Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

You Know My Name Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

You Know My Name is a Main Quest in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. Read on to learn the walkthrough for You Know My Name, obtainable items, tips and strategies, and all available rewards!

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Get It Together You Know My Name -

You Know My Name Basic Information


Quest Type Main
Act Act 2
Quest No. 7
Lifepath All

How to Unlock You Know My Name

Quest Unlock Conditions Complete Get It Together

You Know My Name Rewards

Quest Rewards The full list of Rewards for this Quest is coming soon!

You Know My Name Walkthrough

Quest Objectives

  1. Enter the Flooded Tunnels
  2. Proceed Down the Tunnels
  3. Find a Way to Progress
  4. Use the Panel to Open the Path
  5. Defeat the Warehouse Guards
  6. Connect to the CCTV
  7. Open the Entry Gate
  8. Neutralize the Sniper
  9. Find a Way to Open the Passage
  10. Take Out Immediate Threats
  11. Go to the Party
  12. Read the Message From Songbird
  13. Buy Enough Chips for Roulette
  14. Play Roulette With the Twins
  15. Leave the Black Sapphire
  16. Follow the Guard to the Exit

1. Enter the Flooded Tunnels

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - Proceed to the Sewers

You Know My Name starts with you attempting to infiltrate Black Sapphire, the most heavily guarded hotel in Dogtown, by entering the flooded tunnels. You can reach the flooded tunnels by driving or fast traveling to a point near its location. Once you actually reach the flooded tunnels, dive down the sewers.

2. Proceed Down the Tunnels

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - Disarm the Landmine

Once you're in the sewers, simply follow the quest marker in order to traverse the tunnels. The sewer is not that hard to navigate since it's a linear path. However, there are lots of mines planted down there, so allot some time detecting and disarming them.

3. Find a Way to Progress

As you reach the section of the sewer where a broken-down red van is located, use the brake release to lower the platform supporting the van. After that, climb up the lowered platform.

4. Use the Panel to Open the Path

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - Locate the Panel

In front of the platform with a red van is another brake release that is already highlighted by the game. Simply interact with it to lower down another platform. Then, continue traversing the tunnels until you reach the warehouse.

5. Defeat the Warehouse Guards

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - Defeat the Warehouse Guards

Once you reach the warehouse, defeat the guards in the area. The method for defeating the guards depends on the build that you used for your playthrough.

6. Connect to the CCTV

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - Track Solomon Reed

After defeating the guards, connect to the CCTV through the security computer in the warehouse to track Solomon Reed. The fourth surveillance camera shown above will show Reed's current whereabouts.

7. Open the Entry Gate

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - Hack the Gate

After tracking Reed, open the entry gate by hacking it. As he enters the gate, Reed will instruct you to meet him at the maintenance area. With this, hop out of the CCTV camera and then proceed to the elevator that leads to the meeting point. You'll have to defeat or sneak past the guards stationed near the elevator.

8. Neutralize the Sniper

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - Scan the Container Bridge

As you proceed to the meeting point, you will encounter a marksman. Incapacitate them and jack in the sniper. After that, you can opt to scan the floor for potential threats and inform Reed about them. Finally, scan the contrainer bridge using Kiroshi.

9. Find a Way to Open the Passage

Once Reed move towards the meeting point, he will encounter an obstruction, specifically a closed passage. Scan the power cable on top of the passage and then trace its wiring until you find a power supply. Shoot it down with the sniper for the passage to open.

10. Take Out Immediate Threats

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - Snipe the Guard

As Reed continues to sneak towards the container bridge, snipe any immediate threats based on his instructions. After Reed finally reaches the bridge, you can now walk towards the meeting spot and reunite with him. Then, proceed to the laundry room using the elevator nearby.

11. Go to the Party

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - Interacting With the Bartender

After changing clothes in the laundry room, follow Reed to the party. Then, join him at the bar to trigger a short conversation with Reed. As you wait for Songbird to contact you, enjoy the party by drinking and talking to the guests in the area.

12. Read the Message From Songbird

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - Talking to Songbird in Black Sapphire

Songbird will contact you through a text message. Proceed to Songbird's location, on the mezzanine, to personally talk to her. A long conversation between you, Songbird, Reed, and eventually Kurt Hansen will then commence. This part of the quest ends with you taking a shard from a champagne glass nearby.

