Hogwarts Legacy

Should You Choose Natty or Sebastian to Go to Hogsmeade?

Hogwarts Legacy Take Natty or Sebastian Hogsmeade

You can take Natty or Sebastian to Hogsmeade with no gameplay difference between the two in Hogswarth Legacy. Find out if you should take Natty or Sebastian, who to take to Hogsmeade, and the differences between taking Natty and Sebastian!

Differences Between Taking Natty and Sebastian

Choice Outcome
How about Natty? ・You get to learn more about Natty early on
・Natty is your Hogsmeade tour guide
Natty joins you in the battle against the Armored Troll
Sebastian, I think. ・You get to learn more about Sebastian early on
・Sebastian is your Hogsmeade tour guide
Sebastian joins you in the battle against the Armored Troll

Natty or Sebastian? Who to Take to Hogsmeade

Affects Only Your Hogsmeade Companion

Hogwarts Legacy Hogsmeade Companion
Choosing either Natty or Sebastian won't affect the outcome of the quest Welcome to Hogsmeade, but it will affect dialogue during the quest and who helps you against the Armored Troll.

Welcome to Hogsmeade Quest Walkthrough

The companion you choose will join you in the Troll fight

Hogwarts Legacy Sebastian Hogsmeade

When the Armored Troll attacks at the end, you'll be aided by either Natty or Sebastian. They have different fighting styles, with Natty being more of a support ally, while Sebastian is more of a damage dealer. Below are their used spells:

Natty's Spells Sebastian's Spells
Arresto Momentum Arresto Momentum Diffindo Diffindo
Descendo Descendo Confringo Confringo
Expelliarmus Expelliarmus Levioso Levioso

Armored Troll Boss Fight Guide

Did You Choose Natty or Sebastian?

Natty 741
Sebastian 1108

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5 Anonymousabout 2 years

Natty is alright, Sebastian is literally to the T your typical run of the mill Slytherin. I'm a Slytherin myself but was just gonna go with Natty for story I guess to mingle more outside of my housemates if there wasn't much of a choice

4 Anonymousabout 2 years

How is Natty more boring than Sebastian at this point in the game? They are both equally meh so far…


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