Hogwarts Legacy

First Impressions and Previews

Hogwarts Legacy - First Impressions
There is much to take in with Hogwarts Legacy and a multitude of things to explore! Read on to learn more about our first impressions and previews of the game!

All First Impressions from Previews of Hogwarts Legacy

Beautiful Attention to Detail

Hogwarts Legacy - Attention to detail
Based on the trailers alone, Hogwarts Legacy was already setting itself up as a beautiful game. With the latest content and previews, the detail in the game is even more in-depth than originally shown.

Not only can you see the grounds as a whole for the first time, you also have a chance to see the paintings come to life, students eating magical candy and seeing the effects, as well as statues moving and creatures running amok!

For long time fans of the series, this is sure to bring up feelings of nostalgia and for newcomers a sense of awe.

List of Cinematic Trailers and Gameplay Showcases

Hogwarts Feels Alive

Hogwarts feels so alive in this game. The chatter of students in the halls talking about classes and even asking you, the player, if you were scared during the troll attack.
Source: XpectoGo

In addition to the beautiful grounds, Hogwarts Legacy does not feel empty or deserted. Instead it is teeming with life, full of students talking and interacting with each other. In fact, they seem to react to the events of the story as well, which means it's very likely that dialogue will change as you progress.

Story and Plot Summary | Goblin Rebellion Explained

Ambiance is Wonderful

I was really surprised how satisfying it is to fly on the Broom. It right away brings memories from the movies. It's the combination of the very pleasing subtle sounds: swishes and rumbles the broom makes, the way the controlling works and of course, the visuals. It's very unique, I've never seen anything like it.
Source: Benjamin Snow

Not only does it feel like Hogwarts is alive, the music and ambiance of your surroundings elevates the experience even further!

Players have the chance to fly over the castle itself too, so there is no shortage of views when exploring the grounds and beyond.

List of Mounts

Combat is Dynamic

While the system is easy to understand and get into, it is going to be very difficult to master and I mean that in a good way.
Source: RetroRaconteur

Despite only containing ranged combat, Hogwarts Legacy seems to have elevated its combat mechanics with combos and a multitude of spells you can use in tandem. Not only that, but enemies are more varied.

Not only are there a variety of spells to use, combat allows you to sling your spells while dodging and jumping around enemies. Pretty cool for any witch or wizard!

List of Spells

Stealth feels Powerful

Stealth in Hogwarts Legacy already seems to be a powerful mechanic, allowing you to petrify enemies and take them out of combat entirely! While it's not clear how challenging stealth will be in the game, it seems to hold a lot of promise.

Immersion Seems Intuitive to An Extent

Like for example, I destroyed this bridge and then used the Reparo spell to repair it afterwards, but there was no pop-up or message.
Source: JorRaptop

Like most games, players are given prompts for certain actions. But not all actions seem to have a prompt. In fact, it would seem that some actions require intuitive thinking. This adds a layer of immersion that many players can appreciate!

Narrative Limitations

This immersion breaking barrier only exists when you're in one of these narrative driven quests.
Source: ESO

Despite the immersion, there are limitations. For example, certain narrative quests aren't open world and have linear maps. You also can't go too far from the quest giver or companion before a warning appears on screen.

Nothing too immersion breaking though, but hopefully the game doesn't limit you too much in that regard.

Something For Everyone

Be it long-time fans who have dreamed of walking the halls of Hogwarts, battle hardened witches and wizards who want to sling spells and throw enemies into fiery vortexes, or puzzle lovers who have an eye for solutions, there's a little something for everyone in Hogwarts Legacy.

Morality Choices

Later in the game, when you have much more good and evil decisions, people are going to talk about you and treat you differently, apparently.
Source: ESO

Something that players might want to explore is the option to take on a darker Witch or Wizard, choosing dialogue options that make you meaner or spells that could make you deadlier.

Use Unforgivable Curses or take the noble path, there are different ways to tackle the story! Just know that you're unlikely to go unnoticed either way.

Can You Be Evil?

Customization Options are Diverse

Whatever you want, you can create this character.
Source: The Potter Collector

Earlier showcases have shown the multitude of options to create your Witch or Wizard, but we have seen that not only can you customize them in looks, the gender options and ways to mix and match them are another way to make your unique Witch or Wizard.
Character Creation Guide: How to Customize Your Character

Spells and Gear

With options to choose your repertoire every time you leave the Room of Requirement or when dueling, you can truly create a character that is uniquely yours.

List of Gear

Bugs and Issues

Content creators who have had first hand experience playing a version of the game have noted that there are a few issues with textures loading, and instances where there are multiple of the same NPC in the background.

Nothing so far seems to be game-breaking though!

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