Hogwarts Legacy

All Field Guide Page Locations and Map

Hogwarts Legacy - All Field Guide Page Locations

Field Guide Pages are collectibles that provide lore about objects and places of interest in Hogwarts Legacy! Learn how to find Field Guide Pages on the map and what they do in this guide!

Field Guide Pages Interactive Map

World Map Revelio Field Guide Pages Locations



Required Spells for Finding Field Guide Pages

Best Spells for Finding Field Guide Pages
Accio Accio Accio is a must have spell when collecting Field Guide Pages, since this is the only way to collect the pages that are flying around.
Levioso Levioso Levioso is used on Statues holding orbs, which will reward you with a Field Guide Page. These types of statues are commonly found within the Hogwarts Castle.
Confringo Confringo Confringo is also a must have spell, since some Field Guide Pages are obtainable by igniting braziers and sconces. Compared to Incendio, Confringo has a longer range, allowing you to reach high up sconces.
Lumos Lumos Lumos helps you navigate dark places, and is also needed to solve Moth Puzzles that reward you with Field Guide Pages.

We also recommend learning Alohomora first before trying to collect all Field Guide Pages in order to gain access to Locked Areas with Revelio or Field Guide Pages!

Spell List: How to Get All Spells

Hogwarts Field Guide Page Locations

Jump to a Section!
The Astronomy Wing Bell Tower Wing The Grand Staircase
The Great Hall The Library Annex Secret Rooms
The South Wing - -

The Astronomy Wing

Jump to a Section!
Astronomy Tower Charms Classroom Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom
Transfiguration Classroom Transfiguration Courtyard -

Astronomy Tower

Astronomy Telescope
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Astronomy Tower Floo Flame, work your way up the staircases until you see a room full of small telescopes. Revelio Page can be found in front of the large telescope.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Incendio

Location: From the Astronomy Tower Floo Flame, work your way up the staircases then head northeast towards the staircase going down. Find the brazier near the covered furniture, and ignite it with Incendio or Confringo to receive the Field Guide page.

Charms Classroom

Dark Tower Cell
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Charms Classroom Floo Flame, go down the stairs into the classroom on the right and take the staircase up to Professor Ronen's Office. Take the spiral staircase inside and you'll find the Revelio Page on your right inside the room behind a Level 2 locked door.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Levioso

Location: From the Charms Classroom Floo Flame, head southwest to the spiral stairs. Use Levioso on the statue to obtain the Field Guide Page.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Accio

Location: Can be found flying near the ceiling directly above the Charms Classroom Floo Flame.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Confringo

Location: From Professor Fig's Classroom Floo Flame, go to the northeast corner of the floor, there you will see a sconce hanging on the wall

Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom

Augurey Skeleton
Spell Required: Augurey Skeleton

Location: From the Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom Floo Flame, head north towards the display cabinet near the magical instruments.

Hebridean Black Skeleton
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Inside the Defence Against The Dark Arts Classroom.

Serpentine Beast Window
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom Floo Flame, take the stairs down one floor, and go straight. Field Guide page can be found to your east, near the stained glass wall.

Transfiguration Classroom

Partial Transfiguration
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Flame, head straight into the classroom and you'll find the Revelio Page on your left in front of a desk with a cauldron on it.
Field Guide Page Spell Required: Levioso

Location: From the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Flame, there is a locked door nearby when you head north, go up the stairs and there you will find a statue

Transfiguration Courtyard

Boggart Closet
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, turn around and enter the door leading to the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower. To the right of the stairs is a Level 2 locked door where you'll find the Revelio Page in front of a cabinet past the table.

Wyvern Fountain
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, face left to the middle of the courtyard and you'll find the Revelio Page in front of a fountain with a Wyvern statue.

Painting of Illyus
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, turn around and enter the door leading to the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower. You'll find the Revelio Page in front of a painting to the right of the center stairs next to another set of stairs leading up.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Levioso

Location: From the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Flame, go to the right side of the courtyard. Use Levioso on the statue by the end of the walkway to receive the Field Guide Page.

Bell Tower Wing

Jump to a Section!
Bell Tower Courtyard Beasts Classroom Hogwarts North Exit
West Tower - -

Bell Tower Courtyard

Broken Broom
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: In front of the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.

Flattened Armour
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: By the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame (just across the Broken Broom).

Three Sisters Bells
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Found northeast of the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.

Gorgon Portrait
Spell Required: Gorgon Portrait

Location: From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, turn around the unlock the Level 1 locked door. Take the stairs down and on your right is an Arithmancy Puzzle Door. Solve it and you'll find the Revelio Page inside the room in front of a painting.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Accio

Location: Can be found flying near the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Confringo

Location: From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, go up the stairs on the right and there you will find a brazier you can light up.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Confringo and Alohomora

Location: From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flames, go left up the stairs and through the door, continue to go up on that staircase until you get to the top and see a locked door, inside, you can find the brazier.

Goblin Artifact
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, take the stairs on your left and you'll find the Revelio Page on your right in front of a showcase.

