Hogwarts Legacy

List of Trolls and How to Beat Trolls

This is a list of all troll type enemies in Hogwarts Legacy. Read on to see a list of all trolls in the game, where to find them, and how to beat them!

List of All Trolls

Enemies Description
Hogwarts Legacy - Armoured Troll ImageArmoured Troll The troll's forehand-backhand club swing pattern attacks will break through common Shield Charms. Dodging is the safest defence.
Hogwarts Legacy - Forest Troll ImageForest Troll The troll's forehand-backhand club swing pattern attacks will break through common Shield Charms. Dodging is the safest defence.
Hogwarts Legacy - River Troll ImageRiver Troll The troll's forehand-backhand club swing pattern attacks will break through common Shield Charms. Dodging is the safest defence.
Hogwarts Legacy - Quagmire Troll ImageQuagmire Troll
(Infamous Foe)
An especially mean forest troll who seems to enjoy wandering boggy areas.
Hogwarts Legacy - Fortified Troll ImageFortified Troll The troll's forehand-backhand club swing pattern attacks will break through common Shield Charms. Dodging is the safest defence.
Hogwarts Legacy - Mountain Troll ImageMountain Troll The troll's forehand-backhand club swing pattern attacks will break through common Shield Charms. Dodging is the safest defence.
Hogwarts Legacy - Fighter Troll ImageFighter Troll Watch out for the Fighter Troll's forehand-backhand club swing pattern, as both attacks will break right through common Shield Charms. Dodging is the safest defence from such attacks.
Hogwarts Legacy - DeathDeath's Troll These monstrosities are conjured by Death himself. Only the most powerful magic can overcome them.
Hogwarts Legacy - AlexandraAlexandra's Troll
(Infamous Foe)
With a train tunnel as ist cave, this troll is tempting fate. If not killed by those wishing to loot its horde of items, it is likely to be the victim of a passing steam engine.
Hogwarts Legacy - The Riparian Troll ImageThe Riparian Troll
(Infamous Foe)
Misunderstanding a common wizard gesture, this troll rampaged through a small hamlet east of Hogwarts
Hogwarts Legacy - FastidioFastidio's Monster A rather violent combination of crates, barrels, and bits of furniture conjured up for fun by Fastidio the poltergeist.

How to Beat Trolls

Time Using Your Flippendo

After the troll slams its club on the ground with both hands, flipping it upward with Flipendo will have a greater leverage than usual, sending the club into the troll's face for a powerful blow.
Flipendo Effects and How to Get

Counter With Ancient Magic Throw

Hitting a troll with its own boulder will catch it off guard and make it more vulnerable to follow-up attacks.

Ancient Magic Throw Effects and How to Get

Troll Locations

Hunt In Troll Lairs

Troll Lairs
Forbidden Forest Feldcroft
Clagmar Coast Marunweem Lake
Manor Cape Poidsear Coast

Trolls will generally be found resting on their lairs. Rarely will trolls be found outside these areas so searching for these lairs will be your best bet when hunting for Troll Bogeys.

Fought on Battle Arenas

Fortified Troll World View-Hogwarts Legacy

There are certain trolls, particularly ones with equipment such as Fortified and Armourede Trolls, that can be fought on Battle Arenas. Seek out these areas if you wish to encounter trolls!

All Battle Arena Locations and How to Unlock

Encountered as Bosses in Cairn Dungeons

Oftentimes, you'll find Trolls near the end of Cairn Dungeons. They serve as mini-bosses for that specific dungeons.

All Cairn Dungeon Locations

Fought as Infamous Foes

There are several infamous foes in the game and several of these enemies are enemy trolls. Hunt down Infamous foes and obtain challenge rewards from defeating these strong enemies!

List of Infamous Foes and Locations

All Troll Challenges

Dueling Feats Completed 5
Officer Officer's Uniform
Officer Officer's Hat
Halloween Pumpkin Mask Halloween Pumpkin Mask
Autumn Festival Coat Autumn Festival Coat
Demiguise Mask Demiguise Mask

Hogwarts Legacy Related Guides

Hogwarts Legacy - Enemies

List of Enemies

List of Enemies

List of Enemies
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Dugbogs Mongrels Statues Undead


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