Elden Ring

Imbued Sword Key Locations and Uses

This is a list of all Imbued Sword Key locations and uses in Elden Ring and its DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. Read on to learn where to find Imbued Sword Keys, its usage and effect, where to use them, and its lore description!

Imbued Sword Key Locations

Imbued Sword Key Locations
Sellia, Town of Sorcery Academy of Raya Lucaria
Four Belfries DLC - Castle Ensis

Behind a Barrier at the Northeastern Part of Sellia, Town of Sorcery

World View Map View

An Imbued Sword Key is in a small building sealed by a barrier at the northeastern part of Sellia, Town of Sorcery. You need to light the torch on top of the tower southwest of the town to deactivate the barrier.

Sellia, Town of Sorcery Location and What to Do

On a Dead Body at the Rooftops of the Academy of Raya Lucaria

World View Map View

You can find another Imbued Sword Key from a corpse on the eastern side of the rooftops in the Academy of Raya Lucaria.

Academy of Raya Lucaria Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough and Location

Inside a Treasure Chest at The Four Belfries

World View Map View

An Imbued Sword Key can be found inside a treasure chest at the fourth belfry of The Four Belfries in the Liurnia of the Lakes. This is the one at the top of the hill next to the Site of Grace.

The Four Belfries Location and What to Do

DLC - Inside a Tower Room in Castle Ensis

World View Map View

In the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, you can find another Imbued Sword Key at Castle Ensis. It's inside the tower just before the elevator that leads you to Castle-Lord's Chamber Site of Grace.

Castle Ensis Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough and Location

Imbued Sword Key Uses

Used to Unseal Sending Gates at Bell Towers

Imbued Sword Keys are used to unblock the sending gates found at bell towers. Interact with the imp statue next to these sending gates to use the Imbued Sword Key on them and open the gates. The Imbued Sword Key will be consumed after using it for each imp statue.

Sending Gate Locations
Four Belfries DLC - Highroad Cross

Four Belfries Sending Gates

World View Map View

The Four Belfries are four bell towers located in the eastern side of Liurnia of the Lakes region. You can find four bell towers or belfries here with three of them having blocked sending gates while the one at the top has a chest containing an Imbued Sword Key.

Liurnia of the Lakes Interactive Map and Region Guide

First Belfry Sending Gate Destination

World View Map View

The first belfry which is closest to the foot of the hill at the Four Belfries will send you to an isolated isle in Crumbling Farum Azula.

You can find the Pearldrake Talisman here by dropping off the side to the left onto another platform and continuing to find a corpse containing the talisman.

Pearldrake Talisman Location and Effects

Second Belfry Sending Gate Destination

World View Map View

The second belfry up the hill on the west side sends you to the Chapel of Anticipation, the location where you started Elden Ring and fought the Grafted Scion. You can fight the Grafted Scion here again if you haven't yet.

You can also find the Stormhawk King here and the Stormhawk Deenh Ashes. The Stormhawk King can be given to Nepheli Loux to progress hers and Kenneth Haight's questlines.

The Stormhawk King Location

Third Belfry Sending Gate Destination

World View Map View

The third belfry up the hill on the east side sends you to an isolated island in Siofra River with a bridge that leads you to the Mottled Necklace.

Mottled Necklace Location and Effects

DLC - Sending Gate West of Highroad Cross

World View Map View

In the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, you can find another belfry with a sending gate west of Highroad Cross Site of Grace behind Castle Ensis. Cross the waters west of Highroad Cross to reach the bell tower and the sending gate.

Realm of Shadow DLC Interactive Map

DLC - Sending Gate Destination

World View Map View

The sending gate in the DLC transports you to a large open watery area in Rauh Ruins with a Divine Bird. Explore the area to find a Verdigris Discus talisman on one of the corpses.

Verdigris Discus Location and Effects

Imbued Sword Key Overview

Imbued Sword Key Effect

Imbued Sword Key IconImbued Sword Key
Unseals sending gate, but disappears upon use.
Key Item

Imbued Sword Key Lore Description

Lore Description
"Stone key shaped like a sword.
A special item, imbued with rich blue magic.

Breaks the seal on the imp statues guarding the sending gates enshrined in each belfry, but remains embedded in the statues after use, meaning it can only be used once as an item.

Think well before using one."

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Currently UnavailableForager Brood Cookbook 3 Currently UnavailableForager Brood Cookbook 4 Currently UnavailableForager Brood Cookbook 5
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