Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK)

All Molduga Locations and How to Beat

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK) - Molduga

The Molduga is a Miniboss enemy in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (ToTK). See all Molduga locations and where to find it, a boss strategy guide to learn how to beat the Molduga, as well as its drops and possible variants.

All Molduga Locations and Where to Find

Molduga Interactive Map Locations

To see all Molduga locations and where to find them, toggle the Molduga Icon (TOTK - Molduga Fin,Molduga Jaw,Molduga Guts Icon) on the right side of the Interactive Map, or use the Search function.

Be sure to select the right type of map and toggle between the Sky, Surface, and Depths on the lower left corner for the boss icon to appear.

Gerudo Desert Region Map

How to Beat the Molduga

Find Safe High Ground

Find Safe High Ground
Find a high place you can escape to, as being on the sand is dangerous.

Attract Molduga with an Item or Arrow Shot

Attract Molduga with an Item or Arrow Shot
Throw down items or shoot an arrow in the sand in order to attract Molduga. When it notices the meat, it will eat it, jumping up from the sand and exposing its body.

Note: Molduga will ignore items and arrow shots when it is above the sand. Simply hit it with an arrow to let it re-enter the sand.

Hit Molduga While It's Mid-Air

Hit Molduga with arrows to stun it, letting it crash to the ground. Better if you fuse explosive materials like Bomb Flowers to your arrows, to stun Molduga instantly.

Melee Molduga While It's Stunned

Melee Molduga While It
Run up to Molduga and hit it as many times as you can with melee attacks. When it is recovering, step back, as it may perform a tail swipe. Then, retreat back to high ground and repeat the above steps until Molduga is defeated.

Molduga Overview and Drops

Molduga Basic Info


This massive monster swims beneath the desert's sand. It spends most of its time submerged, but if it senses sound, it will breach the surface to feast on whatever it can grab. Running around carelessly can be dangerous if you suspect there may be one in the area.
HP 1,500
Species Molduga
Compendium No. 179

All Possible Drops

Molduga JawMolduga Jaw Molduga GutsMolduga Guts Molduga FinMolduga Fin

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Related Guides

List of All Bosses

List of All Bosses

List of Minibosses

Flux Construct I Flux Construct II Flux Construct III
Stone Talus Stone Talus (Luminous) Stone Talus (Rare)
Battle Talus Igneo Talus Frost Talus
Hinox Blue Hinox Black Hinox
Stalnox Molduga Flame Gleeok
Frost Gleeok Thunder Gleeok King Gleeok
Frox Obsidian Frox Blue-White Frox

List of Bosses

Master Kohga Colgera Moragia
Marbled Gohma Sludge Like Mucktorok
Queen Gibdo Seized Construct Phantom Ganon
Demon King Ganondorf Demon King Ganondorf (2nd Form) Demon Dragon


2 Anonymousover 1 year

Forgot to mention, it's a mistake in the interactive map...

1 Anonymousover 1 year

The Hinox between Squabble River and Popla Foothills next to Dueling peaks is actually a Stalnox with coordinates 0780, -1952, 0013. The image in place on the incorrect Hinox, is actually the Mable Ridge Hinox slightly North East from it... Hope you get to fixing this before it confuses more people :P


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