Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Walkthrough Comments


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    2 The Game Grinderabout 4 yearsReport

    You can get the Psycho Bomber during "The Rescue" job with Jackie as mentioned, but you can also return to this same apartment complex later. Fast travel to Crescent & Broad in Japantown, On you arrive, ff you look to the right you'll see a huge pillar for a billboard sign. Jump over the chest high wall and you'll be on the descending path to the entrance for the underground parking garage. Look for 2 chairs next to each other, the Psycho Bomber will be in a suit case between them.

    1 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    In the beginning of The Rescue quest, in the parking garage. In a black suitcase between two black chairs near a broken instafood machine.

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