Scorch Marks
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, take the stairs on your left then left again on some stairs. You'll find the Revelio Page in front of some scorch marks on the wall.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Confringo and Accio

Location: From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, turn left and go up the first steps, go through the door and go down the next stairs and through another door. Continue going down all the stairs, and after the dragon statue, go straight through the Alchemy Classroom and inside there is a sconce you can light up located right above the door way.

Frog Choir
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head up the stairs to your west, then take the stairs towards your west until you come across an eyeball chest. Beside the eyeball chest is an entrance to the Music Room. Use Revelio on the podium with the frogs in the Music Room to obtain the Field Guide page.

History of Magic Windows
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Inside the History of Magic Classroom.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Accio

Location: Go through the locked back door of the History of Magic room (use Alohomora) and there you will find a flying Field Guide Page along the pillars.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Levioso

Location: In the History of Magic classroom there is a locked door at the back, inside, there is a statue located at the end of the room.

Sphinx Statue
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head up the stairs to your west, and continue going straight, and head inside the History of Magic Classroom. Use Alohomora on the locked door to gain access to the room where the Sphinx Statue is.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Levioso

Location: From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flames, turn left, go up the first steps, go through the door and go down the next stairs and through another door. Continue going down all the stairs and turn right after the dragon statue, and then right again at the end of the hallway. Through the arch, turn left to find a locked door with a frog statue inside and interact with the frog, and on the other side, you will see the statue.

Sleeping Dragon
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, take the stairs on your left, past the door, and down the stairs on your left. Keep heading down the stairs into the Dungeons and at the end of the stairs you'll find the Revelio Page on your left in front of a Sleeping Dragon statue.

Alchemy Class
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, take the stairs on your left, past the door, and down the stairs on your left. Keep heading down the stairs into the Dungeons and take a right past the Sleeping Dragon statue. You'll see a room with some cauldrons in front and a Level 2 locked door. Unlock it and you'll find the Revelio Page just in front of you by the carpet.

Important Muggle Artefact
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, take the stairs on your left, past the door, and down the stairs on your left. Keep heading down the stairs into the Dungeons and take a right past the Sleeping Dragon statue. The first door on your left will be a Level 1 locked door. Unlock it and you'll find the Revelio page on your left in front of a cannon.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Accio

Location: Can be found flying by the ceiling of the Dungeons at Hogwarts. Exact room can be found by the end of a hallway after passing a Dragon statue.

Urn of Ashes
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, take the stairs on your left, past the door, and down the stairs on your left. Enter the door and head down the stairs again and you'll find a Daedalian Key on your left. Beside it on the left would be the Revelio Page.

Werefolf Saga Tapestries
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, take the stairs on your left, past the door, and down the stairs on your left. Enter the door and head down the stairs again and you'll be in front of a large painting with a mother and her child. Enter the "K" in the painting and keep heading straight until you enter a room full of paintings. You'll find the Revelio page in front of the same painting you first entered.

Castle Ramparts
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head straight outside to Hogwarts Grounds and face to your right. You'll see a rampart next to a small archway leading to the Greenhouses. Take the stairs leading to the rampart and you'll find the Revelio Page inside the middle.

Wooden Cat
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: By the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame up some stairs in the side quest History of Magic Class.

Grimbald Weft
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Next to the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame in the side quest "History of Magic Class".

Waving Knight
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Near the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame in the side quest "History of Magic Class".

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Accio

Location: From the Bell Tower Wing Courtyard Floo Flame, exit northwest to the castle grounds. Head North towards the Garden, and just past the moving Dragon topiary, the Field Guide Page can be seen flying above a fountain.

Beasts Classroom

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Accio

Location: Can be found flying above a hut near the Beasts Classroom.

Hogwarts North Exit

Bloody Meat
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Near the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame heading towards Hogwarts to your right behind a Level 1 locked door by the Thestral stables.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Confringo and Accio

Location: From the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame, turn left and find the sconce located just on top of the battlement. Ignite it with Confringo to receive the field guide page.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Levioso

Location: From the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame, turn left and go up the stairs to the ramparts. Go through the door on your left that leads to another door, and go up the stairs. Unlock the locked door with Alohomora to find the statue.

West Tower

Pungent Passage
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Near the West Tower Floo Flame down the hall with green gas.

The Grand Staircase

Jump to a Section!
Grand Staircase Grand Staircase Tower Lower Grand Staircase
Quad Courtyard Trophy Room -

Grand Staircase

Ravenclaw Doorknocker
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame, head up the spiral staircase leading towards Ravenclaw Tower and at the end you'll find the Revelio Page in front of a door with a Raven sigil.

Ravenclaw Bust
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame, head up the spiral staircase and past the 2 portraits along the way, you'll find the Revelio Page in front of a small bust.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Levioso

Location: From the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame, go towards the Grand Staircase and you can spot a statue on the left just before you get to the stairs

Honeydukes Passageway
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Faculty Tower Floo Flame, you'll find the Revelio Page on your right in front of a witch statue.

