Hogwarts Legacy

List of Enemies

Hogwarts Legacy - List of Enemies

Players will encounter various types of enemies in Hogwarts Legacy. Read on to see a list of enemies, different enemy types, and useful information about fighting enemies.

Full List of Enemies

This is the full list of Enemies, as displayed in the Collections Menu.

Enemies Description
Hogwarts Legacy - Ailsa Travers ImageAilsa Travers
(Infamous Foe)
Considered to be particularly close friends with Victor Rookwood, Ailsa Travers is all too good at her job as an Ashwinder. Travers has been one of Rookwood's most devoted followers from the beginning and helped Rookwood gain critical footing within Hogsmeade.
Hogwarts Legacy - DeathDeath's Shadow These agents of Death attack mercilessly but will fall quickly to the power of a particular wand.
Hogwarts Legacy - Stoneback Dugbog ImageStoneback Dugbog These camouflaged beasts will often blend in with the environment to avoid detection until their prey is close enough to attack. Revelio can help you find them when exploring their habitats!
Hogwarts Legacy - Great Spined Dugbog ImageGreat Spined Dugbog These camouflaged beasts will often blend in with the environment to avoid detection until their prey is close enough to attack. Revelio can help you find them when exploring their habitats!
Hogwarts Legacy - Cottongrass Dugbog ImageCottongrass Dugbog These camouflaged beasts will often blend in with the environment to avoid detection until their prey is close enough to attack. Revelio can help you find them when exploring their habitats!
Hogwarts Legacy - Ashwinder Duellist ImageAshwinder Duellist Among the quicker of Rookwood's agents, these witches will surprise their opponents with back-to-back attacks.
Hogwarts Legacy - Ashwinder Scout ImageAshwinder Scout These unscrupulous wizards have not mastered Shield Charms, so they are vulnerable to all sorts of attack.
Hogwarts Legacy - Ashwinder Assassin ImageAshwinder Assassin Some of the most evil witches alive, these secretive members of Rockwood's organization have spent years turning the peaceful dead into an army of their own Inferi.
Hogwarts Legacy - Ashwinder Ranger ImageAshwinder Ranger These witches have mastered the Full Body-Bind Curse in order to capture and terrorise their victims.
Hogwarts Legacy - Ashwinder Soldier ImageAshwinder Soldier These wizards are skilled at deflecting simple attacks, so their Shield Charms must be broken first in order to defeat them.
Hogwarts Legacy - Ashwinder Executioner ImageAshwinder Executioner These wizards have mastered the ability to create localised lightning bolts to strike down their opponents.
Hogwarts Legacy - Poacher Duellist ImagePoacher Duellist Among the quicker agents of Rockwood, these witches will surprise their opponents with back-to-back attacks.
Hogwarts Legacy - Poacher Tracker ImagePoacher Tracker These unscrupulous wizards have not mastered Shield Charms, so they are vulnerable to all sorts of attack.
Hogwarts Legacy - Poacher Animagus ImagePoacher Animagus Some poachers in Rookwood's organisation have become Animagi who can transform into the same animal: a ravenous wolf.
Hogwarts Legacy - Poacher Ranger ImagePoacher Ranger These witches have mastered the Levitation Spell as a means of catching the beasts that they hunt.
Hogwarts Legacy - Poacher Stalker ImagePoacher Stalker These wizards are skilled at deflecting simple attacks, so their Shield Charms must be broken first in order to defeat them.
