Hogwarts Legacy

Minding Your Own Business: Haunted Hogsmeade Shop Side Quest Walkthrough

Hogwarts Legacy Minding Your Own Business Quest

Minding Your Own Business is the PlayStation exclusive Haunted Hogsmeade Shop side quest in Hogwarts Legacy. Read on for a detailed walkthrough and learn how to explore what lies below, as well as how to unlock and complete this side quest!

How to Unlock Minding Your Own Business and Location

Complete Professor Weasley's Assignment

Minding Your Own Business Location

To unlock the side quest Minding Your Own Business, you have to complete the main quest Professor Weasley's Assignment. Afterward, it will become available at Hogsmeade.

There isn't a level requirement to begin this quest, but it's recommended you take it on at a higher level due to its enemy difficulty going up to 28 and its length.

Professor Weasley's Assignment Walkthrough

Minding Your Own Business Walkthrough

Jump to a section!
Starting the Quest Explore What Lies Below Boss Fights

Starting the Quest

Speak to the house-elf outside the vacant shop in Hogsmeade.
If you approach the house-elf at night, you'll need to wait in the nearby glowing circle until daytime to launch the quest.
Speak with Cassandra Mason.
Follow the waypoint to southeast of Hogsmeade Square, where Cassandra Mason is standing outside a house.
3 Minding Your Own Business 3
Collect 1,500 Gold to purchase the shop from Cassandra Mason.If you're lacking funds, you can sell your items and gear in Hogsmeade shops nearby.
▶︎ How to Earn Gold Fast
4 Speak to Penny the house-elf.
Head back to Penny at the same spot in front of the shop.
5 Clean up and make repairs.
Use Reparo to clean up the 3 messy piles in the shop.
6 Minding Your Own Business 6
Open the mysterious chest.
Open the chest behind the red door.

Explore What Lies Below

7 Minding Your Own Business 7
Explore what lies below.
Try to leave through the door then hit the mannequins with spells. The room will then go dark. Use Lumos and Revelio to reveal a doorway north.
Head down the hallway north until you reach the music box in the othe room. The room will change. Head to the music box on the other side of the new room, then the room will change again. Head south afterward.
In the room with the lanterns, use Accio and Wingardium Leviosa to move a lantern from the gap on the right towards the lantern stand beside the door.
7c Minding Your Own Business 7c
After the extended hallway, you'll land in a dark room. Use Lumos to open the door.
7d After encountering Fastidio, destroy the chairs before he hurls them at you. Afterward, head down either the south (library) or north (atrium) hallway.
8 Explore the library/atrium.
You'll need to bring 2 lanterns to the lantern stands to open the door that leads to the exit. To find these lanterns, you'll have to go through the randomly transforming labyrinth of rooms and hallways.
(Library) How to Solve the Upside Down Room Puzzle
How to Explore the Atrium
9 Entertain Fastidio/Play with the poltergeist.
Dodge Fastidio's attacks and defeat any mannequins he sends your way.
10 Return to the foyer.
Follow the waypoint back to the foyer.
11 Explore the atrium/library.
You'll be exploring the hallway you didn't take the first go-around. You have the same objective: find 2 lanterns and bring them to the exit.
12 Play with the poltergeist/Entertain Fastidio.
Same as before: dodge Fastidio's projectile attacks and defeat mannequins before they deal too much damage to you.
Return to the foyer.
Head back to the foyer once again, where a new door on the second floor will open west.
14 Venture beyond the foyer doors.
Head straight down the hallway and out to the center of the cemetery.

Boss Fights

15 Challenge Fastidio
Defeat Fastidio's Monster and the mannequins using basic attack combos.
▶︎ Fastidio's Monster Boss Fight Guide
Return to the shop.
Head up the ladder to the west, which will take you back to Hogsmeade.
17 Speak to Penny.
Seek out Officer Singer.
Talk to Ruth Singer, who's standing by the tree at Hogsmeade Square.
19 Confront Cassandra Mason.
Talk to Cassandra, who's still in the same spot you initially talked to her in. You'll then have to fight and defeat her.
▶︎ Cassandra Mason Boss Fight Guide
Return to the shop.
Talk to Penny back at the shop to complete the quest.
▶︎ Should You Free Penny?

