Hogwarts Legacy

House Slytherin Guide

Hogwarts Legacy - Slytherin House
Slytherin is one of the Houses in Hogwarts Legacy that you can join! Read on to learn all about Slytherin history, companions, how to choose Slytherin in the Sorting Ceremony, and why you should choose it!

How to Choose Slytherin in Hogwarts Legacy?

Take the Quiz

Hogwarts Legacy - Linked Account House and Wand
Prior to the release of Hogwarts Legacy, aspiring Witches and Wizards can link their Wizarding World accounts to gain access to their house and wand.

For the unsorted, you can take the quiz at Wizarding World to sort you into a house!

How to Link Your Harry Potter Fan Account and List of Rewards

Choose During the Sorting Ceremony

Hogwarts Legacy - Sorting Ceremony

Hogwarts Legacy allows players to choose their Hogwarts House at the beginning of the game. This means you can be a Slytherin without linking your Wizarding World account!

Can You Choose Your Own House?

Slytherin House in Hogwarts Legacy

Slytherin Common Room

Hogwarts Legacy - Slytherin Common Room
The Slytherin Common Room is famous for being the only Common Room that has a view of the Black Lake. In fact, you can see into the water of the lake and maybe even catch a glance of the Giant Squid!

Regal and cold, this Common Room simply exudes a refined air that most Slytherins carry. Not only that it also boasts some interesting decor which is sure to hold many secrets!
Slytherin Common Room

Slytherin Companion

Sebastian Sallow

Sebastian Sallow, a charismatic and mysterious Slytherin will be one of your companions! He's looking for a cure for his sister, even if it means delving in to the Dark Arts.

Sebastian Sallow Character Profile and Story Role

Slytherin Uniform

Hogwarts Legacy - Slytherin Uniform
The Slytherin uniform shows the iconic Snake in green and silver! Being a part of the Slytherin House means that this is the uniform you will be given!

Why Choose Slytherin?

Slytherin Theme

Hogwarts Legacy - Slytherin
Founded by Salazar Slytherin, the Slytherin house has always been the place for the cunning, proud, and ambitious. While Slytherins have a reputation for being the house that produces dark wizards and witches, not all Slytherins have a bad rep!

They're represented by a snake in the colors of green and silver, representing their often sneaky and intelligent personalities.

Can You Be Evil?

Famous Slytherins

Salazar Slytherin

Salazar Slytherin is the founder of the house, and the man it was named after! He was a bit of a pure-blood purist, but encouraged ambition in his students.

He could also speak Parseltongue like Harry Potter and Voldemort, which is why the symbol of Slytherin is the serpent!

Is the Chamber of Secrets in the Game?


Even Merlin himself was a Slytherin! This powerful wizard played a big role in Wizard history and could even play a role in Hogwarts Legacy.

Phineas Nigellus Black

Phineas Black is the Headmaster of Hogwarts in Hogwarts Legacy, with a less then stellar reputation. You'll get to know him more during your time at Hogwarts!

Headmaster Phineas Nigellus Black (Simon Pegg) Character Profile

The Bloody Baron

The Bloody Baron is not only the House ghost of Slytherin, he is also a scary spectre that even scares the likes of Peeves!

Draco Malfoy

Draco Malfoy was Harry Potter's nemesis during his time at Hogwarts, but he has shown that even the Slytherins born of bad families can change for the better!

Severus Snape

Severus Snape was a Potions teacher during Harry's time in Hogwarts and at one point, Headmaster of the school. He was a sneaky Slytherin through and through, who eventually helped Harry defeat Voldemort.

Tom Riddle or Lord Voldemort

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was a Slytherin when he went by Tom Riddle in Hogwarts. A dark wizard who terrorized a generation before he was defeated by Harry Potter, he represents the darkest of wizards from this house.

Does Choosing Slytherin Affect Gameplay?

Access to House Specific Quests

Hogwarts Legacy - Richard Jackdaw

At some point in the main story quest, you will be tasked to find missing pages of the certain book related to a character named Richard Jackdaw. The quest will branch off into four different narratives, depending on the House you choose.

If you are in House Slytherin, you will have access to the Scrope's Last Hope main story quest.

List of House Specific Quests

Can Only Enter Slytherin Common Room

You will only be able to enter the Slytherin Common Room if you were sorted into this House. The entrance of the other common rooms are present in Hogwarts Castle but you cannot enter inside.

Can You Enter Other Houses Common Rooms?

Can Only Wear the Uniform of Your Chosen House

Hogwarts Legacy - House Robes

Players can only wear the uniforms of their chosen Hogwarts House. This means that most of the House-related gear you can obtain will have a green and silver color representing House Slytherin.

List of Gear (Clothing)

Does Not Affect the Option to Learn the Dark Arts

Although those sorted in Slytherin have an affinity for the Dark Arts, you have the option to learn Unforgivable Curses in the course of Sebastian's questline regardless of the House you choose.

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