Hogwarts Legacy - Poacher Executioner ImagePoacher Executioner These wizards have mastered the ability to conjure huge columns of fire to incinerate threats, but it is as dangerous to their own gang as it is to their opponents.
Hogwarts Legacy - Loyalist Assassin ImageLoyalist Assassin These Ranrok Loyalists have manipulated corrupted acient magic to grant themselves unnatural speed.
Hogwarts Legacy - Loyalist Commander ImageLoyalist Commander These goblins wield hammers with impressive skill, often attacking in rapid succession.
Hogwarts Legacy - Loyalist Sentinel ImageLoyalist Sentinel Masters of both offensive and defensive magic, these Ranrok Loyalists can go toe-to-toe with the most powerful witches and wizards.
Hogwarts Legacy - Loyalist Warrior ImageLoyalist Warrior These heavy goblin weaponry is quite dangerous.
Hogwarts Legacy - Loyalist Ranger ImageLoyalist Ranger These Ranrok Loyalists try to keep as far away from their targets as possible and use their crossbows to launch bolts imbued with Ancient Magic.
Hogwarts Legacy - Inferius ImageInferius Though invulnerable to most types of damage, Inferi cannot abide warmth and light and are therefore susceptible to fire.
Hogwarts Legacy - Rampant Dugbog ImageRampant Dugbog
(Infamous Foe)
Unknown to the villagers who trapped it, this Dugbog had been corrupted with some type of magic.
Hogwarts Legacy - Gwendolyn Zhou ImageGwendolyn Zhou
(Infamous Foe)
Blackmailed in to compliance, Gwendolyn Zhou was a reluctant Ashwinder informant within the Ministry of Magic. After being found out and fired, Gwendolyn was forced to join Rookwood to protect and provide for her family.
Hogwarts Legacy - Tempeste Thorne ImageTempeste Thorne
(Infamous Foe)
Clinical and cruel, Tempeste Thorne was trapping and carving up beasts for profit long before she left Hogwarts. One of the first to join Rookwood's criminal empire, under her gaze the poachers have risen from scramblers to a sturdy operation.
Hogwarts Legacy - Iona Morgan ImageIona Morgan
(Infamous Foe)
After graduating Hogwarts, Iona Morgan was turned out by her emotionally abusive family. Looking to her old friends from school, she found a new family and home in the Poacher Pack.
Hogwarts Legacy - Silvanus Selwyn ImageSilvanus Selwyn
(Infamous Foe)
Born to a life of privilege but not born early enough to inherit it, Silvanus Selwyn was known for his expensive and extravagant lifestyle. It was said that he would do anything to destroy the good reputation of his distinguished family. Silvanus was the one who opened doors to influential people for Rookwood.
Hogwarts Legacy - Dunstan Trinity ImageDunstan Trinity
(Infamous Foe)
A proficient pickpocket, Dunstan has always enjoyed the art of thieving. In fact, it was his light-fingeredness that led him to a friendless existence at Hogwarts.
Hogwarts Legacy - Catrin Haggarty ImageCatrin Haggarty
(Infamous Foe)
Estranged from her brother Padraic, a local shopkeeper, Catrin Haggarty turned to a life of petty thievery and tricks years ago. It wasn't until recently that she abandoned small scams for a chance at a bigger forntune with the Ashwinders.
Hogwarts Legacy - Pergit ImagePergit
(Infamous Foe)
Pergit is a goblin rebel who fights under Ranrok's banner. He is notorious for his callousness towards everyone except those he truly fears or admires.
Hogwarts Legacy - Belgruff the Bludgeoner ImageBelgruff the Bludgeoner
(Infamous Foe)