Moving Staircase
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, turn around towards the Grand Staircase and head straight then up the small set of stairs on your right. You'll find the Revelio Page in front of you by the small ledge.

Sleeping Portraits
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Trophy Room Floo Flame, take a right and follow the path up the stairs behind a gate. Keep following the path up and once you're past the spiral staircase, take a left and enter the stone spiral staircase that leads to the Headmaster's Office. You'll find the Revelio Page just in front of a bench before you enter the office.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Accio

Location: From the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, a flying Field Guide Page can be found along the staircase.

House Elf Recipe Book
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, take the spiral staircase in front of the Floo Flame down. You'll find the Revelio Page in front of a closet along the spiral staircase.

Pear Portrait
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, take the spiral staircase down, and past the House Elf Recipe Book Revelio page. You can find the Revelio Page in front of the painting, near the chest.

Hufflepuff Barrels
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, take the spiral staircase down, then continue southwest. Find the Revelio Page by the stacked barrels at the end of the corridor.

House-Elf Living Quarters
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, take the spiral staircase down, then "Tickle the Pear" painting to gain access to the kitchen. Find the Revelio page by the easternmost part of the House-Elf Living Quarters, near a stack of barrels.

Kitchen Tables
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, take the spiral staircase in front of the Floo Flame down and at the end there will be a painting of fruit on the left of the hall. Enter it and you'll find the Revelio Page at the middle of the tables.

Grand Staircase Tower

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Confringo and Accio

Location: From the Grand Staircase Tower Floo Flame, turn right onto the Grand Staircase and you can find a sconce near the paintings. Ignite it using Confringo to obtain the Field Guide page.

Lower Grand Staircase

Kelpie Statue
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Found at the bottom of the Grand Staircase to the left, in the Slytherin Dungeon.

Slytherin's Sink
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: At the bottom of the Grand Staircase to the right under the Great Hall.

Headless Hunt Tapestry
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: At the bottom of the Grand Staircase and following the path to the right until you see a blue room behind a Level 1 locked door

Detention Chamber
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: At the bottom of the Grand Staircase and following the path to the right until the end behind a Level 2 locked door.

Deathday Party Room
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: At the bottom of the Grand Staircase and following the path to the right until you see a blue room behind a Level 1 locked door.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Accio

Location: Can be found flying near the floating candles in the Deathday Party Room.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Confringo and Alohomora

Location: From the Lower Grand Staircase Floo Flame, go down the stairs and turn right. Continue going through the hall, then turn right again and head up the steps. Find the locked door and use Alohomora to unlock the room with the brazier.

Salazar Slytherin's Scriptorium
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: If you missed it during In The Shadow of the Study side quest, from the Lower Grand Staircase Floo Flame, take the stairs down and you can find the entrance to the Scriptorium on your right by the torch pillar. Enter it, take the stairs down and you'll find the Revelio Page in front of a face statue with snakes on it. Otherwise, the entrance to the Scriptorium will be different during the side quest.

Quad Courtyard

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Levioso

Location: From the Quad Courtyard Floo Flame, take the stairs east until you come across the statue. Cast Levioso to obtain the Field Guide page.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Accio

Location: Can be found flying by a tree near the Quad Courtyard Floo Flame.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Confringo and Accio

Location: Near the Quad Courtyard Floo Flame, find and ignite the sconce by the east wall using Confringo. Use Accio on the Field Guide page once it appears.

Trophy Room

Troll Armour
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Just in front of the Trophy Room Floo Flame.

Goblet of Fire Casket
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Inside the Trophy Room.

Trophy Room Casket
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Inside the Trophy Room.

House-Elf Armour
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Outside the Trophy Room at the opposite end of the Trophy Room Floo Flame

Centaur Armour
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Outside the Trophy Room at the opposite end of the Trophy Room Floo Flame.

Headmaster's Office Gargoyle
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: At the top of the Trophy Room leading towards the Headmaster's Office.

Quill of Acceptance and Book of Admittance
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Trophy Room Floo Flame, take a right and follow the path up the stairs behind a gate. Keep following the path up and once you're past the spiral staircase, take a right and you'll find a locked door that needs a Key of Admittance (requires completion of Hogwarts Secrets hidden quest). Enter it and past the stone spiral staircase you'll find the Revelio Page in front of a book with a moving quill

The Sorting Hat
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Trophy Room Floo Flame, take a right and follow the path up the stairs behind a gate. Keep following the path up and once you're past the spiral staircase, take a left and enter the stone spiral staircase that leads to the Headmaster's Office. You'll find the Revelio Page inside the office in front of the desk on your right.

The Great Hall

Jump to a Section!
Boathouse Great Hall Viaduct Courtyard


Black Lake
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: By the Boathouse outside of the Great Hall.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Confringo

Location: From the Boathouse Floo Flame, enter the Boathouse and head over to the right to find the brazier.

Great Hall

The Great Hall Ceiling
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: The ceiling of The Great Hall.

House Point Hourglass
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: The hourglasses just outside The Great Hall.

Hogwarts Architect
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Outside the Great Hall leading towards the Grand Staircase.

