Hogwarts Legacy

The Caretaker's Lunar Lament Quest Walkthrough

The Caretaker's Lunar Lament is one of the main quests in Hogwarts Legacy. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, list of rewards, and tips on how to complete The Caretaker's Lunar Lament!

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The Caretaker's Lunar Lament Overview

How to Unlock

The Caretaker's Lunar Lament unlocks after completing Percival Rackham's Trial. You must also reach level 14 first before you can start the quest.

Quest Information

The Caretaker's Lunar Lament
Quest Type Main Quest
Requirement(s) Reach level 14 and complete Percival Rackham's Trial
Rewards ・ Alohomora 1
・ unlocks Demiguise
Description I met with the Caretaker, Gladwin Moon, and he believes there's a plot to torment him with Demiguise statues placed all over Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. The Caretaker wants me to collect the moons from these statues which will make them disappear.

Unlocks the Alohomora Spell

Hogwarts Legacy - Unlocking the Lock Puzzle

Clearing The Carektaker's Lunar Lament will unlock the Alohomora spell. This spell will allow you to pick locks and enter door locked doors and open locked chests provided that you have the necessary alohomora level for that lock.

Alohomora Effects and How to Get

The Caretaker's Lunar Lament Walkthrough

Quest Objectives

Talk to Gladwin Moon
You can find him at the Reception Hall.
Remove the moon from the statue
This statue is called a Demiguise, a type of collectible in the game. As you may have noticed already, you can only interact with these statues at night.
Follow Gladwin
You will learn to cast Alohomora upon reaching your destination.
Use Alohomora to open the Faculty Tower door
This will start a lockpicking minigame.
How to open locks instantly
Retrieve the Demiguise moon in the Prefects' Bathroom and Hospital Wing
Use Disillusionment to sneak past the patrols and Revelio to mark them and see their positions through walls.
How to sneak past patrols
Return the Demiguise moons to Gladwin

Switch to Story Difficulty to Auto Solve

Hogwarts Legacy - Alohomora auto solve

You can instantly complete the lockpicking minigames by switching to Story difficulty and using the auto solve feature. This will instantly undo locks without having to move the sparks.

Difficulty Differences

How to Sneak Past Patrols

Use Revelio to mark patrols

Hogwarts Legacy - marking enemies with Revelio

When the objective requires you to be undetected, keep using Revelio to mark enemies and see their positions through walls. This will make it easier to plan your route as you check where they are facing and how they move around. You can also check the minimap to see nearby patrols, which are marked as red triangles.

Use Basic Cast to distract patrols

Hogwarts Legacy - distracting with Basic Cast

If a patrol doesn't move at all and you can't get around them, you can use your Basic Cast to shoot anywhere (hold L2 first to manually aim then press R2) you want them to move towards to.

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18 Jackdaw's Rest 19 Flying Class
20 The Room of Requirement 21 In the Shadow of the Undercroft
22 The Map Chamber 23 Percival Rackham's Trial
24 Beasts Class 25 The Caretaker's Lunar Lament
26 Professor Sharp's Assignment 1 27 The Helm of Urtkot
28 In the Shadow of the Estate 29 The Elf, the Nab-Sack, and the Loom
30 Astronomy Class 31 Professor Garlick's Assignment 1
32 The High Keep 33 Back on the Path
34 Charles Rookwood's Trial 35 Fire and Vice
36 Professor Weasley's Assignment 37 In the Shadow of the Mine
38 It's All Gobbledegook 39 The Headmistress Speaks
40 The Polyjuice Plot 41 Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial
42 Professor Howin's Assignment 43 In the Shadow of the Mountain
44 Lodgok's Loyalty 45 San Bakar's Trial
46 Wand Mastery 47 The Final Repository

List of Assignments

All Assignments in Hogwarts Legacy
Professor Hecat's Assignment 2 Professor Ronen's Assignment Professor Hecat's Assignment 1
Professor Garlick's Assignment 1 Professor Weasley's Assignment Professor Howin's Assignment
Madam Kogawa's Assignment 1 Professor Garlick's Assignment 2 Professor Sharp's Assignment 1
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List of Assignments


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