Hogwarts Legacy

In the Shadow of the Estate Quest Walkthrough

In the Shadow of the Estate is a main quest in the Sebastian Sallow questline of Hogwarts Legacy. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, list of rewards, and tips on how to complete In the Shadow of the Estate!

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In the Shadow of the Estate Overview

How to Unlock

The In the Shadow of the Estate quest is part of the Search for the Final Keeper series of tasks that includes main quests like The Helm of Urtkot, Beasts Class, and The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament. The task that triggers In the Shadow of the Estate is listed as Meet Sebastian in Feldcroft.

You must also reach level 15 first before you can start the quest.

Quest Information

In the Shadow of the Estate
Quest Type Main Quest
Quest Giver Sebastian Sallow
Requirement(s) Complete The Helm of Urtkot, Beasts Class, and The Caretaker's Lunar Lament
Description I promised Sebastian I would meet him in Feldcroft. He hopes meeting a new student will bring some cheer to his sister Anne. But there's something ominous happening in Feldcroft.

In the Shadow of the Estate Walkthrough

Quest Objectives

1 Meet Sebastian in Feldcroft.
Sebastian is up on a tower north of the Feldcroft Floo Flame fast travel point.
2 Follow Sebastian.
You'll walk for a bit to Sebastian's home.
3 Enter the Sallow home.
Interact with the door to trigger a cutscene.
4 Speak with Anne and Solomon.
Solomon is standing right outside the house, while Anne is found back inside the house.
5 Talk to Sebastian.
Sebastian is found at the crossroads a bit southeast of the house.
6 Follow Sebastian.
Follow Sebastian east until you encounter a pack of goblins.
7 Defend Feldcroft.
Defeat all the goblins and their Loyalist Commander.
Using the Ancient Magic Throw
8 Follow Sebastian.
Sebastian will head into the excavation site.
9 Speak with Sebastian.
10 Search the estate for clues.
Drop down west and investigate the pickax. Head more west and Investigate the shield and spear. Head east of Sebastian and investigate the furnace. Next, investigate the well, the shield, and the ground on the westside cliff. Finally, investigate the painting inside the ruined house.
11 Talk to Sebastian.
12 Search the estate for clues.
Use a magic spell to break up the pile of stones on the left. Crawl through and head down the stairs.
13 Explore the cellar.
Use Lumos to avoid getting damaged by the Devil's Snare vines. Destroy the boxes by the bookshelves on the east side of the room. Approach the crystallised stone at the corner of the room.
14 Speak to Sebastian.
15 Enter the Undercroft.
Enter the passageway at the corner of the room.
16 Examine the note.
Intereact with the Rune Diagram in the triptych.
17 Show the note to Sebastian.
Speak to Sebastian to complete the quest.

Use Ancient Magic to Dispatch the Goblins

Hogwarts Legacy - using Ancient Magic Throw

To defeat the goblins quicker, use Ancient Magic to throw nearby objects at them. This deals more damage than basic attacks. Sometimes, the goblins will throw explosive barrels at you, so you can throw the barrels back at them for even more damage.

Ancient Magic Throw Effects and How to Get

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3 Charms Class 4 Defence Against the Dark Arts Class
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20 The Room of Requirement 21 In the Shadow of the Undercroft
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24 Beasts Class 25 The Caretaker's Lunar Lament
26 Professor Sharp's Assignment 1 27 The Helm of Urtkot
28 In the Shadow of the Estate 29 The Elf, the Nab-Sack, and the Loom
30 Astronomy Class 31 Professor Garlick's Assignment 1
32 The High Keep 33 Back on the Path
34 Charles Rookwood's Trial 35 Fire and Vice
36 Professor Weasley's Assignment 37 In the Shadow of the Mine
38 It's All Gobbledegook 39 The Headmistress Speaks
40 The Polyjuice Plot 41 Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial
42 Professor Howin's Assignment 43 In the Shadow of the Mountain
44 Lodgok's Loyalty 45 San Bakar's Trial
46 Wand Mastery 47 The Final Repository

List of Assignments

All Assignments in Hogwarts Legacy
Professor Hecat's Assignment 2 Professor Ronen's Assignment Professor Hecat's Assignment 1
Professor Garlick's Assignment 1 Professor Weasley's Assignment Professor Howin's Assignment
Madam Kogawa's Assignment 1 Professor Garlick's Assignment 2 Professor Sharp's Assignment 1
Professor Sharp's Assignment 2 Professor Onai's Assignment Madam Kogawa's Assignment 2

List of Assignments


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