Owl Lectern
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Found inside the Great Hall.

Hogwarts Crest
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: At the main entrance to the Great Hall.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Accio

Location: From the Great Hall Floo Flame, go outside the first door on the right and there you will find a flying Field Guide Page doing laps around the statue and gazebo.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Confringo

Location: From the Great Hall Floo Flame, go up the stairs on the right until you reach the room at the top, there you can find the brazier.

Viaduct Courtyard

Underground Harbour
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: To the right of Viaduct Courtyard Floo Flame inside the Underground Harbour (part of Professor Weasley's Assignment side quest).

The Yawning Gargoyle
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Outside the Great Hall at the courtyard.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Levioso

Location: From the Viaduct Courtyard Floo Flame, go up the stairs to the right and then go to the other side of the courtyard, go past the arch and turn right you will see a statue.

The Library Annex

Jump to a Section!
Central Hall Divination Classroom Greenhouses
Library Potions Classroom -

Central Hall

Central Hall Fountain
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: In the middle of Central Hall.

Statue of Gregory Smarmy
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Down the stairs to the left of the Central Hall Fountain.

Portrait of Sir Cadogan
Spell Required: Portait of Sir Cadogan

Location: Above the Central Hall Floo Flame up some stairs to the right.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Accio

Location: Can be found flying near the Entrance Hall.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Levioso

Location: There is a statue located at the eastern side of the Entrance Hall.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Accio

Location: Can be found flying by the northern area of Central Hall.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Accio

Location: Can be found flying by the southwestern side of Central Hall.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Levioso

Location: From the Central Hall Floo Flame, go down the stairs towards the fountain then turn right to go down the stairs once again, then there's a locked door when you turn right (use Alohomora), inside there is a statue with a Field Guide Page.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Incendio

Location: From the Central Hall Floo Flame, go straight and head north to find a brazier on top of a staircase. Ignite it with Incendio or Confringo to receive the Field Guide Page.

Divination Classroom

Palmistry Model
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: On a desk in the Divination Classroom.

Arithmancy Classroom
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Behind an Arithmancy Puzzle Door behind the Divination Classroom Floo Flame up the wooden stairs.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Levioso

Location: From the Divination Classroom Floo Flame, go through the doorway that leads to the attic. The Field Guide Page can be found flying around inside.


Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Found next to the Greenhouses by the Castle Ramparts.

Greenhouse Tree
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Inside the Greenhouses by the large tree.

Dirigible Plums
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Inside the Greenhouses in the room to the right in front of a potted tree


The Old Librarian
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Inside the Library at the 2nd floor above the Floo Flame.

Enchanted Books
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Inside the Restricted Section of the Library after going down the 2nd set of stairs.

Book of Intermediate Transfiguration
Spell Required: Book of Intermediate Transfiguration

Location: At the 2nd floor of the Library (part of Professor Weasley's Assignment side quest)

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Levioso

Location: In the Restricted Section of the Library.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Incendio

Location: Brazier can be found beside Cressida Blume. Ignite the brazier with Incendio or Confringo to obtain the Field Guide page.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Accio

Location: Can be found flying around the second floor of the Library.

Potions Classroom

Professor Sharp's Auror Badge
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Inside the Potions Classroom.

Secret Rooms

Room of Requirement

Tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Directly in front of The Room of Requirement

The South Wing

Jump to a Section!
Clock Tower Courtyard Faculty Tower Hospital Wing
Hogwarts South Exit - -

Clock Tower Courtyard

The Well of Four Beasts
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: In the middle of the Clock Tower Courtyard.

Clock Mechanics
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: At the very top of the Clock Tower

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Levioso

Location: Can be found just near the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Confringo and Accio

Location: Ignite the sconce by the south wall of the Clock Tower using Confringo. Use Accio on the Field Guide page once it appears.

Map of Argyllshire
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, turn around and head past the bridge leading to Gryffindor Tower. You'll find the Revelio Page in front of a large map on the left after crossing the bridge.

Lachlan the Lanky
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, turn around and head past the bridge leading to Gryffindor Tower. Once inside, take the stairs down in front of you and you'll find the Revelio Page on your left in front of a statue.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Confringo

Location: in front of the Lachlan the Lanky statue you can find a brazier which you can cast Confringo on to collect the Field Guide Page.

Haunted Toilets
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, turn around and head past the bridge leading to Gryffindor Tower. Once inside, take the stairs down in front of you and take a left. At the end of the hall, you'll find the Revelio Page in front of a door on your left with some velvet ropes.

Faculty Tower

Portrait of Baruffio
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: By the spiral staircase near the Faculty Tower Floo Flame.

Jewel-Encrusted Tortoise Shell
Spell Required: Revelio

Location:Inside the restricted area up the stairs near the Faculty Tower Floo Flame.

Adventure Novel Set
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: Inside the restricted area up the stairs behind a Level 2 locked door in the Faculty Tower.

Fat Lady Portrait
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: From the Faculty Tower Floo Flame, head straight down the hall then up the spiral staircase on the left. Once you're up, take a left and you'll find the Revelio Page down the hall in front of a fat lady portrait.

