Hogwarts Legacy

Sweeping the Competition Side Quest Walkthrough

Hogwarts Legacy Sweeping the Competition

Sweeping the Competition is one of the side quests in Hogwarts Legacy. Read on to see a detailed walkthrough, rewards, location, and tips on how to unlock and how to complete this side quest!

Sweeping the Competition Overview

General Info

Sweeping the Competition
Quest Giver Albie Weekes
Description Look into a new broom enhancement with Albie Weekes in Spintwitches Sporting Needs.

Sweeping the Competition Rewards

Completion Rewards
180 XP, Broom Upgrade

How to Unlock Sweeping the Competition and Location

Complete Flight Test First

Sweeping the Competition Unlock Conditions
1 Flying Class (Main Quest)
2 Flight Test (Side Quest)
3 Percival Rackham's Trial (Main Quest)

To unlock Sweeping the Competition, you need to complete the previous quests in the Broom Trials questline listed above. Additionally, although not part of the Broom Trials questline, you also have to complete Percival Rackham's Trial before this quest unlocks.

Broom Race Challenge List


Map View World View



Sweeping the Competition Walkthrough

1 Purchase a broom enhancement from Albie Weekes.
The Broom Upgrade costs 1,000 Gold at Spintwitches. Only go to the store once you have enough funds or if you have items to sell to acquire the funds.
▶︎ Gold Farming Guide: How to Earn Gold Fast
2 Speak with Imelda Reyes.
Imelda Reyes is on a mountain with other students north of Irondale. Talk with her and begin the Broom Race Challenge.
3 Place in the Hogwarts South Broom Trial.
To win, you need to finish in under 2 minutes and 26 seconds.
▶︎ Broom Race Challenge List
4 Return to Albie Weekes.
Head back to Albie Weekes in Spintwitches and talk with him to end the quest.

Sweeping the Competition Tips and Strategies

Don't Miss the Rings

Make sure to fly through the rings in order to avoid getting a 3-second penalty for every missed ring at the end of the trial.

Get a Boost Through the Yellow Bubbles

For the most part, the Hogwarts South Broom Trial is made up of straightforward paths that allow you to boost through the yellow bubbles easily, without running the risk of missing the main ring.

Still, if you think you'll just miss the ring due to the speed boost gained, it's best to avoid them.

Toggle Flight Speed to Focus on Maneuvering the Broom

Hogwarts Legacy - Toggle Flight Speed to Focus on Maneuvering the Broom

The Hogwarts South Broom Trial has a couple tight angles where you'll have to quickly change both height and direction. This helps you focus on maneuvering the broom as you fly through the rings.

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