Hogwarts Legacy

All Moth Mirror Puzzle Locations and Solutions

Learn the locations and directions to every Moth Mirror Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy. Learn how to solve Moth Mirror Puzzles, as well as the rewards you can get with our Moth Mirror Puzzle guide!

All Hogwarts Moth Mirror Puzzle Locations

The Astronomy Wing The Bell Tower Wing The Grand Staircase
The Great Hall The Library Annex The South Wing

The Astronomy Wing

The Astronomy Wing Moth Mirror Puzzle 1

Frame Location Moth Location
Map View

Directions: The empty painting can be found south of the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower Floo Flame. From the painting, go up one floor, and head to Professor Fig's Classroom. The moth can be found just beside the Professor Fig's Classroom Floo Flame.

The Astronomy Wing Moth Mirror Puzzle 2

Frame Location Moth Location
Map View

Required Spell: Lumos
Directions: From the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, enter the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower, then take the stairs towards the west to go up one level. Turn right once more through the door and there should be an empty painting in the Pungent Passage. The moth can then be retrieved when you continue through the passage until you arrive at the West Tower. The moth is resting on a painting of a centaur with a bow and arrow.

The Astronomy Wing Moth Mirror Puzzle 3

Frame Location Moth Location
Map View

Required Spell: Lumos
Directions: From the Astronomy Tower Floo Flame, go up one floor to find the empty painting. Continue going up the stair, and retrieve the moth on a blackboard located at the very top of the Astronomy Tower.

The Bell Tower Wing

The Bell Tower Wing Moth Mirror Puzzle 1

Frame Location Moth Location
Map View

Required Spell: Lumos
Directions: You can find the empty painting through a locked door inside a small garage beside the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame. You can then retrieve the moth when you exit the garage and head East towards the side of a nearby battlement.

The Bell Tower Wing Moth Mirror Puzzle 2

Frame Location Moth Location
Map View

Required Spell: Lumos
Directions: From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, go up the stairs on the left, through the door and up the stairs again, you can find an empty painting by the staircase just outside the History of Magic classroom. You can then retrieve the moth through the locked door at the back of the History of Magic classroom. The moth can found resting on a large vase

The Grand Staircase

The Grand Staircase Moth Mirror Puzzle 1

Frame Location Moth Location
Map View

Required Spell: Lumos
Directions: From the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame, head down the spiral staircase and you will see an empty painting at the bottom. You can then retrieve the moth when you go back up the spiral staircase and find it along the paintings on the wall.

The Grand Staircase Moth Mirror Puzzle 2

Frame Location Moth Location
Map View

Required Spell: Lumos
Directions: From the Trophy Room Floo Flame, go to the very top of the staircase. Inside the room, you will see the empty painting. To retrieve the moth, you must go down the staircase and look for the moth on a wooden arch.

The Great Hall

The Great Hall Moth Mirror Puzzle 1

Frame Location Moth Location
Map View

Required Spell: Lumos
Directions: From the Great Hall Floo Flame, take the north exit and just outside, you will see the blank painting. You can retrieve the moth from behind the headmaster's seat at the High Table.

The Great Hall Moth Mirror Puzzle 2

Frame Location Moth Location
Map View

Required Spell: Lumos
Directions: From the Viaduct Courtyard Floo Flame, walk down the steps and make your way to the northeastern side of the courtyard, and just past the statue of a werewolf, you can find the blank painting. You can then retrieve the moth when you go up the stairs and go to the right side corner outside Entrance Hall.

The Great Hall Moth Mirror Puzzle 3

Frame Location Moth Location
Map View

Required Spell: Lumos
Directions: From the Great Hall Floo Flame, take the north exit and go through two more doors until you reach the Entrance Hall. From here, go down and head to the western door near the Entrance Hall exit and make your way down the spiral staircase, then turn right, and go down the steps again then turn left to find the empty painting. You can retrieve the moth by going back to the opposite side of the hall and using Lumos on the moth on a wall beside a lighted sconce.

