Hogwarts Legacy

The Final Repository Quest Walkthrough

The Final Repository is the final main quest in Hogwarts Legacy's story. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, list of rewards, and tips on how to complete The Final Repository!

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The Final Repository Overview

How to Unlock

The Final Repository unlocks after completing Wand Mastery. You must reach level 24 to accept the quest.

After completing the pre-requisites, talk to Professor Fig at the Map Chamber to start the final main quest.

Quest Information

The Final Repository
Quest Type Main Quest
Requirement(s) Reach level 24 and complete Wand Mastery
Description Mr. Ollivander fashioned a wand from the Keepers' artefacts. Now to return with it to the Map Chamber.

The Final Repository Walkthrough

Quest Objectives

1 Enter the Keepers' Caverns
2 Make your way to the Repository
3 Stop the goblin Loyalists
4 Reach the Repository before Ranrok
5 Defeat the Loyalists and their Trolls
6 Find a path through
7 Reach the Repository before Ranrok → Defeat Ranrok's Loyalists
8 Defeat Ranrok

1. Enter the Keepers' Caverns

Hogwarts Legacy - enter the Keepers

Go down the stairs and enter through the door at the center of the chamber.

2. Make Your Way to the Repository

Hogwarts Legacy - make your way to the Repository

Walk with Professor Fig to the Repository. A short scene will occur as you pass through the door where a goblin drill breaks through.

3. Stop the Goblin Loyalists

Hogwarts Legacy - stop the goblin loyalists

Follow the path to your right until you reach the drill and the goblins. You can sneak behind the first goblins you see and take them out with Petrificus Totalus before enemy reinforcements arrive.

4. Reach the Repository Before Ranrok

Wait for Professor Fig to move the drill out of the way then press onward.

5. Defeat the Loyalists and Their Trolls

Hogwarts Legacy - defeat the loyalists and their trolls

Past the stone slab is another goblin fight, but with two Fortified Trolls added into the mix. Take these two out as soon as possible with Ancient Magic and Damage Spells.

You can also use Ancient Magic Throw on the boulders they throw at you, as well as the bolts from Loyalist Rangers, to deal decent damage.

6. Find a Path Through

Hogwarts Legacy - find a path through

After the fight, approach the cracked wall west of the room and wait for Professor Fig to blast it. Follow the tunnel, while picking up the Wiggenweld Potions you find lying on the ground, until you run into another fight with goblins.

7. Reach the Repository Before Ranrok and Defeat His Loyalists

Hogwarts Legacy - reach the Repository before Ranrok

Pass through the hole Professor Fig blasted for a cutscene with the other professors. Once you're back in control, follow Professor Fig to the next marker and the final mob fight of the quest.

This area is much smaller than in the previous fight, so keep an eye especially on where the trolls are attacking from, as their wide-ranged attacks can hit you even when you're not the target.

Keep the Repository Contained or Open It?

Once you reach the Repository with Fig, you will be asked a question that will determine the type of ending that you will get.

The answer that you will pick in this choice event will determine the ending that you will get. If you choose to keep the Repository contained, you will get the Normal Ending. Otherwise, your character will open the Repository and you will see the Evil Ending.

Choice Result
I intend to keep it contained here. Normal Ending
I intend to open it. Evil Ending

How to Get All Endings

8. Defeat Ranrok

Hogwarts Legacy - Ranrok

Before you enter the arena, equip at least one Control, Force, and Damage Spell first so you can destroy Ranrok's orbs using a Spell that matches their color. Ranrok will be immune to all damage while his shield is up.

Hogwarts Legacy - Ranrok throwable attack

Ranrok has attacks that can be blocked with Protego, but he also has attacks that should be dodged. One of his unblockable attacks can also be thrown back at him using Ancient Magic Throw.

Hogwarts Legacy - Ranrok second phase

Ranrok will move to another area each time you deplete a quarter of his health bar. This will also cause him to summon an additional orb on the next phase that you need to destroy with the right Spell type to make Ranrok vulnerable.

Hogwarts Legacy - using Swift against Ranrok

Especially for the fourth phase, we recommend having Swift from the Core Talent Tree unlocked so you can quickly move towards the orbs and break them with your Spells. This Talent will also be useful for dodging Ranrok's rush attack.

Ranrok Dragon Boss Fight Guide

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32 The High Keep 33 Back on the Path
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40 The Polyjuice Plot 41 Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial
42 Professor Howin's Assignment 43 In the Shadow of the Mountain
44 Lodgok's Loyalty 45 San Bakar's Trial
46 Wand Mastery 47 The Final Repository

List of Assignments

All Assignments in Hogwarts Legacy
Professor Hecat's Assignment 2 Professor Ronen's Assignment Professor Hecat's Assignment 1
Professor Garlick's Assignment 1 Professor Weasley's Assignment Professor Howin's Assignment
Madam Kogawa's Assignment 1 Professor Garlick's Assignment 2 Professor Sharp's Assignment 1
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List of Assignments


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