Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Where To Find Perk Shards - Perk Shard Locations

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Where to Find Perk Shards

Perk Shards are a special type of progression item in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty that rewards you with 1 Perk Point when used. Read on to learn more about what Perk Shards are as well as where to find all the Perk Shards in Night City.

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What Are Perk Shards?

Items That Grant One Bonus Perk Point

Perk Shards are a type of progression item that is confirmed to still exist as of Update 2.0. When found and used, they immediately grant 1 Perk Point to the player, allowing V to gain a new Perk from any of the overhauled, 2.0 Attribute Perk Trees.

2.0 Perks and Skill Tree Guide

Perk Shard Glitches No Longer Work

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Learning Glitch for Perk Shards

Previously, there was a glitch allowing you to get 2 Perk Points from Perk Shards when you chose to Learn instead of Take the shard from its source. This glitch no longer works as of Patch 2.0.

Where to Find Perk Shards?

Often Found During Gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles

Most Perk Shards are found while completing Gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles. They are usually found on bodies or boxes highlighted with an exclamation point during these missions.

Can be Purchased from the Junk Shop in Dogtown

Owners of the Phantom Liberty DLC will be able to purchase a Perk Shard from the Junk Shop vendor once they reach the EBM Petrochem Stadium inside Dogtown. Do note that this is a one-time purchase since the merchant's inventory will no longer refresh after you purchase the Perk Shard.

Dogtown Map Guide and Locations

All Perk Shards Locations

Location Details

The Badlands
Head to the Edgewood Farm fast travel point and head northwest along the road. Halfway along the road, look to the left to find a crashed car. Defeat the drone nearby and check the victim to find the Shard.

Corpo Plaza, City Center
Locate the Downtown North fast travel point and head to the Drop Point to the southeast. Across that is a small building with stairs behind it. On top of the building is a body with a Perk Shard.

The Glen, Heywood
Northwest of the Ventura & Skyline fast travel point is an Assault in Progress. Defeat the enemies there and search the area to locate the Perk Shard.

Arroyo, Santo Domingo
Head to the Red Dirt Bar fast travel point and a little southwest of that is an Assault In Progress. Defeat the enemies and check one of the bodies to find the Perk Shard.

Arroyo, Santo Domingo
Go to the Arasaka Industrial Park fast travel point and enter the Arasaka building. This is the same area you went into with Takemura before. Head to the buildings shown in the locations to find the Perk Shard. The first Perk Shard is found on the second floor of the first building while the Perk Shard is just inside the second building inside a small suitcase.

Perk Shard #1 Location

Perk Shard #2 Location

Rancho Coronado, Santo Domingo
Find the Reported Crime: Welcome to Night City. If you have not unlocked it, go to the Racho Coronado East fast travel point and clear the reported crime marker just north east of it to unlock this mission. In this mission, defeat the enemies and one of the boxes inside has a Perk Shard.

Northside, Watson
Head to the Offshore St. fast travel point and head to the location indicated in the map. Get into the warehouse where the shard is at the back, inside a small steel box.

Japantown, Westbrook
West of Dark Matter fast travel point. Defeat the enemies and check the bodies in the car for 2 Perk Shards.

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