Hogwarts Legacy

Mer-Ky Depths Side Quest Walkthrough

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Mer-Ky Depths is one of the side quests in Hogwarts Legacy. Read on to see a detailed walkthrough, rewards, location, and tips on how to unlock and how to complete this side quest!

Mer-Ky Depths Overview

General Info

Mer-Ky Depths
Quest Giver Nerida Roberts
Description Nerida Roberts is sitting on the docks by the Hogwarts boathouse. I should go speak with her.

Mer-Ky Depths Rewards

Completion Rewards
180 XP, Mermaid Liaison Uniform

How to Unlock Mer-Ky Depths and Location

Complete Percival Rackham's Trial

To unlock the Mer-Ky Depths side quest, you first need to complete the main quest Percival Rackham's Trial.

Percival Rackham's Trial Quest Walkthrough


Map View World View

Hogwarts Castle


Mer-Ky Depths Walkthrough

1 Talk to Nerida Roberts.
Nerida Roberts is sitting right in front of the Boathouse Floo Flame fast travel point.
2 Find the Leaky Caves.
Use your broom and head west. Interact with the whirlpool marked on the water to Dive.
3 Find and collect the Mermish artefact.
There are 3 moth stands in the room you emerge in (2 behind cobwebs). Burn the cobwebs away with Incendio and get the moth with Lumos. Bring all 3 moths to the moth door east. Search the chest inside the room.
4 Return to Nerida.
Dive back in the water you emerged from, then fly back to Nerida. Talk to her to complete the quest.

Mer-Ky Depths Tips and Strategies

No Difference if You Give or Keep the Gift

Choice Result
Happy to have helped. Enjoy your gift. You complete the quest and receive a Mermaid Liaison Uniform.
I've decided to keep the gift. You complete the quest and receive a Mermaid Liaison Uniform.

There's no gameplay difference in the outcome if you choose to keep the gift or not. If you decide to keep it, Nerida simply gets upset with you then storms off.

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