Now known for his militant approach to goblin rights, Belgruff the Bludgeoner was once a peaceful member of the goblin rights movement. It is said that the taste of power he got being around Ranrok convinced him to change his ways.
Hogwarts Legacy - Grodbik ImageGrodbik
(Infamous Foe)
A young outspoken goblin, Grodbik rose through the ranks quickly and was a trusted guard of Ranrok's mines.
Hogwarts Legacy - Ogbert the Odd ImageOgbert the Odd
(Infamous Foe)
Ogbert the Odd joined Rankok's Loyalists after a run-in with a security dragon at Gringotts. Some wonder if he provoked the dragon whilst others bemoan the cruelty of keeping dragons chained up under a bank.
Hogwarts Legacy - Bardolph BeaumontBardolph Beaumont's Corpse
(Infamous Foe)
The reanimated corpse that once was Bardolph Beaumont, brother to Upper Hogsfield's Claire Beaumont. Bardolph had gone missing after allegedly connecting with Rockwood's lot, breaking the hearts of the Beaumont family.
Hogwarts Legacy - Lord of the Manor ImageLord of the Manor
(Infamous Foe)
An Inferius who was rich in life, though now the only indication of wealth is his clothing.
Hogwarts Legacy - The Absconder ImageThe Absconder
(Infamous Foe)
This beast is an aberration, as it is not native to this region. In its short time here, however, this Acromantula possibly mothered a number of other Acromantulas in the area.
Hogwarts Legacy - The Insatiable Spider ImageThe Insatiable Spider
(Infamous Foe)
A horrific, giant arachnid living underneath Mary Portman's cottage in Aranshire.
Hogwarts Legacy - Quagmire Troll ImageQuagmire Troll
(Infamous Foe)
An especially mean forest troll who seems to enjoy wandering boggy areas.
Hogwarts Legacy - AlexandraAlexandra's Troll
(Infamous Foe)
With a train tunnel as ist cave, this troll is tempting fate. If not killed by those wishing to loot its horde of items, it is likely to be the victim of a passing steam engine.
Hogwarts Legacy - The Riparian Troll ImageThe Riparian Troll
(Infamous Foe)
Misunderstanding a common wizard gesture, this troll rampaged through a small hamlet east of Hogwarts
Hogwarts Legacy - The Grim ImageThe Grim
(Infamous Foe)
Thought to be an omen of death upon the villagers of Netherwyck, this black wolf was simply a wolf who had been enchanted with some kind of magic. It shared its den with a great white wolf and their kin.
Hogwarts Legacy - The White Wolf ImageThe White Wolf
(Infamous Foe)
A ferocious beast with striking white fur.
Hogwarts Legacy - Acromantula ImageAcromantula Though not technically a spider, this beast appears and behaves like othe magical arachnids. As it is incredbily aggressive, andi ts powerful attacks will break Shield Charms, targets should dodge away and strike quickly between attakcs. Patience and perseverance just might lead to victory.
Hogwarts Legacy - Venomous Scurriour ImageVenomous Scurriour Its venomous attacks will poison the target, dealing damage over time, but Wiggenweld Potion will stop the poison from dealing further damage, allowing you to heal.
Hogwarts Legacy - Venomous Hatchling ImageVenomous Hatchling These deal light damage, but that can add up quickly when a swarm of them attack relentlessly.
Hogwarts Legacy - Venomous Ambusher ImageVenomous Ambusher These spiders try to keep as far away as possible and shoot webs to incapacitate their prey.
Hogwarts Legacy - Venomous Shooter ImageVenomous Shooter These spiders prefer to attack from a distance, spitting acidic venom.
Hogwarts Legacy - Venomous Matriarch ImageVenomous Matriarch This monstrosity rears up as it is about to strike its target with a powerful bite that breaks through Shield Charms.
