Hogwarts Legacy

Harry Potter Build Guide

This is a Harry Potter Build that focuses on playing like Harry Potter in Hogwarts Legacy! Read on to know the best spells, best talents, and the best traits to have when making a Harry Potter Build!

Harry Potter Build

Harry Potter
House Gryffindor
Wand Core Phoenix Feather
Potions/Plants Focus Potion
Gear Appearance (Transmog) Silver Rimmed Circular Glasses
Traditional School Robe
Prefect Vest Uniform
Disarming Curse Stunning Curse
Blood Curse Human Demiguise
Sense of Secrecy II -
Disarming III Ambush III
Protego Shielding III -

Harry Potter Build Spells

Spell Effect How to Get
Stupefy Stupefy Stuns a target, leaving them unconscious. Learned after the second battle in vault 12.
The Path to Hogwarts
Expelliarmus Expelliarmus Used to disarm a target. Complete Professor Hecat's Assignment 2
Professor Hecat's Assignment 2
Disillusionment Disillusionment Makes the target appear invisible. Learned from Sebastian Sallow during the Secrets of the Restricted Section Quest
Secrets of the Restricted Section

Best Gear Traits

Trait Effect
Protego Shielding IIIProtego Shielding III Significantly decreased damage taken from Dark wizards
Ambush IIIAmbush III Significantly increased spell damage while concealed by Disillusionment
Disarming IIIDisarming III Significantly increased damage with Expelliarmus

Recommended Talents

Talent Req. Level Effect
Disarming Curse 5 Req. Spell: Expelliarmus
Expelliarmus has the same effect as a curse on enemies. Cursed enemies take increased damage.
Stunning Curse 5 Req. Spell: Stupefy
Stupefy has the same effect as a curse on enemies. Cursed enemies take increased damage.
Blood Curse 5 Dealing damage to a cursed target inflicts damage to all cursed targets.
Human Demiguise 5 Req. Spell: Disillusionment
Allows you to Sprint while using Disillusionment
Sense of Secrecy II 16 Enemies' ability to detect you is reduced.


Play the game as Harry Potter and dive deep into Hogwarts Legacy's story as the series' eponymous wizard!

Your spells will revolve around Expelliarmus and Stupefy, which are some of Harry's trademark spells. Get the Disarming Curse, Stunning Curse, and Blood Curse talents to increase your damage.

Additionally, you can add stealth into the mix and pretend that you can wield the Cloak of Invisibility with Disillusionment, which you can use to sneak around your opponents and attack them from behind.

For gear traits, you can improve your offense with Disarming III and Ambush III. You can also enhance your defense against Dark wizards with Protego Shielding III.


Use some of the Gryffindor school gear that you can obtain early in the game to copy Harry's look. Since most of these gears have low stats, we recommend equipping them as outfits via transmog, and use better gear as you get them. This way, you can still look like Harry without sacrificing your stats!

How to Make Harry Potter in the Character Creator

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