Hogwarts Legacy

Treasure-Seeker's Scarf Preview

Treasure-Seeker's Scarf is one of the Neckwear available in Hogwarts Legacy. Read on to know how to get Treasure-Seeker's Scarf and see how it would look on your male or female character!

Treasure-Seeker's Scarf Overview

Treasure-Seeker's Scarf Basic Info

Treasure-Seeker's Scarf
Type Neckwear
How to Get ・Complete Ghost of Our Love quest to get.

Treasure-Seeker's Scarf How to Get

Complete the Ghost of Our Love Quest

You can get the Treasure-Seeker's Scarf as a reward for completing the Ghost of Our Love quest.

Ghost of Our Love Quest Walkthrough

Treasure-Seeker's Scarf Character Preview

Female Preview

This is what Treasure-Seeker's Scarf will look like on your female character when equipped.

Male Preview

This is what Treasure-Seeker's Scarf will look like on your male character when equipped.

Treasure-Seeker's Scarf Upgrade Materials

Upgrade Materials

Upgrade Lv. Upgrade Materials
Lv. 1 TBD
Lv. 2 TBD
Lv. 3 TBD

Hogwarts Legacy Related Guides

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All Gear by Type

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All Neckwear

Ancient Mysteries ScarfAncient Mysteries Scarf Azure Niffler ScarfAzure Niffler Scarf Banded Color ScarfBanded Color Scarf
Brown Palmette ScarfBrown Palmette Scarf Carmine Lightning Boy ScarfCarmine Lightning Boy Scarf Celtic Brushstroke ScarfCeltic Brushstroke Scarf
Celtic Glister ScarfCeltic Glister Scarf Charcoal Lock ScarfCharcoal Lock Scarf Crimson Clockwork ScarfCrimson Clockwork Scarf
Daedalus ScarfDaedalus Scarf Dark Arts ScarfDark Arts Scarf Dark Desert ScarfDark Desert Scarf
Desert Nomad ScarfDesert Nomad Scarf Dusky Wool ScarfDusky Wool Scarf Emerald Bloom ScarfEmerald Bloom Scarf
Forest Ivy ScarfForest Ivy Scarf Forest Tartan ScarfForest Tartan Scarf Fringed Brushstroke ScarfFringed Brushstroke Scarf
Fringed Cerulean Runic ScarfFringed Cerulean Runic Scarf Fringed Crimson Clockwork ScarfFringed Crimson Clockwork Scarf Fringed Forest Lock ScarfFringed Forest Lock Scarf
Fringed House ScarfFringed House Scarf Fringed Teal ClockworkFringed Teal Clockwork Golden Snitch ScarfGolden Snitch Scarf
Handcrafted NecklaceHandcrafted Necklace Highland ScarfHighland Scarf House Emblem ScarfHouse Emblem Scarf
Lavender Patch ScarfLavender Patch Scarf Light Desert ScarfLight Desert Scarf Loosened Black and White Pinstripe ScarfLoosened Black and White Pinstripe Scarf
Loosened Brown Palmette ScarfLoosened Brown Palmette Scarf Loosened Cobalt Runic ScarfLoosened Cobalt Runic Scarf Loosened Crimson Lock ScarfLoosened Crimson Lock Scarf
Loosened House Emblem ScarfLoosened House Emblem Scarf Loosened Umber Autumn ScarfLoosened Umber Autumn Scarf Mauve Lock ScarfMauve Lock Scarf
Natural Beige ScarfNatural Beige Scarf Neapolitan Striped ScarfNeapolitan Striped Scarf Pinstriped ScarfPinstriped Scarf
Royal Chinese Fireball ScarfRoyal Chinese Fireball Scarf Ruby Chinese Fireball ScarfRuby Chinese Fireball Scarf Sienna Bloom ScarfSienna Bloom Scarf
Silver ScarfSilver Scarf Snowy Owl ScarfSnowy Owl Scarf Spring Ivy ScarfSpring Ivy Scarf
Starry-Eyed SeerStarry-Eyed Seer's Scarf Stone NecklaceStone Necklace Striped House Colour ScarfStriped House Colour Scarf
Tartan Sunrise ScarfTartan Sunrise Scarf Teal Chinese Fireball ScarfTeal Chinese Fireball Scarf Teal Clockwork ScarfTeal Clockwork Scarf
Teal Palmette ScarfTeal Palmette Scarf Top of the Class ScarfTop of the Class Scarf Treasure-SeekerTreasure-Seeker's Scarf
Violet Lock ScarfViolet Lock Scarf


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