Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Jailbreak Relic Skill: Effects and How to Use

Jailbreak is a relic skill added in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. Learn how the Jailbreak relic skill works, its relic points cost, the relic effects, how to unlock the relic, and more!

Jailbreak Relic Information

Jailbreak Relic IconJailbreak
Relic Points to Unlock 3 pts
Affected Cyberware(s) Mantis Blades
Gorilla Arms
Projectile Launch System
Relic Skill Effect
Unlocks new abilities for Arm cyberwares: Mantis Blades, Gorilla Arms, Projectile Launch System, and Monowire.

You can overcharge the Projectile Launch System by holding the fire button. This launches a burst of 5 projectiles that cover a larger area.

Attacking with Gorilla Arms now charges them up. When fully charges, a Strong attack would deal massive damage a creates a shockwave that staggers nearby enemies. Doing so will send the enemies flying.

Dismembering an enemy or performing a Finisher with Mantis Blades will charge the next Leap Attack. A charged Leap Attack with Mantis Blades have +30m longer reach and deals massive damage with a wide slash that hits the target and other nearby enemies. Killing enemies this way also dismembers them.

The Monowire now has a dedicated slot for Control quickhacks. To use the installed quickhack, charge the Monowire first. When fully charges, release the attack to deal damage and upload the quickhack without RAM cost.

Related Relic Skills

Jailbreak Relic Skill Tree
Jailbreak Relic Icon Jailbreak

How to Unlock the Jailbreak Relic

Unlock the Relic System in Dogtown

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - How to Unlock the Relic Skill Tree

The Jailbreak relic skill is one of the new relic skill that players can unlock once the player is contacted by Songbird at the start of the Phantom Liberty expansion story.

Songbird will unlock the Relic Skill Tree then provides the player with three initial relic points that you may use to unlock relics skills. Subsequent points are found scattered in Dogtown.

Get More Relic Points from Terminals Around Dogtown

Players can unlock more relic points by going around Dogtown and finding Militech Data Terminals. These won't be marked on your map, so explore Dogtown when you can!

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