Hogwarts Legacy - Thornback Scurriour ImageThornback Scurriour All types of magical spiders are quite vulnerable to fire, especially at low health.
Hogwarts Legacy - Thornback Hatchling ImageThornback Hatchling These deal light damage, but that can add up quickly when a swarm of them attack relentlessly.
Hogwarts Legacy - Thornback Ambusher ImageThornback Ambusher These spiders try to keep as far away as possible and shoot webs to incapacitate their prey.
Hogwarts Legacy - Thornback Shooter ImageThornback Shooter These spiders prefer to attack from a distance, spitting acidic venom.
Hogwarts Legacy - Thornback Matriarch ImageThornback Matriarch This monstrosity rears up as it is about to strike its target with a powerful bite that breaks through Shield Charms.
Hogwarts Legacy - Pensieve Guardian ImagePensieve Guardian The ultimate test for those seeking the deepest secrets of Ancient Magic.
Hogwarts Legacy - Pensieve Sentry ImagePensieve Sentry Created to protect the secrets of Ancient Magic, these animated statues strike hard and fast but are vulnerable to a variety of magic.
Hogwarts Legacy - Pensieve Sentinel ImagePensieve Sentinel Ancient Magic ensures that their weapon will always re-form in their hands after being thrown or disarmed, granting them the ability to attack from afar indefinitely.
Hogwarts Legacy - Pensieve Protector ImagePensieve Protector Use Expelliarmus to disarm these sentinels as they are more vulnerable once their weapons leave their hands.
Hogwarts Legacy - Armoured Troll ImageArmoured Troll The troll's forehand-backhand club swing pattern attacks will break through common Shield Charms. Dodging is the safest defence.
Hogwarts Legacy - Fighter Troll ImageFighter Troll Watch out for the Fighter Troll's forehand-backhand club swing pattern, as both attacks will break right through common Shield Charms. Dodging is the safest defence from such attacks.
Hogwarts Legacy - Fortified Troll ImageFortified Troll The troll's forehand-backhand club swing pattern attacks will break through common Shield Charms. Dodging is the safest defence.
Hogwarts Legacy - DeathDeath's Troll These monstrosities are conjured by Death himself. Only the most powerful magic can overcome them.
Hogwarts Legacy - Forest Troll ImageForest Troll The troll's forehand-backhand club swing pattern attacks will break through common Shield Charms. Dodging is the safest defence.
Hogwarts Legacy - Mountain Troll ImageMountain Troll The troll's forehand-backhand club swing pattern attacks will break through common Shield Charms. Dodging is the safest defence.
Hogwarts Legacy - River Troll ImageRiver Troll The troll's forehand-backhand club swing pattern attacks will break through common Shield Charms. Dodging is the safest defence.
Hogwarts Legacy - Dark Mongrel ImageDark Mongrel If it gets in close, its attacks can be repelled with Shield Charms and then a counterattack with any mastered spells.
Hogwarts Legacy - DeathDeath's Dark Mongrel These murderous beasts obey only Death, leading souls to him at every opportunity.
Hogwarts Legacy - Mannequin ImageMannequin Possessed by poltergeist trickery, these animated mannequins are relentless in the pursuit of their targets but are easily destroyed by many spells.
Hogwarts Legacy - FastidioFastidio's Monster A rather violent combination of crates, barrels, and bits of furniture conjured up for fun by Fastidio the poltergeist.

