Hogwarts Legacy

The Fat Lady Character Profile and Story Role

The Fat Lady is a portrait that guards the entrance to Gryffindor Tower in Hogwarts Legacy. Read on to learn The Fat Lady's role in the story, character profile, and more!

The Fat Lady's Character Profile

The Fat Lady
Occupation Gryffindor Tower door guard

The Fat Lady's Story Role in Hogwarts Legacy

Door Guard to the Gryffindor Tower

The Fat Lady is a portrait that guards the door to the Gryffindor Tower in Hogwarts. She asks for a password before letting anyone in the Gryffindor Common Room.

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Amit Thakkar IconAmit Thakkar Everett Clopton IconEverett Clopton Garreth Weasley IconGarreth Weasley Imelda Reyes IconImelda Reyes
Currently UnavailableLeander Prewett Currently UnavailableLenora Everleigh Currently UnavailableMahendra Pehlwaan Natsai Onai IconNatsai Onai
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All Hogwarts Castle Characters
Agnes Scribner IconAgnes Scribner Deek IconDeek Gladwin Moon IconGladwin Moon Nearly Headless Nick IconNearly Headless Nick
Currently UnavailableNoreen Blainey Peeves IconPeeves The Fat Lady IconThe Fat Lady The Sorting Hat IconThe Sorting Hat
All Hogsmeade Characters
Albie Weekes IconAlbie Weekes Augustus Hill IconAugustus Hill Beatrice Green IconBeatrice Green Calliope Snelling IconCalliope Snelling
Clementine Willardsey IconClementine Willardsey Ellie Peck IconEllie Peck Ernie Lark IconErnie Lark Ethel Wigley IconEthel Wigley
Gerbold Ollivander IconGerbold Ollivander Jasper Trout IconJasper Trout Madam Cassandra Mason IconMadam Cassandra Mason Parry Pippin IconParry Pippin
Ruth Singer IconRuth Singer Sirona Ryan IconSirona Ryan Thaddeus Travers IconThaddeus Travers Timothy Teasdale IconTimothy Teasdale
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Garnuff IconGarnuff George Osric IconGeorge Osric Isidora Morganach IconIsidora Morganach Lodgok IconLodgok
Currently UnavailableMiriam Fig Niamh Fitzgerald IconNiamh Fitzgerald Percival Rackham IconPercival Rackham Piers Pemberton IconPiers Pemberton
Ranrok IconRanrok San Bakar IconSan Bakar Theophilius Harlow IconTheophilius Harlow Victor Rookwood IconVictor Rookwood


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