Hogwarts Legacy

Welcome to Hogsmeade Quest Walkthrough

Welcome to Hogsmeade is one of the main quests in Hogwarts Legacy. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, list of rewards, and tips on how to complete Welcome to Hogsmeade!

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Welcome to Hogsmeade Video Walkthrough

Part 1

Part 2

Welcome to Hogsmeade Overview

How to Unlock

Welcome to Hogsmeade unlocks after completing Weasley After Class and choosing a companion to accompany you to the trip. You will also need to learn Reparo first from Professor Ronen's Assignment to start this quest.

Quest Information

Welcome to Hogsmeade
Quest Type Main Quest
Requirement(s) Reach level 2 and learn Reparo
Rewards ・ Ancient Magic Throw
・ Ancient Magic
Description Professor Weasley has arranged for me to visit the nearby vilalge of Hogsmeade and replace my lost supplies. I should be able to navigate to the differet shops using my map.

Welcome to Hogsmeade Walkthrough

Quest Objectives

Meet Natty/Sebastian Near the Entrance to Hogwarts.
After completing Professor Ronen's Assignement, follow the objective marker and meet up with Natty/Sebastian at the entrance to Hogwarts.
Follow Natty/Sebastian to Hogsmeade.
Follow Natty/Sebastian as you exit Hogwarts. Gather the Lacewing bushes, Leaping Toadstool Caps, and Moonstone as you reach the location.

Open the map and learn the shop icons shown on-screen.
Visit Tomes and Scrolls.
Set a waypoint to Tomes and Scrolls and enter the shop. Talk to Thomas Brown and get the Potting Table with a Small Potion Spellcraft and Small Potion Station Spellcraft.
Visit Ollivanders.
Set a waypoint to Ollivanders and talk to Gerbold Ollivander to get your wand. Customize your wand however you like as these customizations are cosmetic only.
Best Wand Cores and Wand Options
Visit J. Pippin’s Potions.
Set a waypoint to J. Pippin’s Potions and enter the shop. Talk to Parry Pipper and get the Edurus Potion Recipe and Wiggenweld Potion Recipe.
Visit the Magic Neep.
Set a waypoint to Magic Neep and enter the garden. Talk to Timothy Teasdale and get the Dittany Seed.
Meet Natty/Sebastian at the Town Circle.
Once you have everything you need, follow the objective marker to reach town circle and talk to Natty/Sebastian.
Defend Hogsmeade.
Use Basic Cast and Ancient Throw to deplete the troll's health. Avoid getting near the troll and use Protego and dodges.
Repair the Damage (0/7).
Use Revelio to find the items you need to repair and use Reparo to repair the damages.

There are seven items you need to repair in the area: fireworks cart, statue, wooden furniture near Honeydukes, newspaper stand, building near the signpost, and the crates and barrels near the square.
Speak to the Shopkeeper.
Talk to the shopkeeper inside the Gladrags Wizardwear and get the Traditional School Robe.
Follow Natty/Sebastian to the Three Broomsticks.
Follow Natty/Sebastian outside of the shop and watch the cutscene that follows.
Talk to Sebastian Outside the Three Broomsticks.
Meet Natty/Sebastian outside and talk to them. Open the map and fast travel back to your Common Room to complete the quest.

8. Use Basic Cast and Ancient Throw to Defeat the Troll

Slotted spells do not work on the Armored Troll so you will need to use Basic Cast (R2/RT) and Ancient Magic Throw (R1/RB) to deplete its health. You can use Protego and Stupefy (Triangle/Y) to counterattack, but use dodges for attacks that cannot be deflected.

Once its health is low, press L1 + R1/RB + LB at the same time to unleash a powerful Ancient Magic Spell to disintegrate it.

Ancient Magic Throw Effects and How to Get

Gladrags Wizardwear Not Working in Welcome to Hogsmeade

Fight the Troll First

The shopkeeper at Gladrags Wizardwear won't talk to you until after you defeat the Armored Troll and use Reparo to fix up the Town Circle.

After you fight the troll, there'll be a dialogue scene where you introduce yourselves and he thanks for you defeating the troll. Oddly, there is a bug that shows the interact button to talk, but nothing happens until you beat the troll.

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3 Charms Class 4 Defence Against the Dark Arts Class
5 Weasley After Class 6 Professor Ronen's Assignment
7 Welcome to Hogsmeade 8 The Locket's Secret
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28 In the Shadow of the Estate 29 The Elf, the Nab-Sack, and the Loom
30 Astronomy Class 31 Professor Garlick's Assignment 1
32 The High Keep 33 Back on the Path
34 Charles Rookwood's Trial 35 Fire and Vice
36 Professor Weasley's Assignment 37 In the Shadow of the Mine
38 It's All Gobbledegook 39 The Headmistress Speaks
40 The Polyjuice Plot 41 Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial
42 Professor Howin's Assignment 43 In the Shadow of the Mountain
44 Lodgok's Loyalty 45 San Bakar's Trial
46 Wand Mastery 47 The Final Repository

List of Assignments

All Assignments in Hogwarts Legacy
Professor Hecat's Assignment 2 Professor Ronen's Assignment Professor Hecat's Assignment 1
Professor Garlick's Assignment 1 Professor Weasley's Assignment Professor Howin's Assignment
Madam Kogawa's Assignment 1 Professor Garlick's Assignment 2 Professor Sharp's Assignment 1
Professor Sharp's Assignment 2 Professor Onai's Assignment Madam Kogawa's Assignment 2

List of Assignments


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