Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

How to Get The Star Ending

Cyberpunk 2077 How to Get The Star Ending

The Star Ending for Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the five endings available in the game. Read on to learn which choices to make to get this ending, the ending explanation, and the rewards.

How to Get The Star Ending

Complete Panam's Questline

To make the dialogue choice of asking for Panam help appear during the conversation with Johnny at the latter part of Nocturne OP55N1, you must complete her corresponding side quests.

Panam Quest Line
Riders On The Storm With A Little Help From My Friends Queen Of The Highway

All Side Quest (Side Job) Guides

Choose to Ask Panam for Help

Cyberpunk 2077 Ask Panam

If the player has completed the side quests related for Panam and Rogue, choose the dialogue option that asks for Panam's help.

The Star ending is a little harder to complete than The Devil Ending, as you have to fight your way to Mikoshi under Arasaka tower.

Panam Path
We Gotta Live Together Forward To Death Belly Of The Beast

If You Asked for Panam's Help - V Stays in Their Body

To get the Star Ending and Trophy you need to let V stay in their body when Alt asks you, then enter the well once the conversation is over. (Do not cross the bridge)

Trophy Guide: How to Get All Trophies and Achievements

The Star Ending Explanation

A Good Ending

The Star Ending is a good ending. The reason for this is because both V and Johnny will continue on with their individual lives.

V stays with the nomads and has a chance to be healed, while Johnny will continue on the rebel path, destroying Mikoshi.


Saul Dies

In a room before you reach Mikoshi, Adam Smasher ambushes you, and stomps on Saul to his death.

Judy's Fate

Cyberpunk 2077 Judy Star Ending

If you played as a Female V and romanced Judy, you can ask her to come with you to leave Night City.

Reaction From V's Friends

During the roll credits, there are calls from V's friends and depending on which ending path the player chose their reactions vary.

For The Star Ending, most of V's friends merely tell them to take care of themselves. But one call that is different is Misty's.

Misty's tarot reading implies the meaning of a happy life, and is aware of V's status in the badlands.
Maybe V really was cured by the Aldecaldo's contacts, but we will never truly know.

The Star Ending Rewards

Get the Trophy by Leaving With the Aldecaldos

silver trophy.pngSilver
G: 30
The Star
Leave Night City with the Aldecaldos.

You have to ask for Panam's help, and V must keep his body and enter the well to get the Star Trophy.

Get a Free Legendary Gorilla Arms

Cyberware How to Obtain
Gorilla ArmsGorilla Arms ・After clearing the main story, you will receive a pair of legendary Gorilla Arms for free. Simply go to the nearest Ripperdoc and look at the Arms slot to equip them.

Once you complete the game, no matter which difficulty or ending path you chose, you will always be rewarded with a free Gorilla Arms cyberware.

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