Hogwarts Legacy

3 Hogwarts Secrets: Locations and Solutions

Hogwarts Legacy - All Hogwarts Secrets

This is a guide on how to solve all 3 Hogwarts secrets that you can discover in Clock Tower, Viaduct Bridge, and at the Headmaster's Office in Hogwarts Legacy. Read on for more information about these secrets, how to solve each puzzle, and all obtainable rewards.

3 Hogwarts Secrets
Clock Tower Viaduct Bridge Headmaster's Office

3 Hogwarts Secrets Locations and Solutions

All Hogwarts Secrets
Clock Tower Viaduct Bridge Headmaster's Office

Clock Tower Secret and Puzzle

A Hogwarts secret is hidden behind a secret staircase located at the Clock Tower. Upon entering the area, you will encounter a locked door with a unicorn symbol, a giant pendulum, and a wooden beam with symbols.

To discover this secret, you need to solve a puzzle involving locked doors and the giant pendulum in the area.

Puzzle Solution

To solve the puzzle in the Clock Tower, you need to freeze the pendulum in front of the symbol that matches the symbol on the locked door. You can cast Arresto Momentum on the pendelum to stop it.

If you are able to match both, the door will open and lead you to a new area. You need to unlock a total of 4 doors to reach the Hogwarts secret in the area, which can be found at the large treasure chest behind the fourth door.

Clock Tower Puzzle Door Symbols
First Door Unicorn
Second Door Owl Face
Third Door Twin Dragons
Fourth Door Scarab

How to Solve the Clock Tower Puzzle

Viaduct Bridge Secret and Puzzle

Another Hogwarts secret is hidden under the Viaduct Bridge. Look around and you will spot a metal plate on the bridge and 4 braziers on both ends of the bridge.

Puzzle Solution

For this puzzle, you need to match the numbers engraved on the braziers with the symbol below them. You can find the answer on the metal plate on the bridge which indicates which symbol matches which number.

Light the braziers with Incendio or Confringo. This will allow you to interact with the braziers. You can then change the number on each brazier.

After matching the numbers with the correct symbols, the metal plate will open and reveal a ladder. Go down the ladder and head to the end of the secret area. Open a large chest to discover a Hogwarts secret!

How to Solve the Bridge Puzzle

Headmaster's Office Secret and Key of Admittance

The last Hogwarts secret is found within the Headmaster's Office, and you need to obtain the Key of Admittance to reach it. You also need Alohomora Level 3, as you need to open a few high-level locks.

Key of Admittance Location

Key of Admittance Hogwarts Legacy
The Key of Admittance is found on a table at the second level of the Headmaster's Office.

To reach this area, look for a door at the left side of the office and use Alohomora to open the Level 2 lock. Climb up the stairs and you will come across a door with a Level 3 lock.

Once you successfully open the lock, head inside and climb another set of stairs. Approach the table and get the Key of Admittance.

Use the Key to Unlock Secret Room

Hogwarts Legacy Hogwarts Secrets
After getting the key, head back downstairs and exit the Headmaster's Office. Climb down the spiral staircase and head towards the end of the hallway until you see a door with a complex metal lock.

Interact with the door and a short unlock animation will play. Head inside the secret room and you will discover the Hogwarts secret in this area!

How to Open Locked Door Near
Headmaster's Office

What are Hogwarts Secrets?

Hidden Mini Quests

Hogwarts secrets are unlisted mini quests that you can discover when exploring around Hogwarts Castle. These quests will have the player solve different types of puzzles around the campus.

You will not be able to track this on the Quests menu, but luckily you only need to discover three!

Hogwarts Secrets Rewards

Gears (Clothing)

In the same area where you can discover a Hogwarts secret, you will also come across large treasure chests which hold unique gear that you can use to change your clothes!

Hogwarts Secrets Completed 1
Secret Solver’s Bathing Costume Secret Solver’s Bathing Costume
Tailored Tailcoat Tailored Tailcoat
Fashionable Dress Robes Fashionable Dress Robes

List of Gear (Clothing)

Complete Hogwarts Secrets Challenge Chain

You will also complete the Hogwarts Secrets challenge chain, under Exploration, once you discover all three secrets.

List of Challenges and Rewards

Collection Items and Wand Handles

Along the way, you will encounter small chests that you can open to obtain some loot. These range from collectibles to wand handles.

Experience Points

Discovering the Hogwarts secret in the area will net you experience points. If you need a few more points to level up, you can search for one of the Hogwarts secrets to do so!

How to Level Up

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Hogwarts Legacy - Puzzles

How to Solve All Puzzles

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