Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK)

Highland Stable Map Location

Highland Stable is a Stable in Faron Grasslands in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Learn more about this stable's location, all shop items, quests, and Korok Seeds you can find within this stable, and locations of nearby wells, points of interest, and horses!

Highland Stable Location

Faron Grasslands

Highland Stable can be found in Faron Grasslands at Fural Plain, southwest of Utsushok Shrine at the coordinates 0548, -3428, 0053.

To get there, travel to Popla Foothills Skyview Tower, launch from it, and glide south.

Faron Grasslands Region Map

Horse Locations Near Highland Stable

Giant White Stallion

Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Giant White Stallion
Coordinates: 0783, -3722, 0081

You can find the Giant White Stallion at Ibara Butte, southeast of Highland Stable. Do note that you need to sneak up to the horse and you need at least two stamina wheels to completely tame it.

This majestic horse is needed to clear the Ride the Giant Horse Shrine Quest and get access to Ishokin Shrine.

West and Southeast of Highland Stable

If you are just looking for regular horses to tame, you can find them on the fields west and southeast of Highland Stable.

How to Tame Wild Horses

Highland Stable Shop Items

Beedle's Shop

Item Stock Price
Tears of the Kingdom - ArrowArrow 20 5 Rupees
Tears of the Kingdom - ArrowArrow x5 1 30 Rupees
Tears of the Kingdom - Ice FruitIce Fruit 4 12 Rupees
Tears of the Kingdom - Sunset FireflySunset Firefly 3 10 Rupees
Tears of the Kingdom - Hearty LizardHearty Lizard 1 100 Rupees
Tears of the Kingdom - Octo BalloonOcto Balloon 5 20 Rupees

List of All Items

Highland Stable Well and Treasure Chest Locations

Left of the Stable

Highland Stable Well
Coordinates 0536, -3428, 0047

The Highland Stable Well is located at the left side of the stable, near the musicians.

If you jump into the well and break the rocks below, you'll head deep inside Komo Shoreline Cave.

All 58 Well Locations and Reward

Treasure Chest Locations

Treasure Chest Location

Ancient Blade
Near the wooden boxes on the ground

Royal Broadsword
At the elevated path with Bokoblins

Highland Stable Points of Interest

Popla Foothills Skyview Tower

Popla Foothills Skyview Tower
Coordinates 0604, -2126, 0941

Popla Foothills Skyview Tower is the nearest Skyview Tower from Highland Stable, and is found far in the north.

Skyview Tower Map:
Tower Order and Locations

Utsushok Shrine

Utsushok Shrine
Coordinates 0669, -3358, 0072

Utsushok Shrine is the nearest Shrine near Highland Stable, and serves as the stable's fast travel point.

The Shrine is located northeast of the stable.

Shrines Map and All 152 Shrine Locations


There are several caves near Highland Stable. You can find them at both north and south of the stable.

Location Coordinates

Pagos Woods Excavation Site
0671, -3110, 0026

Komo Shoreline Cave
0488, -3831, 0009

Puffer Beach Overhead Cave
0286, -3870, 0043

List of All 147 Caves Locations and Entrances

Blynne's Horse Race

Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Blynne

You can take on Blynne's horse race minigame for 20 Rupees by speaking to him while riding on a horse with a harness attached. Blynne can be found near the cooking pot outside the stable building.

Do note that you won't be able to participate in the minigame when it is raining, which you can change by renting a bed at the stable and sleep to pass time.

Horse Race Rewards

Time Reward
Clear within 1:30 for the first time 3 Pony Points
Clear within 1:00 3 Pony Points
Clear within 1:00-1:30 2 Pony Points
Clear beyond 1:30 1 Pony Point

Pony Points Guide

Highland Stable Quests

An Eerie Voice

An Eerie Voice Quest

An Eerie Voice Side Adventure is unlocked after getting the Potential Princess Sightings Side Adventure in Lucky Clover Gazette. Talk to Penn in Highland Stable after that.

Map Location and Rewards

Map Location

Coordinates: 0504, -3444, 0047
Type Side Adventure
Quest Giver Penn
Rewards Froggy Sleeve
50 Rupees

An Eerie Voice Walkthrough

A Picture for Highland Stable

A Picture for Highland Stable Quest

Unlock A Picture for Highland Stable by examining the empty picture frame inside the stable. Padok will talk to you about how he wants a photo of a giant white stallion.

Map Location and Rewards

Map Location

Coordinates: 0523, -3458, 0047
Type Side Quest
Quest Giver Padok
Rewards 1 Pony Point
・Energizing Honey Crepe

A Picture for Highland Stable Walkthrough

The Flute Player's Plan

The Flute Player

Climb the tree where Pyper is playing his flute. Talk to him to discuss his plan to surprise Haite.

Map Location and Rewards

Map Location

Coordinates: 0528, -3394, 0056
Type Side Adventure
Quest Giver Pyper
Rewards Big Hearty Truffle

The Flute Player's Plan Walkthrough

Highland Stable Korok Seed Locations

Overworld Location Details

0521, -3482, 0048
End Coordinates:
0518, -3517, 0071
Reunite the Korok with his friend located on top of the mountain ridge.

All 1000 Korok Seed Locations and Rewards

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Related Guides

Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Stables Partial

Stables Map and All Stable Locations

All Stables

List of Stables
Dueling Peaks Stable Tabantha Bridge Stable Woodland Stable South Akkala Stable
Foothill Stable Snowfield Stable East Akkala Stable Wetland Stable
Outskirt Stable Riverside Stable Hyrule Field Mini Stable New Serenne Stable
Gerudo Canyon Stable Highland Stable Lakeside Stable Lookout Landing Mini Stable


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