Hospital Wing

Boris the Bewildered
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: By the Hospital Wing Floo Flame down the spiral staircase

Prefect's Bathroom
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: By the Hospital Wing Floo Flame down the spiral staircase.

Unicorn Fountain
Spell Required: Revelio

Location: In front of the Hospital Wing Floo Flame.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Accio

Location: Can be found flying above the staircase one floor below the Prefect's Bathroom.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Levioso

Location: From the Hospital Wing Floo Flame, go down the spiral staircase, and you can find the statue underneath the steps.

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Confringo

Location: From the Hospital Wing Floo Flame, go down the staircase and go down once more on the staircase in front of it. Continue heading down until you reach a locked door on the right. Go through the fireplace and up the stairs. and you will find a brazier located under an arch.

Hogwarts South Exit

Field Guide Page
Spell Required: Accio

Location: From the Hogwarts South Exit Floo Flame, head back into the castle through the bridge. The Field Guide Page can be found flying near the Pendulum.

Hogsmeade Field Guide Page Locations

North Hogsmeade West Hogsmeade South Hogsmeade

North Hogsmeade

Jump to a Section!
Dogweed and Deathcap The Old Fool Brood and Peck
The Waterwheel Gladrags Wizardwear Madam Snelling's Tress Emporium
Hogsmeade Square Honeydukes Steepley and Sons

Dogweed and Deathcap

World View Map View
Spell Required: Accio
Location: Can be found circling the roof of Dogweed and Deathcap
Name: Dogweed and Deathcap Tree
Location: Inside Dogweed and Deathcap by the tree in North Hogsmeade

The Old Fool

Name: Abandoned Shop
Location: In front of The Old Fool in North Hogsmeade
Spell Required: Accio
Location: Can be found flying outside The Old Fool.

Brood and Peck

Name: Brood and Peck
Location: Inside Brood and Peck
Spell Required: Accio
Location: Can be found flying by the alley near Brood and Peck
Spell Required: Accio
Location: Can be found circling the bridge near Brood and Peck

The Waterwheel

Spell Required: Accio
Location: Can be found flying near the Waterwheel house.
Spell Required: Accio
Location: Can be found flying by the house near the cliff.
Spell Required: Accio
Location: Can be found flying above the water by the river dock near the bridge.

Gladrags Wizardwear

Name: Gladrags Wizardwear
Location: In front of Gladrags Wizardwear in Hogsmeade Square
Name: Gladrags Mannequin
Location: Inside Gladrags Wizardwear
Name: SneakoScope
Location: Inside Gladrags Wizardwear

Madam Snelling's Tress Emporium

Spell Required: Accio
Location: Can be found flying between Madam Snelling's Tress Emporium and the building beside it.
Name: Water Well
Location: By the well near Madam Snelling's Tress Emporium in Upper High Street

Hogsmeade Square

Name: Scrivenshaft Cats
Location: Beside the North Hogsmeade Floo Flame inside the blue house
Name: Hengist of Woodcroft
Location: Behind the North Hogsmeade Floo Flame by the tree


Name: Honeydukes
Location: found just in front of Honeydukes in North Hogsmeade
Name: Fizzing Whizzbees
Location: Found inside Honeydukes
Name: Exploding Bon Bons
Location: Inside Honeydukes in North Hogsmeade

Steepley and Sons

Spell Required: Accio
Location: Can be found flying near Steepley and Sons.
Name: Magical Mail
Location: Inside the post office beside Steeply and Sons in North Hogsmeade
Name: Tea Shop Decor
Location: Inside Steeply and Sons in North Hogsmeade

West Hogsmeade

Jump to a Section!
The Magic Neep J. Pippin's Potions Zonko's Joke Shop
Ollivander's Wand Shop Hog's Head -

The Magic Neep

World View Map View
Name: The Magic Neep Cart
Location: By the cart at The Magic Neep
Spell Required: Accio
Location: Can be found flying above The Magic Neep
Spell Required: Accio
Location: Can be found flying by the cliff at the western part of Hogsmeade.

J. Pippin's Potions

Name: J. Pippin's Potions
Location: Inside J. Pippin's Potions
Spell Required: Accio
Location: Can be found flying behind the house near the bridge.
Spell Required: Accio
Location: Can be found flying under the bridge to the west of Hogsmeade.

Zonko's Joke Shop

Name: Zonko's Joke Shop
Location: In front of Zonko's Joke Shop in South Hogsmeade
Name: Frog Spawn Soap
Location: Inside Zonko's Joke Shop
Name: Dungbomb
Location: Inside Zonko's Joke Shop 2nd floor
Name: Hogsmeade Community Garden
Location: In the middle of Zonko's Joke Shop and of West Hogsmeade Floo Flame

Ollivander's Wand Shop

Name: Ollivander's Wand Shop
Location: In front of Ollivander's in South Hogsmeade
Spell Required: Accio
Location: Take the stairs going down beside the West Hogsmeade Floo Flame, and you can find the Field Guide page floating to your left.

