Hogwarts Legacy

Traditional School Robe Preview

Traditional School Robe is one of the Robe and Cloak available in Hogwarts Legacy. Read on to know how to get Traditional School Robe and see how it would look on your male or female character!

Traditional School Robe Overview

Traditional School Robe Basic Info

Traditional School Robe
Traditional School Robe
Type Robe and Cloak
How to Get ・Random Chest Drop
・Random Enemy Drop
・Obtainable at Gladrags Wizardwear

Traditional School Robe How to Get

Purchase at Gladrags Wizardwear

Hogwarts Legacy - Gladrags Wizardwear

Rarity Cost Sell Value
Standard - 30 Coins
Well-Appointed - 60 Coins
Superb 250 Coins 90 Coins
Extraordinary 375 Coins 150 Coins
Legendary 500 Coins 200 Coins

You can buy the Traditional School Robe at Gladrags Wizardwear. However, Gladrags Wizardwear offers random gear and clothing, so it's best to visit it once in a while to check if the Traditional School Robe is available!
All Hogsmeade Shops and Locations

Loot Chests

Hogwarts Legacy - Chest
You can get Traditional School Robe by searching and looting chests in the overworld. However, chest drops are random, and you might need to open a lot to get Traditional School Robe.

Defeat Enemies

Hogwarts Legacy - Defeat Enemies
There's a chance of Traditional School Robe dropping from an enemy after defeating it. The gear drop rate on enemies is a bit low, so it might take you some time to get Traditional School Robe.

Traditional School Robe Character Preview

Female Preview

This is what Traditional School Robe will look like on your female character when equipped.

Traditional School Robe House Variations

House Variations





Male Preview

This is what Traditional School Robe will look like on your male character when equipped.

Traditional School Robe House Variations

House Variations
Hogwarts Legacy - Traditional School Robe
Hogwarts Legacy - Traditional School Robe

Hogwarts Legacy - Traditional School Robe

Traditional School Robe Upgrade Materials

Upgrade Materials

Upgrade Lv. Upgrade Materials
Lv. 1 TBD
Lv. 2 TBD
Lv. 3 TBD

Hogwarts Legacy Related Guides

Hogwarts Legacy - All Gear

List of Gear

All Gear by Type

Gear by Type
Gloves Outfit Neckwear
Face Gear Headwear Robe & Cloak
Wand Handles - -

All Robe and Cloak

Ambitious CloakAmbitious Cloak Astral Mosaic RobeAstral Mosaic Robe Astral RobeAstral Robe
Athletic House RobeAthletic House Robe Authentic HistorianAuthentic Historian's Uniform Autumn Festival CloakAutumn Festival Cloak
Azure Mosaic RobeAzure Mosaic Robe Beast Rescuer RobeBeast Rescuer Robe Blackwatch Plaid LongcoatBlackwatch Plaid Longcoat
Brushed Wool CapeBrushed Wool Cape Burgundy RobeBurgundy Robe Celtic CapeCeltic Cape
Celtic Hero CapeCeltic Hero Cape Cerulean Patterned CloakCerulean Patterned Cloak Charming House CloakCharming House Cloak
Charming School CloakCharming School Cloak Check Crimson OvercoatCheck Crimson Overcoat Classical School RobeClassical School Robe
Classical Trimmed School RobeClassical Trimmed School Robe Competitive School RobeCompetitive School Robe Crepuscular CapeCrepuscular Cape
Crimson Patterned RobeCrimson Patterned Robe Crimson Winter CoatCrimson Winter Coat Cuffed School RobeCuffed School Robe
Currant Patterned LongcoatCurrant Patterned Longcoat Daring CloakDaring Cloak Dark Arts CloakDark Arts Cloak
Dark Arts RobeDark Arts Robe Dashing Gray LongcoatDashing Gray Longcoat Decorative School RobeDecorative School Robe
Deluxe House CloakDeluxe House Cloak Diamond Weave RobeDiamond Weave Robe Dignified School RobeDignified School Robe
Distinguished Amber CloakDistinguished Amber Cloak Distinguished School CloakDistinguished School Cloak Distinguished School RobeDistinguished School Robe
Draconic LongcoatDraconic Longcoat Dragonhide ProtectorDragonhide Protector's Cloak Druid Wolf CapeDruid Wolf Cape
Elegant Emerald RobeElegant Emerald Robe Elegant Runic CloakElegant Runic Cloak Embellished Cobalt OvercoatEmbellished Cobalt Overcoat
Embellished House CloakEmbellished House Cloak Embossed TailcoatEmbossed Tailcoat Emerald Silk RobeEmerald Silk Robe
Fashionable Dress RobesFashionable Dress Robes Flamboyant CloakFlamboyant Cloak Gallantry CapeGallantry Cape
GardenerGardener's Robe Geometric House CloakGeometric House Cloak Golden Silk RobeGolden Silk Robe
Golden Trimmed School RobeGolden Trimmed School Robe Heraldic LoangcoatHeraldic Loangcoat HerodianaHerodiana's Cape
Hickory Striped CloakHickory Striped Cloak Highland Explorer CloakHighland Explorer Cloak Hogwarts Regalia RobeHogwarts Regalia Robe
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Illustrious Emerald Silk RobeIllustrious Emerald Silk Robe Kraken CloakKraken Cloak Leather LongcoatLeather Longcoat
Leather Winter CloakLeather Winter Cloak Legendary CapeLegendary Cape Loyal and Kind CloakLoyal and Kind Cloak
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Mormaer RobeMormaer Robe Mysterious Corduroy RobeMysterious Corduroy Robe Noble Azure OvercoatNoble Azure Overcoat
Noblesse CoatNoblesse Coat Ochre CloakOchre Cloak Olive Patterned RobeOlive Patterned Robe
Patterned House RobePatterned House Robe Periwinkle TailcoatPeriwinkle Tailcoat Plum Velvet RobePlum Velvet Robe
Poacher CoatPoacher Coat Quidditch CapeQuidditch Cape Quidditch RobeQuidditch Robe
Refined School CloakRefined School Cloak Regal Golden Silk RobeRegal Golden Silk Robe Regal School CloakRegal School Cloak
Relic House UniformRelic House Uniform Resplendent RobeResplendent Robe Royal Maroon CloakRoyal Maroon Cloak
Rugged RobeRugged Robe Runic RobeRunic Robe ScholarScholar's Robe
Scholarly CloakScholarly Cloak ShopkeeperShopkeeper's Coat Sleek School CloakSleek School Cloak
Solitarian CloakSolitarian Cloak Spider Slayer ArmourSpider Slayer Armour Starry-Eyed SeerStarry-Eyed Seer's Cape
Steel Blue RobeSteel Blue Robe Striking Turquoise CloakStriking Turquoise Cloak Striped School RobeStriped School Robe
Stylish School CloakStylish School Cloak Sunrise RobeSunrise Robe Tailored TailcoatTailored Tailcoat
Tanned CloakTanned Cloak ThiefThief's Coat Top of the Class CloakTop of the Class Cloak
Traditional Check CloakTraditional Check Cloak Traditional School CloakTraditional School Cloak Traditional School RobeTraditional School Robe
Treasure-SeekerTreasure-Seeker's Longcoat Trifecta School RobeTrifecta School Robe Twilight CloakTwilight Cloak
Two-Tone House CloakTwo-Tone House Cloak Velvet House CloakVelvet House Cloak Velvet School RobeVelvet School Robe
Venomous Tentacula RobeVenomous Tentacula Robe ZonkoZonko's Chief Prankster Coat


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