Types of Enemies

Jump to an Enemy Type
Dark Wizards Goblins Spiders Mongrels
Trolls Undead Animated Statues Dugbogs

Dark Wizards

Witches and Wizards will primarily be the enemies that players find themselves up against. There are 2 enemy groups in the game: the Poachers and the Ashwinders and consist of 9 enemy subtypes.

Enemies Description
Hogwarts Legacy - Ashwinder Duellist ImageAshwinder Duellist Among the quicker of Rookwood's agents, these witches will surprise their opponents with back-to-back attacks.
Hogwarts Legacy - Ashwinder Scout ImageAshwinder Scout These unscrupulous wizards have not mastered Shield Charms, so they are vulnerable to all sorts of attack.
Hogwarts Legacy - Ashwinder Assassin ImageAshwinder Assassin Some of the most evil witches alive, these secretive members of Rockwood's organization have spent years turning the peaceful dead into an army of their own Inferi.
Hogwarts Legacy - Ashwinder Soldier ImageAshwinder Soldier These wizards are skilled at deflecting simple attacks, so their Shield Charms must be broken first in order to defeat them.
Hogwarts Legacy - Ashwinder Executioner ImageAshwinder Executioner These wizards have mastered the ability to create localised lightning bolts to strike down their opponents.
Hogwarts Legacy - Ashwinder Ranger ImageAshwinder Ranger These witches have mastered the Full Body-Bind Curse in order to capture and terrorise their victims.
Hogwarts Legacy - Poacher Animagus ImagePoacher Animagus Some poachers in Rookwood's organisation have become Animagi who can transform into the same animal: a ravenous wolf.
Hogwarts Legacy - Poacher Duellist ImagePoacher Duellist Among the quicker agents of Rockwood, these witches will surprise their opponents with back-to-back attacks.
Hogwarts Legacy - Poacher Tracker ImagePoacher Tracker These unscrupulous wizards have not mastered Shield Charms, so they are vulnerable to all sorts of attack.
Hogwarts Legacy - Poacher Stalker ImagePoacher Stalker These wizards are skilled at deflecting simple attacks, so their Shield Charms must be broken first in order to defeat them.
Hogwarts Legacy - Poacher Ranger ImagePoacher Ranger These witches have mastered the Levitation Spell as a means of catching the beasts that they hunt.
Hogwarts Legacy - Poacher Executioner ImagePoacher Executioner These wizards have mastered the ability to conjure huge columns of fire to incinerate threats, but it is as dangerous to their own gang as it is to their opponents.
Hogwarts Legacy - DeathDeath's Shadow These agents of Death attack mercilessly but will fall quickly to the power of a particular wand.
Hogwarts Legacy - Ailsa Travers ImageAilsa Travers
(Infamous Foe)
Considered to be particularly close friends with Victor Rookwood, Ailsa Travers is all too good at her job as an Ashwinder. Travers has been one of Rookwood's most devoted followers from the beginning and helped Rookwood gain critical footing within Hogsmeade.
Hogwarts Legacy - Gwendolyn Zhou ImageGwendolyn Zhou
(Infamous Foe)
Blackmailed in to compliance, Gwendolyn Zhou was a reluctant Ashwinder informant within the Ministry of Magic. After being found out and fired, Gwendolyn was forced to join Rookwood to protect and provide for her family.
Hogwarts Legacy - Tempeste Thorne ImageTempeste Thorne
(Infamous Foe)
Clinical and cruel, Tempeste Thorne was trapping and carving up beasts for profit long before she left Hogwarts. One of the first to join Rookwood's criminal empire, under her gaze the poachers have risen from scramblers to a sturdy operation.
Hogwarts Legacy - Iona Morgan ImageIona Morgan
(Infamous Foe)
After graduating Hogwarts, Iona Morgan was turned out by her emotionally abusive family. Looking to her old friends from school, she found a new family and home in the Poacher Pack.
Hogwarts Legacy - Silvanus Selwyn ImageSilvanus Selwyn
(Infamous Foe)
Born to a life of privilege but not born early enough to inherit it, Silvanus Selwyn was known for his expensive and extravagant lifestyle. It was said that he would do anything to destroy the good reputation of his distinguished family. Silvanus was the one who opened doors to influential people for Rookwood.
Hogwarts Legacy - Dunstan Trinity ImageDunstan Trinity
(Infamous Foe)
A proficient pickpocket, Dunstan has always enjoyed the art of thieving. In fact, it was his light-fingeredness that led him to a friendless existence at Hogwarts.
Hogwarts Legacy - Catrin Haggarty ImageCatrin Haggarty
(Infamous Foe)
Estranged from her brother Padraic, a local shopkeeper, Catrin Haggarty turned to a life of petty thievery and tricks years ago. It wasn't until recently that she abandoned small scams for a chance at a bigger forntune with the Ashwinders.

List of Dark Wizards and How to Beat Them


Goblins play a significant role in the story of Hogwarts Legacy as a Goblin rebellion is a major plot of the game. Goblins have similar subclasses to enemy wizards and are shown to have Loyalists in their names which might be indicative of their allegiance to Ranrok.

