Hogwarts Legacy

Pensieve Guardian Boss Fight Guide

Hogwarts Legacy Pensieve Guardian

This is a guide on how to beat Pensieve Guardian, a boss in Hogwarts Legacy. Read on to see strategies against Pensieve Guardian, rewards, and how to destroy the orb as it's charging up!

Pensieve Guardian Overview

General Info

Hogwarts Legacy Pensieve Guardian Boss
Rewards None
Quest Percival Rackham's Trial
Description The ultimate test for those seeking the deepest secrets of Ancient Magic.

How to Beat Pensieve Guardian

Tips and Strategies

Spam Basic Casts and Dodge the Fissures

Hogwarts Legacy - casting Ancient Magic on Pensieve Guardian

Keep spamming your basic attacks while dodge rolling away from the unblockable fissure attacks to build up your Ancient Magic gauge. As soon as you get one blue bar, cast an Ancient Magic to deal significant damage to the Guardian.

Ancient Magic Effects and How to Get

Prepare Spells and Save Them on the Orbs

Hogwarts Legacy - destroying the Pensieve Guardian

The Pensieve Guardian has an unblockable orb attack, but you can interrupt it by casting a spell that's the same color as the orb or by doing an Ancient Magic Throw using one of the nearby vases.

Make sure to have at least one Control, Force, and Damage spell equipped to have all colors ready. Cast the spell type that matches the orb's color.

Back Away When it Starts Recovering

Hogwarts Legacy Pensieve Guardian Attack

You can stun the Guardian with Ancient Magic or by destroying an orb. While it's briefly stunned, it's vulnerable to attacks. Attack it then.

However, shortly after, you will see a blue circle around it, indicating that the Guardian is starting to recover. Back away until you leave the circle, as the circle indicates the area of effect of his next unblockable attack.

Pensieve Guardian Attack Patterns

First Phase

Attack Name Description
Basic Attack
The Guardian slams his foot on the ground, sending a fissure in the direction it was facing.
Orb Attack
The Guardian charges up a randomly colored orb that he launches at your direction.
Recovery Attack
After recovering from being stunned, the Guardian will unleash a wide AoE attack.

Second Phase

Attack Name Description
Wisp Projectile
After doing a Basic Attack, a wisp will be launched at you.

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Hogwarts Legacy - Boss Guides

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