The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Walkthrough Comments


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    4 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Did you hit yourself in the head? This is talking about Bravery Island, not Courage Island plus there's already a way how to get there by using the Skyview tower listed in the page.

    3 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    People looking for step by step ultra specific directions aren't really playing the game are they? I saw those other ungrateful comments. Sad. This walk through was just enough. Thank you!

    2 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Obviously it’s tricky to get to the location to start the dive. So your guide for “how to get to Bravery Island” is “go to Bravery Island”. Great job.

    1 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Left out key details on how to reach courage island. Terrible guide.

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