Hogwarts Legacy

Ranrok Dragon Boss Fight Guide

Hogwarts Legacy Ranrok Dragon

This is a guide on how to beat Ranrok Dragon, the final boss fight in Hogwarts Legacy' main story. Read on to see strategies against Ranrok Dragon, rewards, and attack patterns!

Ranrok Dragon Overview

General Info

Hogwarts Legacy Final Boss
Rewards None
Quest The Final Repository
Description A dragon conjured by Ranrok.

How to Beat Ranrok Dragon

Tips and Strategies

Attack Only When its Health Bar is Showing

Hogwarts Legacy Beat Ranrok Dragon

You won't be able to deal damage to the Ranrok Dragon when its health bar at the top isn't showing, so don't waste your time and effort doing so.

To get the health bar to reappear, you need to hit the different colored orbs beside it with a spell of the matching color. In the meantime, dodge its attacks as much as you can.

Best Spells to Equip in Primary Slots

For the above reason, it's best that you come to the fight already equipped with a Control, Force, and Damage spell, so you don't waste time cycling through spells to match the color. Here are the spells we recommend for their versatility:

Diffindo Diffindo Confringo Confringo Glacius Glacius Depulso Depulso

Save Ancient Magic Attack for When it's Charging

Hogwarts Legacy Ranrok Dragon Attack

The Ranrok Dragon's explosion attack is capable of one-hit KO'ing you, especially in the second phase where there's not a lot of space to run from it. You should save your Ancient Magic attacks for when it's charging up the explosion attack to prevent it from damaging you.

Heal Between Phases

Hogwarts Legacy Ranrok Dragon Boss

You'll move location with each phase change, with the Ranrok Dragon completely leaving you behind to move to the next spot. Since there's a lull in the battle, it'd be best to recover up to full HP before leaving the previous destination.

Auto-Lock Would Be Helpful

If you don't mind having your view fixed on the Ranrok Dragon the entire time, you should auto-lock on it to ensure your basic casts don't miss.

Ranrok Dragon Attack Patterns

First Phase

Attack Description
Dragon Breath
A blast of fire that follows you for a bit.
A light-colored ranged attack. You can block these.
A dark-colored ranged attack. You can redirect these projectiles back at the dragon with Ancient Magic Throw.

Second Phase

Attack Description
The dragon charges up then unleashes an AoE attack.

Third Phase

Attack Description
Close-Ranged Attacks
The dragon will land on the ground in the third phase. It will run at you to bite and swipe at you.

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Hogwarts Legacy - Boss Guides

List of Boss Guides

All Hogwarts Legacy Bosses

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Graphorn Victor Rookwood
Ranrok Dragon
(Final Boss)
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