Hogwarts Legacy

Dark Arts Build Guide

This is a Dark Arts Build that focuses on using Unforgivable curses and lethal spells in Hogwarts Legacy! Read on to know the best spells, best talents, and the best traits to have when making a Dark Arts Build!

Dark Arts Build

Dark Arts Build
House Slytherin
Wand Core Dragon Heartstring
Potions/Plants Maxima Potion
Venomous Tentacula
Thunderbrew Potion
Gear Appearance Black Leather Gloves
Beaked Skull Mask
Potioneer's Cap
Dusky Wool Scarf
Legendary Cape
Legendary Armored Attire

Dark Arts Build Spells

Spell Effect How to Get
Confringo Confringo Causes a target to explode. Complete the In The Shadow of the Undercroft Quest
In the Shadow of the Undercroft
Crucio Crucio Causes intense, continuous pain. Complete In the Shadow of the Study
In the Shadow of the Study
Avada Kedavra Avada Kedavra Causes instantaneous death. Complete In the Shadow of the Relic
In the Shadow of the Relic
Imperio Imperio Forces enemies to fight for you. Complete In the Shadow of Time
In the Shadow of Time
Diffindo Diffindo Used to accurately cut a target. Complete Professor Sharp's Assignment 2

Best Gear Traits

Trait Effect
Unforgivable IIIUnforgivable III Significantly increased damage dealt to cursed targets
Concentration IIIConcentration III Significantly increased damage of all Damage spells
Cruelty IIICruelty III Significantly increased damage with Crucio

Recommended Talents

Talent Req. Level Effect
Stunning Curse 5 Req. Spell: Stupefy
Stupefy has the same effect as a curse on enemies. Cursed enemies take increased damage.
Blood Curse 5 Dealing damage to a cursed target inflicts damage to all cursed targets.
Imperio Mastery 16 Req. Spell: Imperio
An enemy under your control with Imperio curses other targets with each successful strike.
Crucio Mastery 16 Req. Spell: Crucio
Striking an enemy cursed by Crucio releases a projectile that curses a nearby enemy.
Curse Sapper 22 Defeating a cursed enemy restores some of your health.


The playstyle for the Dark Arts Build relies on mainly using the Unforgivable Curses as well as some Damage Spells. In keeping with the bloodthirsty nature of dark wizards, this build is more suited to those that won't be sneaking around enemies and instead engaging them head-on.

Apart from the Unforgivable Curses, Confringo and Diffindo will be your main Spells while making sure to upgrade the appropriate Talents as you level up to improve their effects.

As for gear traits, you can further improve your offense with Concentration III, Unforgivable III, and Cruelty III to maximize the potential of your spells.


Players can use the transmog option to maintain the look of a Dark Arts wizard by switching their appearance to the gear listed above without having to keep any items that give inferior stats.

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