Enemies Description
Hogwarts Legacy - Loyalist Assassin ImageLoyalist Assassin These Ranrok Loyalists have manipulated corrupted acient magic to grant themselves unnatural speed.
Hogwarts Legacy - Loyalist Sentinel ImageLoyalist Sentinel Masters of both offensive and defensive magic, these Ranrok Loyalists can go toe-to-toe with the most powerful witches and wizards.
Hogwarts Legacy - Loyalist Warrior ImageLoyalist Warrior These heavy goblin weaponry is quite dangerous.
Hogwarts Legacy - Loyalist Ranger ImageLoyalist Ranger These Ranrok Loyalists try to keep as far away from their targets as possible and use their crossbows to launch bolts imbued with Ancient Magic.
Hogwarts Legacy - Loyalist Commander ImageLoyalist Commander These goblins wield hammers with impressive skill, often attacking in rapid succession.
Hogwarts Legacy - Ogbert the Odd ImageOgbert the Odd
(Infamous Foe)
Ogbert the Odd joined Rankok's Loyalists after a run-in with a security dragon at Gringotts. Some wonder if he provoked the dragon whilst others bemoan the cruelty of keeping dragons chained up under a bank.
Hogwarts Legacy - Pergit ImagePergit
(Infamous Foe)
Pergit is a goblin rebel who fights under Ranrok's banner. He is notorious for his callousness towards everyone except those he truly fears or admires.
Hogwarts Legacy - Belgruff the Bludgeoner ImageBelgruff the Bludgeoner
(Infamous Foe)
Now known for his militant approach to goblin rights, Belgruff the Bludgeoner was once a peaceful member of the goblin rights movement. It is said that the taste of power he got being around Ranrok convinced him to change his ways.
Hogwarts Legacy - Grodbik ImageGrodbik
(Infamous Foe)
A young outspoken goblin, Grodbik rose through the ranks quickly and was a trusted guard of Ranrok's mines.

List of Goblins and how to Beat Goblins


The Spiders in Hogwarts Legacy are large with differing sizes. They move fast and usually fight in groups. Most kinds of spiders are weak to fire.

Enemies Description
Hogwarts Legacy - Acromantula ImageAcromantula Though not technically a spider, this beast appears and behaves like othe magical arachnids. As it is incredbily aggressive, andi ts powerful attacks will break Shield Charms, targets should dodge away and strike quickly between attakcs. Patience and perseverance just might lead to victory.
Hogwarts Legacy - The Absconder ImageThe Absconder
(Infamous Foe)
This beast is an aberration, as it is not native to this region. In its short time here, however, this Acromantula possibly mothered a number of other Acromantulas in the area.
Hogwarts Legacy - The Insatiable Spider ImageThe Insatiable Spider
(Infamous Foe)
A horrific, giant arachnid living underneath Mary Portman's cottage in Aranshire.
Hogwarts Legacy - Thornback Ambusher ImageThornback Ambusher These spiders try to keep as far away as possible and shoot webs to incapacitate their prey.
Hogwarts Legacy - Thornback Hatchling ImageThornback Hatchling These deal light damage, but that can add up quickly when a swarm of them attack relentlessly.
Hogwarts Legacy - Thornback Matriarch ImageThornback Matriarch This monstrosity rears up as it is about to strike its target with a powerful bite that breaks through Shield Charms.
Hogwarts Legacy - Thornback Scurriour ImageThornback Scurriour All types of magical spiders are quite vulnerable to fire, especially at low health.
Hogwarts Legacy - Thornback Shooter ImageThornback Shooter These spiders prefer to attack from a distance, spitting acidic venom.
Hogwarts Legacy - Venomous Ambusher ImageVenomous Ambusher These spiders try to keep as far away as possible and shoot webs to incapacitate their prey.
Hogwarts Legacy - Venomous Hatchling ImageVenomous Hatchling These deal light damage, but that can add up quickly when a swarm of them attack relentlessly.
Hogwarts Legacy - Venomous Matriarch ImageVenomous Matriarch This monstrosity rears up as it is about to strike its target with a powerful bite that breaks through Shield Charms.
Hogwarts Legacy - Venomous Scurriour ImageVenomous Scurriour Its venomous attacks will poison the target, dealing damage over time, but Wiggenweld Potion will stop the poison from dealing further damage, allowing you to heal.
Hogwarts Legacy - Venomous Shooter ImageVenomous Shooter These spiders prefer to attack from a distance, spitting acidic venom.


