Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough Comments

How to Get and Use MandrakeComment

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    2 Anonymous@Game8about 2 yearsReport

    Hello! You should be able to get to the Dogweed and Deathcap shop and buy the Mandrake Seeds once you reach Hogsmeade during the Welcome to Hogsmeade Quest. As for the Mandrake Seeds availability, you can only get it at the Dogweed and Deathcap Shop, and it won't be available elsewhere in the game. You can then use the seeds to plant an unlimited number of Mandrakes. We hope this helps!

    1 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    At the shop, pressing X doesn't make the lady talk to me so i can't buy any mandrake seeds from her..are there any other places to get mandrake seeds from other than dogweed and deathcap?

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