Minding Your Own Business Tips and Strategies

How to Get Out of the Upside Down Room

Minding Your Own Business - Explore the Library
When exploring the Library, you'll enter the balcony of a room that's upside down. There's a lantern stand on the balcony across you. To get to it, you'll need to head back from where you came then down the stairs to enter the room from the ground floor.
Face upwards west from the shut door at the top of the staircase. Use Accio to pull a lantern, which will cause the door to open.
Bring the lantern up the stairs to the lantern stand, and the room will spin to rightside up.
4 Minding Your Own Business Library 4
Head west from the lantern stand and climb out of the window. Drop down and head back up the stairs to enter a different room.
In the next room, grab the lantern to your left and move it to the lantern stand west. Head through opening in the rotating wall.
In the next room, turn around to where you came from and use Accio to grab the lantern through the window. Bring it to the lantern stand west.

Exploring the Atrium Guide

Minding Your Own Business - Explore the Atrium (West)
Instead of heading through the door on the marker, head through the hallway west. Go to the end of the hallway (mind the couch projectile) and destroy the mannequin, then head back to where you came from—the room is suddenly different!
Destroy the planks blocking the door frame. Grab the lantern floating on the platform west and place on the lantern stand on your platform. Head through the door that opened.
On the other side of the door, jump to the platform west, then head through the open door on that side. Grab the previous lantern you used from the stand to the east. Place it on the lantern stand beside you.
Head back through the door north, then break the planks blocking the door frame. Head across the path to the door frame on the other side (also blocked with planks).
Use Accio to grab the lantern behind that door. Beware the projectiles that'll be shot at you after grabbing the lantern. Place the lantern on the lantern stand beside you.
Head back through the door north, then head back through the westernmost door and cross to the newly opened door on the other side.
7 Defeat the mannequins on the other side, then head through the door southeast. Run to the extending end of the hall east.
When the lights turn off, use Lumos, then head through the door west. Grab the lantern on your way out and bring it to the lantern stand next to the door with the marker.

Use Revelio to Navigate Chess Board

Minding Your Own Business Chess

On the eastern path of the atrium, you'll encounter a giant chessboard with dupe squares that'll collapse when you step on them and send you back to the starting point. Use Revelio to identify which squares to avoid.

Prepare for a Long and Tiring Quest

The Minding Your Own Business side quest is long and has repetitive sequences of combat and transforming hallways. You also can't leave it momentarily to track another quest. Besides stalking up on Potions, you'd best prepare yourself mentally for a lengthy adventure.

Minding Your Own Business Rewards

Shopkeeper Cosmetic Set

Shopkeeper Set
・Shopkeeper's Coat
・Shopkeeper's Top Hat
・Shopkeeper's Ensemble

Finishing the Hogsmeade Quest will nab you a Shopkeeper Cosmetic set! Perfect for any business-oriented witch or wizard!

Own a Hogsmeade Shop

Hogwarts Legacy - Own a Hogsmeade Shop.png

Completing Minding Your Own Business will give you your own Hogsmeade shop, run by Penny the house-elf. You'll be able to sell your items and gear at the shop for a better price.

Minding Your Own Business Overview

General Info

Minding Your Own Business
Quest Giver Penny
Description A house-elf standing outside what appears to be a vacant shop is trying to get my attention. I should see what she wants.

Minding Your Own Business Rewards

Completion Rewards
Shopkeeper's Coat, Shopkeeper's Top Hat, Shopkeeper's Ensemble, Hogsmeade Shop

Is Minding Your Own Business PS Exclusive?

Yes, Until February 10, 2024

Minding Your Own Business is the Haunted Hosmeade Shop side quest that is currently exclusively available to PlayStations 4 and 5 users only.

Haunted Hogsmeade Shop is not permanently exclusive to PS and will be available on other platforms after February 10, 2024, exactly a year after its release. Users playing on PS can finish this quest within that time before other platforms can get their hands on it.

All Available Platforms

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2 Anonymousalmost 2 years

I just did it yesterday and I would say that I'm in the middle or 3/4 of the game.

1 Anonymousabout 2 years

im playing on PS5 but can't even find this side quest after finished all the main quest...anyone faced the same problem...?


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