The Library Annex

The Library Annex Moth Mirror Puzzle 1

Frame Location Moth Location
Map View

Required Spell: Lumos
Directions: From the Potions Classroom Floo Flame, head through the door and go down the stairs on the left until you reach a locked door. Once you get through by using Alohomora, you can find the empty painting down the hall. You can retrieve the moth by continuing to go down the hall until you see statue of a troll, with the moth resting on top of it.

The Library Annex Moth Mirror Puzzle 2

Frame Location Moth Location
Map View

Required Spell: Lumos
Directions: Go up the closest stairs from the Library Floo Flame, and head towards the southeast corner of the room to find the empty painting. You can then retrieve the moth on a podium beside the staircase where you came from.

The Library Annex Moth Mirror Puzzle 3

Frame Location Moth Location
Map View

Required Spell: Lumos
Directions: The empty painting should be near the Central Hall Fountain. Head down the south side stairs and you should be able to find the moth beside the stairs.
This puzzle is included in the quest Like a Moth to a Frame.

South Wing

South Wing Moth Mirror Puzzle 1

Frame Location Moth Location
Map View

Required Spell: Lumos
Directions: From the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, the empty painting can be found inside a locked room by the entrance of the Clock Tower. You can retrieve the moth from a pillar at the western corner of the Clock Tower Courtyard.

South Wing Moth Mirror Puzzle 2

Frame Location Moth Location
Map View

Required Spell: Lumos
Directions: Beside the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, there is a door that leads to a bridge. Go to the other side and you can open a secret door at the Map of Argyllshire by casting Depulso on the button above it. Inside, you can find an empty painting. You can get the moth from a restroom when you take a left after exiting the secret door.

All Hogsmeade Moth Mirror Puzzle Locations

Hogsmeade Village

Hogsmeade Moth Mirror Puzzle 1

Frame Location Moth Location
Map View

Required Spell: Lumos
Directions: Southwest of Hogsmeade - From the West Hogsmeade Floo Flame, go down south and you can find the empty painting behind a house. Head over to Hog's Head, and to the north of the entrance, there is an alley with crates and barrels. Retrieve the moth from here and bring it back to the painting to receive the Field Guide Page.

Hogsmeade Moth Mirror Puzzle 2

Frame Location Moth Location
Map View

Required Spell: Lumos
Directions: Head east of the South Hogsmeade Floo Flame, and find the empty painting behind Bingle & Blatch. Retrieve the moth behind the building opposite Bingle & Blatch and return it to the painting to obtain the Field Guide Page.

Hogsmeade Moth Mirror Puzzle 3

Frame Location Moth Location
Map View

Required Spell: Lumos
Directions: There is an empty painting located inside the waterwheel house when you head up north from the North Hogsmeade Floo Flame. You can then retrieve the moth from a lamp post by a house nearby.

Hogsmeade Moth Mirror Puzzle 4

Frame Location Moth Location
Map View

Required Spell: Lumos
Directions: From the North Hogsmeade Floo Flame, go up north past the bridge. Inside Dogweed and Deathcap, you can find an empty painting; you can retrieve the moth from the chimney of the building outside.

Hogsmeade Moth Mirror Puzzle 5

Frame Location Moth Location
Map View

Required Spell: Lumos
Directions: From the North Hogsmeade Floo Flame, head northwest past the bridge. Inside The Old Fool, there is an empty painting. You can retrieve the moth on top of a box just behind the building.

Moth Mirror Puzzle Rewards

Field Guide Pages

Field Guide Page

Successfully guiding the Moth to its designated frame will reward you with a Field Guide Page, which you can find in your Wizard's Field Guide under the Challenges tab.

Field Guide Pages Locations

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1 Anonymousabout 2 years

This guide is one of the worst I’ve seen yet, your wording is off, your direction is not clear, you stated to “go up a spiral staircase” in an area you could only go down. I would do some revision.


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