Hog's Head

Name: Mounted Hog's Head
Location: Inside Hog's Head behind the counter
Name: Hog's Head Docks
Location: Behind Hog's Head by the docks

South Hogsmeade

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The Three Broomsticks Spintwitches Sporting Needs Tomes and Scrolls

The Three Broomsticks

World View Map View
Spell Required: Accio
Location: Can be found flying by the staircase near The Three Broomsticks.
Name: The Three Broomsticks
Location: Inside The Three Broomsticks by the fireplace in South Hogsmeade
Name: Butterbeer Barrels
Location: Beside The Three Broomsticks by the barrels in South Hogsmeade
Name: Three Broomsticks Private Room
Location: At the top floor inside The Three Broomsticks behind a Level 1 locked door

Spintwitches Sporting Needs

Name: Spintwitches Sporting Needs
Location: Inside the broom shop in South Hogsmeade

Tomes and Scrolls

Spell Required: Accio
Location: Can be found floating near Tomes and Scrolls
Name: Enchanted Staircase
Location: Inside Tomes and Scrolls
Spell Required: Accio
Location: Interact with the book inside of Tomes and Scrolls to reveal a staircase leading to the second floor. You can find the Field Guide page on the second floor, by the chandelier.
Spell Required: Accio
Location: Can be found behind Tomes and Scrolls
Name: Ceridwen’s Precarious Cauldrons
Location: In front of the cauldrons directly across Tomes and Scrolls in South Hogsmeade
Spell Required: Accio
Location: Can be found flying near a well behind Cedriwen's Cauldron
Name: Hogsmeade
Location: Before entering Hogsmeade in South Hogsmeade
Spell Required: Accio
Location: Can be found flying by the entrance of the garden with the Pink Trees.

The Highlands Field Guide Pages

Jump to a Section!
North Ford Bog Hogsmeade Valley North Hogwarts Region
South Hogwarts Region Hogwarts Valley Feldcroft Region
South Sea Bog Coastal Cavern Cragcroftshire
Clagmar Coast - -

North Ford Bog

World View Map View
Name: Spider Sign
Location: Found near the Hamlet Shop by the short bridge
Name: Antique Horn
Location: East North Ford Bog - by a small dock in the swamp near the Battle Arena

Hogsmeade Valley

Name: Chocolate Frogs
Location: South of Hogsmeade, near a cliff
Name: Squib Cottage
Location: South of East Hogwarts Valley Floo flame by a house with pumpkins
Name: Runespoor Egg
Location: East at the very edge of the map inside a castle
Name: Pumpkin Fizz
Location: Found beside a house full of barrels at the north side of Upper Hogsfield.

North Hogwarts Region

Name: Alihosty Fudge
Location: Northeast of the Forbidden Forest Floo Flame by a cliff

South Hogwarts Region

Spell Required: Accio
Location: A flying Field Guide Page can be found at the very top of the owlery tower
Spell Required: Levioso
Location: A statue with Field Guide Page can be found at the very top of the owlery tower
Name: Groundskeeper's Tool
Location: North of Lower Hogsfield inside a house
This Collectible counts under Hogwarts' Collection, but since this is found outside Hogwarts, it would be appropriate to include this Collectible under South Hogwarts Region.
Name: Hogsmeade Station Ticket Office
Location: North of Aranshire, past the railroad bridge
Name: Spider Parts
Location: Beside the Hamlet Shop in Aranshire
Name: Hogwarts Owls
Location: South of the Flying Class Lawn Floo Flame towards the large tower
This Collectible counts under Hogwarts' Collection, but since this is found outside Hogwarts, it would be appropriate to include this Collectible under South Hogwarts Region
Name: Caged Bathtub
Location: Inside one of the castle ramparts next to the Beasts Classroom.
This Collectible counts under Hogwarts' Collection, but since this is found outside Hogwarts, it would be appropriate to include this Collectible under South Hogwarts Region
Name: Quidditch Pitch
Location: South of the Quidditch Pitch by a rocky ledge
This Collectible counts under Hogwarts' Collection, but since this is found outside Hogwarts, it would be appropriate to include this Collectible under South Hogwarts Region

Hogwarts Valley

Name: Murtlap Tentacles
Location: West of Central Hogwarts Valley floo flame by the river
Name: Hebridead Black Scale
Location: West of Central Hogwarts Valley Floo Flame by a small camp
Name: Enchanted Scarecrow
Location: Found inside a small farm between two houses, near Brocburrow
Name: Lace Doily
Location: West of Keenbridge behind an abandoned building in front of a tree
Name: Doxy Egg
Location: Northwest of Northern South Sea Bog Floo Flame inside a Small Bandit Camp
Name: Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder
Location: On top of a mountain next to a bandit camp near West Hogwarts Valley
Name: Ginger Root
Location: Found right next to the Keenbridge Floo Flame by the counter.
Name: The Tilted House
Location: Found across the Keenbridge Floo Flame infront of a large house with trees behind it.
Name: Beehives
Location: Found behind the house next to the Keenbridge Floo Flame by the small farm

