Hogwarts Legacy

Professor Weasley's Assignment Walkthrough: All Quiz Answers

Professor Weasley’s Assignment is one of the main quests in Hogwarts Legacy. Read on for all quiz answers, a detailed walkthrough, list of rewards, and tips on how to complete Professor Weasley’s Assignment!

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Professor Weasley’s Assignment Overview

How to Unlock

You unlock Professor Weasley's Assignment after completing the previous main quest Fire and Vice. The quest will come in the form of a letter from Professor Weasley, but it's possible that it won't arrive immediately after completing the previous quest.

In that case, walk around Hogwarts Castle for a bit, then check your Owl Post.

You must also reach level 20 first before you can start this quest.

Main Quest Walkthroughs

Quest Information

Professor Weasley's Assignment
Quest Type Main Quest (Assignment)
Quest Giver Professor Weasley
Requirement(s) Reach level 20 and complete Fire and Vice
Rewards ・ Transformation
Description I attended Professor Weasley's Transfiguration class, and afterward, she assessed my abilities and progress in the school year.

Unlock the Transformation Spell

Hogwarts Legacy - Transformation Spell

Attending the Transfiguration Class unlocks the Transformation Spell which changes your target to an object. This object can then be thrown with Ancient Magic Throw to another target.

This spell can also be used to solve certain puzzles.

Transformation Effects and How to Get

Professor Weasley’s Assignment Walkthrough

Quest Objectives

Collect the Field Guide Page in the Underground Harbour.
Head to the Underground Harbour in the Viaduct Courtyard, east of the Viaduct Entrance.
Once you've entered, use Revelio at the northernmost section of the dock to find and collect the Field Guide Page.
Collect the Field Page from the book on Intermediate Transfiguration in the library.
Fast travel to the Library then go up to the second floor. Talk to Sophronia Franklin in the northeast corner of the second floor.
Sophronia will quiz you. Answer the 5 questions, then exit the conversation and collect the Field Guide Page.
All Sophronia Franklin Quiz Answers
Attend Transfiguration Class during the day.
Fast travel to the Transfiguration Classroom. If it's not daytime when you arrive, you can change the time of day via Wait on the Map screen.
3a After the cutscene, learn the Transformation spell.
Speak with Professor Weasley.
Talk to Professor Weasley to complete the quest.

Professor Weasley's Assignment All Quiz Answers

All Sophronia Franklin Quiz Answers

Question Answer
Before the invention of the Golden Snitch, which magical creature was used in a game of Quidditch? The Golden Snidget
Which potion is commonly referred to as Liquid Luck? Felix Felicis
The Tale of the Three Brothers involves which magical artefacts? The Deathly Hallows
Which ball in Quidditch is the largest? The Quaffle
True or False: Polyjuice Potion allows the drinker to change species? False
What governmental body directly preceded the Ministry of Magic? The Wizard's Council
Which dragon breed is the smallest? The Peruvian Vipertooth
Who founded the village of Hogsmeade? Hengist of Woodcroft
The Hidebehind was accidentally created by cross-breeding a ghoul with what other magical creature? A Demiguise
What is the only spell known to repel a Lethifold? The Patronus Charm
Who published the Law of Elemental Transfiguration? Gamp
What does the Hogwarts motto translate to? Never tickle a sleeping dragon.
Which magical creature is the only one known to produce eggs through its mouth? The Runespoor
Where is the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry located? Mount Greylock
What is the most powerful love potion known to wizardkind? Amortentia
Emeric the Evil was killed in a duel against whom? Egbert the Egregious
If a Chaser keeps their hand on the Quaffle as it goes through the goal, what foul are they committing? Haversacking
A bite from a Mackled Malaclaw has the unusual side effect of causing what? Bad luck
What plant excretes Stinksap Mimbulus mimbletonia
The Pepperup Potion evolved from a remedy created by which 12th century wizard? Linfred of Stinchcombe
In The Wizard and the Hopping Pot, what does the elder wizard leave for his son in the Hopping Pot? A single slipper
The Snallygaster is native to which region of the world? North America
Who is the Muggle knight featured in The Fountain of Fair Fortune? Sir Luckless
The world's largest Kelpie is also known by what other name? The Loch Ness Monster
Who was the first Minister of Magic? Ulick Gamp

Answering All Questions Reward

For answering all the questions correctly, you'll get the following potions.

Wiggenweld PotionWiggenweld Potion (3) Maxima PotionMaxima Potion Edurus PotionEdurus Potion

Professor Weasley's Assignment All Quiz Answers Video

All Sophronia Franklin Quiz Answers

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Hogwarts Legacy Related Guides

Hogwarts Legacy - Main Quest Walkthroughs

Main Quest Walkthroughs

List of All Main Quests

No. Mission No. Quest
1 The Path to Hogwarts 2 Welcome to Hogwarts
3 Charms Class 4 Defence Against the Dark Arts Class
5 Weasley After Class 6 Professor Ronen's Assignment
7 Welcome to Hogsmeade 8 The Locket's Secret
9 Professor Hecat's Assignment 1 10 Secrets of the Restricted Section
11 Tomes and Tribulations 12 Herbology Class
13 Potions Class 14 The Girl From Uagadou
15 Trials of Merlin 16 Prisoner of Love (Hufflepuff)
16 Scrope's Last Hope (Slytherin) 16 Ollivander's Heirloom (Ravenclaw)
16 The Hunt for the Missing Pages (Gryffindor) 17 Professor Hecat's Assignment 2
18 Jackdaw's Rest 19 Flying Class
20 The Room of Requirement 21 In the Shadow of the Undercroft
22 The Map Chamber 23 Percival Rackham's Trial
24 Beasts Class 25 The Caretaker's Lunar Lament
26 Professor Sharp's Assignment 1 27 The Helm of Urtkot
28 In the Shadow of the Estate 29 The Elf, the Nab-Sack, and the Loom
30 Astronomy Class 31 Professor Garlick's Assignment 1
32 The High Keep 33 Back on the Path
34 Charles Rookwood's Trial 35 Fire and Vice
36 Professor Weasley's Assignment 37 In the Shadow of the Mine
38 It's All Gobbledegook 39 The Headmistress Speaks
40 The Polyjuice Plot 41 Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial
42 Professor Howin's Assignment 43 In the Shadow of the Mountain
44 Lodgok's Loyalty 45 San Bakar's Trial
46 Wand Mastery 47 The Final Repository
48 Post-Game Main Quests

List of Assignments

All Assignments in Hogwarts Legacy
Professor Hecat's Assignment 2 Professor Ronen's Assignment Professor Hecat's Assignment 1
Professor Garlick's Assignment 1 Professor Weasley's Assignment Professor Howin's Assignment
Madam Kogawa's Assignment 1 Professor Garlick's Assignment 2 Professor Sharp's Assignment 1
Professor Sharp's Assignment 2 Professor Onai's Assignment Madam Kogawa's Assignment 2

List of Assignments


2 Anonymousalmost 2 years

The game crashed after I completed the assignment and now it went back to saying attend a class, but it won’t let me. What do I do?!

1 Anonymousabout 2 years

You get 3 healing potions!


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