Hogwarts Legacy

Dogweed and Deathcap Location Guide

Hogwarts Legacy - Dogweed and Deathcap Location Guide
Dogweed and Deathcap is a shop that sells plants in Hogwarts Legacy. Read on to learn where to find Dogweed and Deathcap, the items they sell, and more!

Where to Find Dogweed and Deathcap

North of Hogsmeade

You can find Dogweed and Deathcap near Hogsmeade Graveyard at the northern part of Hogsmeade.

List of Shops and Locations

Dogweed and Deathcap Shop Items

Seed Packets

Item Price Description
Chinese Chomping Cabbage Seed 600 Gold Unlocks the ability to grow Chinese Chomping Cabbages in medium pots.
Mandrake Seed 800 Gold Unlocks the ability to grow Mandrakes in small pots.
Venomous Tentacula Seed 1050 Gold Unlocks the ability to grow Venomous Tentacula in large pots.

List of Plants

Room of Requirement Items

Item Price Description
Fertiliser x2 300 Gold A nutrient-rch compost that can be added to plants to increase their yield.

Room of Requirement Guide

Combat Tools

Item Price Description
Chinese Chomping Cabbage x2 300 Gold Formidable chomping cabbages that when released attack nearby enemies. Must be grown in medium or large pots.
Mandrake x2 500 Gold A magical plant that shrieks when unearthed. Mandrakes can be used to stun and harm enemies in a radius. Can be grown in pots of any size.
Venomous Tentacula x2 600 Gold Tenacious Tentacula that when deployed shoot acid at nearby enemies. Must be grown in large pots..

Combat Guide: How to Fight

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