13. Buy Enough Chips for Roulette

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - Buy Casino Chips

After taking the shard, reunite with Reed at the bar and then inform him about your findings. Once your conversation with him ends, you'll be tasked to buy 80,000 worth of casino chips from the staff at the marked location.

14. Play Roulette With the Twins

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - Tell Us About Yourself

Proceed to the Netrunner twins' roulette table after claiming your casino chips. Then, you'll have to obtain Aurore and Aymeric's behavioral imprint by having an engaging conversation with them and also betting at the roulette table actively. Before placing your last bet, select the dialogue option “V, merc from the Afterlife.” when Aymeric asks you to tell them about yourself.

How to Get the Twins' Behavioral Imprint ▼

15. Leave the Black Sapphire

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - Kurt Confronts You

After obtaining the twins' behavioral imprint, Kurt will confront you about your true identity. However, Kurt will allow you to walk out of the party in one piece. With this, leave the Black Sapphire through the lobby to meet up with Reed. If you won your last bet, you can claim your winnings before leaving the hotel!

16. Follow the Guard to the Exit

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - Talk to the Guards

After riding the elevator from the lobby, several soldiers will be waiting near the hotel's exit. Following their orders will allow you and Reed to leave the building peacefully. After leaving the hotel, follow Reed and a short conversation will commence. This interaction concludes the quest.

You Know My Name Choice Guide

How to Get the Twins' Behavioral Imprint

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - Complete Brain Imprint

Listed below are the dialogue options that we selected in order to get a 100% behavioral imprint for Aurore and Aymeric during You Know My Name. Do note that you'll only be able to complete the behavioral imprint after placing your last bet.

Aurore Dialogue Options

Dialogue Options
1 Psychoanalysis - hobby of yours?
2 Can't say I know him all that well.
3 Audacity your callin' card?

Aymeric Dialogue Options

Dialogue Options
1 Making more sense for him to retire, not go legit.
2 Hansen could make a deal, no doubt about it.
3 Can tell you got somethin' on the tip of your tongue.

Is the Roulette Table Rigged?

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - Cash Out Winnings

There is no guaranteed way to win when betting on the roulette table. With this, it doesn't matter if you choose red or black during your interaction with Aurore and Aymeric. Do note that if you win your all-in bet, you can claim your winnings from the same staff where you bought the casino chips!

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Related Guides

Cyberpunk 2077 - Quests and Story Walkthrough
Complete Story Walkthrough

Phantom Liberty Main Quests

No. Quest
1 Dog Eat Dog
2 Hole in the Sky
3 Spider and the Fly
4 Lucretia My Reflection
5 The Damned
6 Get It Together
7 You Know My Name
8 Birds With Broken Wings
9 I've Seen That Face Before
10 Firestarter
11 Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos Run This Town The Killing Moon
12 Somewhat Damaged Through Pain to Heaven Unfinished Sympathy
13 Leave in Silence Who Wants to Live Forever From Her to Eternity
14 Four Score and Seven Things Done Changed This Corrosion

Phantom Liberty Walkthrough

All Main Quest Guides

Act 1

No. Quest
1 The Streetkid The Nomad The Corpo-Rat
2 The Rescue
3 The Ripperdoc
4 The Ride
5 The Information The Pickup
6 The Heist

Act 2

No. Quest
1 Love Like Fire
2 Playing For Time
3 Ghost Town Automatic Love
4 Lightning Breaks The Space In Between Down On The Street
5 Life During Wartime Disasterpiece Gimme Danger
6 Double Life Play It Safe
7 M'ap Tann Pèlen Search And Destroy
8 I Walk The Line
9 Transmission Never Fade Away
10 Tapeworm

Act 3

No. Quest
1 Nocturne OP55N1
1.5* Don't Fear the Reaper
Arasaka Panam Rogue
2 Last Caress We Gotta Live Together For Whom The Bell Tolls
3 Totalimmortal Forward To Death Knockin' On Heaven's Door
4 Where Is My Mind? Belly Of The Beast Path of Glory
New Dawn Fades
5 All Along The Watchtower

1.5*: Only available in the Secret Ending

All Quest Types

Quest Types
Main JobMain Quests Side JobSide Quests
GigGigs Suspected Organized Crime ActivityNCPD Hustles


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