Feldcroft Region

Name: Jewelled Brooch
Location: East of Irondale by a windmill
Name: Cinnamon Bark
Location: In an underground cave inside some bandit camps in Feldcroft Catacomb
Name: Lovage Bouquet
Location: In-between a gorge just south of Feldcroft
Name: The Feldcroft Well
Location: At the center of Feldcroft by the well
Name: Practice Dummies
Location: East of Feldcroft by the training dummies
Name: Broken Binoculars
Location: In a small tower by the Hamlet Shop just northeast of Rookwood Castle

South Sea Bog

Name: Abandoned Bothy
Location: In front of an old house in the middle of the swamp

Coastal Cavern

Name: Antique Compass
Location: North Poidsear Coast - found just beside the Floo Flame


Name: Giant Shade Tree
Location: In the middle of Cragcroft by the tree
Name: Dragon Skeleton
Location: South of Cragcroft by the shore among some fossils

Clagmar Coast

Name: Acromantula Venom
Location: Inside a bandit camp by a cliff
Name: Pungus Onion Bulb
Location: Between a gorge inside a small broken hut

How to Find Field Guide Pages?

Use Revelio on a Hidden Page

Hogwarts Legacy - Hidden Field Guide Page

As you roam the game and come across points of interest, a translucent quill and parchment will sometimes appear near objects. Casting Revelio near them will reveal a Field Guide Page, which you can then collect and add to your Wizard's Field Guide.

You can also use other spells to retrieve pages like Accio!

Listen for Chime Sounds

When casting Revelio, a chime sound can be heard if there is a Revelio Page nearby.

You can also turn on Audio Visualiser under Accessibility Options to see where the chime is coming from!

Revelio Effects and How to Get

View Collected Pages in the Field Guide

Hogwarts Legacy - Field Guide Challenges

Collecting Field Guide Pages can be viewed in the Wizard's Field Guide under the Challenges tab. You can track your page collection progress from this section and obtain rewards, as well as your overall progress on all collectibles.

What is the Wizard's Field Guide?

Field Guide Challenges and Rewards

Hogsmeade Completed 2
Zonko Zonko's Chief Prankster Spectacles
Zonko Zonko's Chief Prankster Hat
Zonko Zonko's Chief Prankster Coat
Zonko Zonko's Chief Prankster Ensemble
Hogwarts Completed 2
Hogwarts Regalia Spectacles Hogwarts Regalia Spectacles
Hogwarts Regalia Gloves Hogwarts Regalia Gloves
Hogwarts Regalia Hat Hogwarts Regalia Hat
Hogwarts Regalia Ensemble Hogwarts Regalia Ensemble
Hogwarts Regalia Robe Hogwarts Regalia Robe
Highlands Completed 2
Highland Explorer Cap Highland Explorer Cap
Highland Explorer Garb Highland Explorer Garb
Highland Explorer Cloak Highland Explorer Cloak
Highland Explorer Gloves Highland Explorer Gloves

List of Challenges and Rewards

What are Field Guide Pages?

Collectibles That Provide Lore

Hogwarts Legacy - Hufflepuff Barrels page

Other than giving you XP upon collection, Field Guide Pages also tells you more about the points of interest in the game—similar to lore pages. Finding these pages and the knowledge they hold help you catch up with your fellow fifth-year students and learn more about the wizarding world!

There are 286 of them in the game, so you'll have plenty of chances to learn some new lore as you progress through the story!

Story and Plot Summary | Goblin Rebellion Explained

Hogwarts Legacy Related Guides

Hogwarts Legacy - Tips and Tricks

Tips & Tricks

Early Game Guides

All Early Game Guides
Character Creation Guide How to Level Up Fast
Best Common Room How to Link Fan Account
Room of Requirement Guide List of Companions
List of Classes How to Open Eyeball Chests
How to Use Moonstones List of Traits and How to Upgrade Gear
List of Shops and Locations How to Get a Broom
House Sorting Ceremony Guide What to Buy First?

Game Mechanics Guides

All Game Mechanics Guides
Combat Guide: How to Fight Dark Arts Battle Arena Guide
What are Ancient Magic Spells? List of DLC and In-Game Purchases
Missables and One-Time Events Guide What is the Wizard's Field Guide?
How to Identify Gear Can you Respec? How to Undo Talent Points
How to Skip Time How to Fix No More Missions Available Bug
How to Get More Spell Slots Best Spells to Use
Stealth Guide: How to Avoid Getting Caught Battle Arenas
Do Offspring Grow Up? Can You Store Gear?
How to Heal Broom Race Challenge List
How to Breed Beasts What is the Max Talent Points?
How to Upgrade Gear All Seasons Differences
What Does the Beast Toybox Do Can You Get All Legendary Gear?
Can You Fast Travel to Your Common Room? All Gear Types: What Do Gear Colors Mean?
Disillusionment Spell vs Invisibility Potion Differences List of Chest Types
Do Traits Stack? Can You Increase the Vivarium Species Limit?
Can You Get a Fourth Flying Mount? How to Get Large Pots
How to Curse Enemies How to Levitate a Goblin
What to Do When Gear Slots are Full Where to Sell Beasts
How to Use Potions How to Distract Enemies and People