Mongrels are canine creatures and are vicious untamable beasts. They can be easily defeated by defending against their attacks with Protego then countering them.

Enemies Description
Hogwarts Legacy - Dark Mongrel ImageDark Mongrel If it gets in close, its attacks can be repelled with Shield Charms and then a counterattack with any mastered spells.
Hogwarts Legacy - DeathDeath's Dark Mongrel These murderous beasts obey only Death, leading souls to him at every opportunity.
Hogwarts Legacy - The Grim ImageThe Grim
(Infamous Foe)
Thought to be an omen of death upon the villagers of Netherwyck, this black wolf was simply a wolf who had been enchanted with some kind of magic. It shared its den with a great white wolf and their kin.
Hogwarts Legacy - The White Wolf ImageThe White Wolf
(Infamous Foe)
A ferocious beast with striking white fur.

List of Mongrels and how to Beat Mongrels


Trolls are gigantic hulking creatures with a club. They have high amounts of HP and is best not fought without careful planning.

Enemies Description
Hogwarts Legacy - AlexandraAlexandra's Troll
(Infamous Foe)
With a train tunnel as ist cave, this troll is tempting fate. If not killed by those wishing to loot its horde of items, it is likely to be the victim of a passing steam engine.
Hogwarts Legacy - Armoured Troll ImageArmoured Troll The troll's forehand-backhand club swing pattern attacks will break through common Shield Charms. Dodging is the safest defence.
Hogwarts Legacy - DeathDeath's Troll These monstrosities are conjured by Death himself. Only the most powerful magic can overcome them.
Hogwarts Legacy - FastidioFastidio's Monster A rather violent combination of crates, barrels, and bits of furniture conjured up for fun by Fastidio the poltergeist.
Hogwarts Legacy - Fighter Troll ImageFighter Troll Watch out for the Fighter Troll's forehand-backhand club swing pattern, as both attacks will break right through common Shield Charms. Dodging is the safest defence from such attacks.
Hogwarts Legacy - Forest Troll ImageForest Troll The troll's forehand-backhand club swing pattern attacks will break through common Shield Charms. Dodging is the safest defence.
Hogwarts Legacy - Fortified Troll ImageFortified Troll The troll's forehand-backhand club swing pattern attacks will break through common Shield Charms. Dodging is the safest defence.
Hogwarts Legacy - Mountain Troll ImageMountain Troll The troll's forehand-backhand club swing pattern attacks will break through common Shield Charms. Dodging is the safest defence.
Hogwarts Legacy - Quagmire Troll ImageQuagmire Troll
(Infamous Foe)
An especially mean forest troll who seems to enjoy wandering boggy areas.
Hogwarts Legacy - River Troll ImageRiver Troll The troll's forehand-backhand club swing pattern attacks will break through common Shield Charms. Dodging is the safest defence.
Hogwarts Legacy - The Riparian Troll ImageThe Riparian Troll
(Infamous Foe)
Misunderstanding a common wizard gesture, this troll rampaged through a small hamlet east of Hogwarts

List of Trolls and How to Beat Trolls


Undead creatures are enemy corpses that have come back to life. They are imprevious to damage under normal circumstances so assigning the proper spell is mandatory when fighting undeads such as Inferis.

Enemies Description
Hogwarts Legacy - Bardolph BeaumontBardolph Beaumont's Corpse
(Infamous Foe)
The reanimated corpse that once was Bardolph Beaumont, brother to Upper Hogsfield's Claire Beaumont. Bardolph had gone missing after allegedly connecting with Rockwood's lot, breaking the hearts of the Beaumont family.
Hogwarts Legacy - Inferius ImageInferius Though invulnerable to most types of damage, Inferi cannot abide warmth and light and are therefore susceptible to fire.
Hogwarts Legacy - Lord of the Manor ImageLord of the Manor
(Infamous Foe)
An Inferius who was rich in life, though now the only indication of wealth is his clothing.
Hogwarts Legacy - Mannequin ImageMannequin Possessed by poltergeist trickery, these animated mannequins are relentless in the pursuit of their targets but are easily destroyed by many spells.

