Hogwarts Legacy

Secret Solver's Tailor Hat Preview

Secret Solver's Tailor Hat is one of the Headwear available in Hogwarts Legacy. Read on to know how to get Secret Solver's Tailor Hat and see how it would look on your male or female character!

Secret Solver's Tailor Hat Overview

Secret Solver's Tailor Hat Basic Info

Secret Solver's Tailor Hat
Secret Solver
Type Headwear
How to Get ・Random Chest Drop
・Random Enemy Drop
・Obtainable at Gladrags Wizardwear

Secret Solver's Tailor Hat How to Get

Purchase at Gladrags Wizardwear

Hogwarts Legacy - Gladrags Wizardwear

Rarity Cost Sell Value
Standard - 30 Coins
Well-Appointed - 60 Coins
Superb 250 Coins 90 Coins
Extraordinary 375 Coins 150 Coins
Legendary 500 Coins 200 Coins

You can buy the Secret Solver's Tailor Hat at Gladrags Wizardwear. However, Gladrags Wizardwear offers random gear and clothing, so it's best to visit it once in a while to check if the Secret Solver's Tailor Hat is available!
All Hogsmeade Shops and Locations

Loot Chests

Hogwarts Legacy - Chest
You can get Secret Solver's Tailor Hat by searching and looting chests in the overworld. However, chest drops are random, and you might need to open a lot to get Secret Solver's Tailor Hat.

Defeat Enemies

Hogwarts Legacy - Defeat Enemies
There's a chance of Secret Solver's Tailor Hat dropping from an enemy after defeating it. The gear drop rate on enemies is a bit low, so it might take you some time to get Secret Solver's Tailor Hat.

Secret Solver's Tailor Hat Character Preview

Female Preview

This is what Secret Solver's Tailor Hat will look like on your female character when equipped.

Male Preview

This is what Secret Solver's Tailor Hat will look like on your male character when equipped.

Secret Solver's Tailor Hat Upgrade Materials

Upgrade Materials

Upgrade Lv. Upgrade Materials
Lv. 1 TBD
Lv. 2 TBD
Lv. 3 TBD

Hogwarts Legacy Related Guides

Hogwarts Legacy - All Gear

List of Gear

All Gear by Type

Gear by Type
Gloves Outfit Neckwear
Face Gear Headwear Robe & Cloak
Wand Handles - -

All Headwear

Black Bowler HatBlack Bowler Hat Bloodred FedoraBloodred Fedora Blue FlatcapBlue Flatcap
Blue NightcapBlue Nightcap Byzantine BeretByzantine Beret Classic Sorcerer HatClassic Sorcerer Hat
Clockwork FedoraClockwork Fedora Crimson Top HatCrimson Top Hat Dark Arts Garrison HatDark Arts Garrison Hat
Dark Arts HatDark Arts Hat Dark FlatcapDark Flatcap Dark Herbologist HatDark Herbologist Hat
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Fur-Lined CapFur-Lined Cap Goblin-Made HelmetGoblin-Made Helmet Grey NightcapGrey Nightcap
Halloween Pumpkin MaskHalloween Pumpkin Mask HerodianaHerodiana's Cap High Society FedoraHigh Society Fedora
High Top HatHigh Top Hat Highland Explorer CapHighland Explorer Cap Hogwarts Regalia HatHogwarts Regalia Hat
Indigo Sorcerer HatIndigo Sorcerer Hat Lace Sorcerer HatLace Sorcerer Hat Leather FlatcapLeather Flatcap
Leather Sorcerer HatLeather Sorcerer Hat Light Herbologist HatLight Herbologist Hat Light Sun HatLight Sun Hat
Lucky Leprechaun HatLucky Leprechaun Hat Mauve BeretMauve Beret Niffler Fur-Lined HatNiffler Fur-Lined Hat
Nomad HatNomad Hat OfficerOfficer's Hat Opulent SpiderOpulent Spider's Web Hat
Patchwork Sorcerer HatPatchwork Sorcerer Hat Patterned TurbanPatterned Turban Periwinkle Top HatPeriwinkle Top Hat
Plum Sorcerer HatPlum Sorcerer Hat PotioneerPotioneer's Cap Quidditch CaptainQuidditch Captain's Helmet
Renaissance CapRenaissance Cap Rugged FedoraRugged Fedora Rustic Sleeping CapRustic Sleeping Cap
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ShopkeeperShopkeeper's Top Hat Sleek Sorcerer HatSleek Sorcerer Hat Smart FedoraSmart Fedora
Spider Slayer HelmetSpider Slayer Helmet Straw Sun HatStraw Sun Hat Striking Paisley HatStriking Paisley Hat
Stylish Top HatStylish Top Hat Suave Mauve HatSuave Mauve Hat Tan NightcapTan Nightcap
Tasselled KufiTasselled Kufi Tattered Top HatTattered Top Hat Treasure-SeekerTreasure-Seeker's Bicorne Hat
Troll HatTroll Hat Urchin HatUrchin Hat Verdant HatVerdant Hat
Whimsical Night CapWhimsical Night Cap Whimsical Sorcerer HatWhimsical Sorcerer Hat ZonkoZonko's Chief Prankster Hat


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