical Damage - Poison Chance -
Bonus Ricochet Dmg - Stamina Cost Reduction -

Note that the stats shown here are the highest values that we have been able to confirm so far available to this weapon. These numbers may be updated in the future

Genjiroh Attachments and Mods


Attachment Slots
This weapon does not have any attachment slots


Mod Slots
Mod IconEmpty Mod Slot Mod IconMod Slot
Mod IconMod Slot Mod IconMod Slot

The slots shown here are the ones we have been able to confirm exist for higher tier versions of the weapon. More slots may be added in later on as they are confirmed.

How to Get The Genjiroh

Obtained During The Play It Safe Quest

Start the Play It Safe mission and head towards the the door found near the elevator as you ascend to Floor 21. The door can either be opened with a Technical Ability 11 or using the code 2906.

Found in Arasaka Estate

Genjiroh can be found on a table in the Arasaka Estate.

The Legendary Crafting Specs for Genjiroh are automatically received after obtaining the weapon.

Only the iconic item, Genjiroh can be obtained more than once.

Cyberpunk 2077 Weapons


List of Weapons

List of Pistols

A-22B ChaoA-22B Chao ApparitionApparition ChaosChaos
Death and TaxesDeath and Taxes Dying NightDying Night GenjirohGenjiroh
HJKE-11 YukimuraHJKE-11 Yukimura JKE-X2 KenshinJKE-X2 Kenshin KappaKappa
KongouKongou La Chingona DoradaLa Chingona Dorada LibertyLiberty
LizzieLizzie M-10AF LexingtonM-10AF Lexington M-76E OmahaM-76E Omaha
Malorian Arms 3516Malorian Arms 3516 NueNue Plan BPlan B
PridePride SkippySkippy TamayuraTamayura

Weapon Classes

Ranged Weapons
Pistols Assault Rifles Sniper Rifles
SMGs Shotguns Revolver
Precision Rifles LMGs
Melee Weapons
Katanas Knives Machetes
One-Handed Clubs Two-Handed Clubs Hammers
Axes Chainswords

Weapon Types

Weapon Types
Power Weapon.pngPower Tech Weapon.pngTech Smart Weapon.pngSmart
Blade.pngBlades Blunt Weapon.pngBlunt Weapons Grenade.pngGrenades

Weapon Tiers

Weapon Tiers
Legendary Iconic


1 Laloabout 4 years

Also found it at the Arasaka Estate in the Westbrook North Oak Area. I broke in, took care of all the guards then found it sitting on the desk in the control/security room.


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