List of Undeads and How to Beat Undeads

Animated Statues

These animated statues are imbued with Ancient Magic and are tasked with protecting the secrets of Ancient Magic from the unworthy.

Enemies Description
Hogwarts Legacy - Pensieve Guardian ImagePensieve Guardian The ultimate test for those seeking the deepest secrets of Ancient Magic.
Hogwarts Legacy - Pensieve Sentry ImagePensieve Sentry Created to protect the secrets of Ancient Magic, these animated statues strike hard and fast but are vulnerable to a variety of magic.
Hogwarts Legacy - Pensieve Sentinel ImagePensieve Sentinel Ancient Magic ensures that their weapon will always re-form in their hands after being thrown or disarmed, granting them the ability to attack from afar indefinitely.
Hogwarts Legacy - Pensieve Protector ImagePensieve Protector Use Expelliarmus to disarm these sentinels as they are more vulnerable once their weapons leave their hands.


Dugbogs are gigantic frogs that can unleash high damaging tackles or ranged spit attacks. Proper timing of spells are recommended to make these fights easier.

Enemies Description
Hogwarts Legacy - Cottongrass Dugbog ImageCottongrass Dugbog These camouflaged beasts will often blend in with the environment to avoid detection until their prey is close enough to attack. Revelio can help you find them when exploring their habitats!
Hogwarts Legacy - Great Spined Dugbog ImageGreat Spined Dugbog These camouflaged beasts will often blend in with the environment to avoid detection until their prey is close enough to attack. Revelio can help you find them when exploring their habitats!
Hogwarts Legacy - Rampant Dugbog ImageRampant Dugbog
(Infamous Foe)
Unknown to the villagers who trapped it, this Dugbog had been corrupted with some type of magic.
Hogwarts Legacy - Stoneback Dugbog ImageStoneback Dugbog These camouflaged beasts will often blend in with the environment to avoid detection until their prey is close enough to attack. Revelio can help you find them when exploring their habitats!

Tips for Defeating Enemies

Check Enemy Levels While Fighting

Players can check the level of enemies they fight in combat simply by looking at the left side of their HP bar. This can give the player an idea of how to approach an enemy and strategize accordingly.

Enemies that are the same or lower level than you will be shown as green digits while enemies that are a higher level will be in red.

Combat Guide: How to Fight

Exploit Enemy's Weaknesses

Hogwarts Legacy - Exploit Enemy

All enemies have weaknesses that'll ensure a quicker and safer end to your battles. Use different Spell casts against each enemy. For example, some Dark Wizards would require to break their Shields first, before launching them in the air with Levioso.

Casting Incendio against certain beasts and Inferi deals great damage to them. Incapitate Goblins by catching them off guard with Expelliarmus and attack with Bombarda. Flipendo works wonders on Trolls.

Ancient Magic Creatures can be defeated with Ancient Magic and Expelliarmus.

Spell List: How to Get All Spells

Complete Dueling Feats for Additional XP

While in combat with enemies, there will be Dueling Feats that players can attempt for additional XP. When fighting multiple waves of enemies, Dueling Feats can change depending upon who you're currently fighting.

What are Dueling Feats?

Enemies Overview

Enemy Encounters Complete Collectibles

Hogwarts Legacy - List of Enemies in Collections

Encountering an enemy for the first time will unlock them in your List of Enemies in the Collections Menu, and completing all enemies will help you 100% your game.

Post-Game Content and 100% Guide

Completes the Finishing Touches Trophy

Hogwarts - Finishing Touches Finishing Touches
Objective: Use Ancient Magic on every enemy in the game
Points: 30 XP

Defeating all enemies will grant you the Finishing Touches Trophy. This does not include enemies that are exclusive to quests or Infamous Foes, and only require common enemies found in the overworld.

Achievement List and Trophy Guide

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