Tier Lists

All Tier Lists
Best Wizard and Witch Names Best Wand Cores
Best Optional Quests Best Custom Character Designs
Best Talents Best Potions
Best Gear Best Traits
Best Recipes and Room of Requirement Conjurations Best Brooms
Best Spell Loadouts and Combos

Story Guides

All Story Guides
How to Find Jackdaw's Head in the Pumpkins Should You Choose Natty or Sebastian to Go to Hogsmeade?
List of House Specific Quests How to Get the Chest in the Antechamber
Should You Tell Sebastian the Truth? Who Should Cast Crucio?
Should Sebastian Take the Relic? Should You Side with Ominis or Sebastian?
Should You Turn In Sebastian? Should You Free Penny?
How to Get All Endings Endings Explained
Should You Kneel or Attack the Graphorn? Is Professor Fig Evil?
Can You Save Sebastian's Sister Anne from Her Curse? Where to Find the Boiler Door
Prepare for Your O.W.L.S How to Enter the Ruins

Dueling Feats

All Dueling Feats Guides
What are Dueling Feats? How to Keep 2 Enemies Airborne
How to Flip a Troll's Club How to Steal a Ranger's Crossbow Bolt
How to Levitate a Dugbog How to Flip a Dugbog Waiting to Sneak Attack
How to Slice a Dangling Dugbog How to Flip a Dugbog Onto its Back
How to Hit a Troll With Its Own Boulder How to Launch an Enemy Into an Object
How to Disarm an Ashwinder Before Lightning Spell How to Interrupt a Charging Mongrel with Depulso
How to Freeze a Poacher While Readying Their Attack How to Launch a Burning Enemy into Another Enemy with Depulso
How to Bury a Spider's Head Into the Ground How to Slow a Poacher After Their Blast Attack
How to Summon 2 Enemies Simultaneously How to Destroy the Orb as It Is Charging Up
How to Catch and Throw a Disarmed Weapon How to Ignite a Shooter as it Prepares to Attack
How to Hit a Flaming Spider to Blow it Up -

Settings Guides

All Settings Guides
PS5 DualSense Feature Guide Difficulty Settings: How to Change Difficulty?
How to Change Language Options How to Change Your Location to New Zealand Time
Accessibility and Language Options Guide Best Settings
All Controls Immersion Mode Guide: Best Settings for Immersive Gameplay

Other Guides

All Other Guides
Floo Flame Locations and How to Fast Travel All Field Guide Page Locations
Hogwarts House Quiz How to Unlock Alohomora Puzzle Minigame
List of Game Terms How to Fast Travel to Map Chamber and Room of Requirement
How to Get Elder Wand What is the Max Level?
Game Length: How Long is Hogwarts Legacy? How to Make Harry Potter in the Character Creator
How to Change Clothing Appearance: Transmog Guide How to Claim Pre-Order Bonuses
All Twitch Drops and How to Claim Them Is There a Ravenclaw Companion?
How to Increase Inventory Space Are There Dragon Mounts?
Gold Farming Guide Goblin Camp Merlin Trial Walkthrough
List of Challenges and Rewards Can You Enter Other Houses Common Rooms?
Bandit Camp Locations How to Get Shiny Beasts
How to Reach Poidsear Coast: Coasting Along Trophy Guide Post-Game Content and 100% Guide
New Game Plus Guide List of Infamous Foes and Locations
The Absconder Infamous Foe Can You Complete Quests After Finishing the Game?
How to Buy Limited Edition Controller Spilled Milk: Where to Find Cows
List of Wanderer Shops and Locations How to Get a 100 Combo: Raising Expectations Guide
Room With a View: How to Reach the Highest Point in the Castle Should You Tip the Musician?
Where is Dervish and Banges? Respawn Timer: Do Enemies and Chests Respawn?
Wingardium Leviosa vs Levioso List of All Bugs and Glitches and How to Fix Them
How to Rescue Biscuit Bug Fix How to Enter the Werewolf Tapestry Room
How to Get Past Moving Floors How to Stop Accio
What to Do When Missing One Side Quest List of Hamlet Locations
Arn Merchant Shop Location How to Visit Azkaban
Exploration Challenges and Rewards How to Get The Collection Chest in the Gilded Perch
Combat Challenges and Rewards Quests Challenges and Rewards
Field Guide Pages Challenges and Rewards How to Climb the Battlements
Is There a Depulso Puzzle Room 3? Room of Requirement Challenges and Rewards
Henrietta's Map Location and How to Use List of Treasure Map Quests and Locations
How to Climb the Ladder at the South Hogsfield Ancient Magic Spot How to Find Falbarton Castle
Who Published the Law of Elemental Transfiguration? What Do Grass Dragon Bushes Do?
Mysterious Map Fragment Location and How to Use Map With Floating Candles Location and How to Use
Musical Map Location and How to Use Rowland Oakes' Map Location and How to Use
Arthur's Map Location and How to Use -


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