Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK)

Fuse Guide: How to Combine Materials With Weapons, Arrows, and Shields

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Fuse Guide How to Combine Materials With Weapons,  Arrows, and Shields

The Fuse ability is used to combine weapons, materials, shields, and more together in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK). Learn how to fuse and unfuse weapons, the best fused weapons to get, how to unlock the fuse ability, and the fuse ability controls!

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How to Fuse Weapons

Fusing With Weapons and Shields

How to Fuse Weapons
With the Fuse Ability selected, press L (NSW - L). The skill will activate, and objects that can be fused with will glow a jade-green.
Target the object you want to fuse your weapons with, and press ZL (NSW - ZL) to fuse it to your equipped shield, or Y (NSW - Y) to fuse it to your equipped weapon.
Note: Fusing seems to restore some durability. A badly damaged weapon, when fused, will allow it to be used for an extended period.

Fusing With Arrows

How to Fuse Weapons
With a bow equipped, draw your bow with ZR (NSW - ZR).
As you are aiming, you can press and hold the Up button (NSW - Dpad Up) on the D-Pad to bring up the Materials menu.
Scroll through the materials you have with the Right Stick (NSW - Right Analog Click). Once you've selected the material you want to fuse with your arrow, release the Up button (NSW - Dpad Up) button and the material should fuse with your arrow.
* Note: It appears that you'll have to fuse materials for each arrow that you use. There is no batch fuse feature available.

How to Unfuse Weapons

Select the Weapon in the Inventory and Choose Destroy Fused Material

Zelda TotK - Select the Weapon in the Inventory and Choose Destroy Fused Material

Press the Plus (+) Button to open the Inventory menu and navigate to the Weapons tab. Choose the fused weapon that you want to unfuse and select "Destroy Fused Material". This reverts the weapon back to its original state and destroys the fused material.

Note you can obtain the material when unfusing the weapon if the weapon has Fuse Recycling passive ability.

Disassemble at Tarrey Town

You can disassemble any weapons and shields with fused materials at the Break-a-Part Shop in Tarrey Town. You can avail Pelison's service for 20 Rupees and unfuse weapons or shields from the material you attached at them.

This method helps you save rare materials like gems or monster parts from powerful enemies such as the Silver Lynel Saber Horn or Silver Lynel Mace Horn.

Tarrey Town Location

Best Fused Materials and Weapons

Best Materials to Fuse

Material Fuse Attack Power Recommended Weapon/Explanation
Tears of the Kingdom - Silver Lynel Saber HornSilver Lynel Saber Horn 55 ・All weapons.
・Provides the strongest fuse attack power.
Tears of the Kingdom - Silver Lynel Mace HornSilver Lynel Mace Horn 51 ・All weapons.
・Provides the strongest fuse attack power.
Zelda TotK - Stone Talus HeartStone Talus Heart from a Rare Stone Talus 33 ・Two-handed weapons and spears.
・Only obtainable from the Rare Stone Talus.
・Can be obtained in the mid-game.

Best Weapons and Shields and How to Get Them

Best Fused Weapons in the Early Game

Stone Axe for Cutting Trees

TOTK Stone Axe

You can efficientlly acquire a good amount of Stone Axes in the early game by fusing together stones and tree branches. These will allow you to get ingredients such as acorns and apples, as well as giving you access to logs which you can use for building and exploring.

How to Get Stone Axe

Rock Hammer for Mining Ores

TOTK Rock Hammer

The Rock Hammer can be used to destroy ore deposits found in caves. Ore deposits drop items like Diamonds, Sapphires, and Topaz, which can be sold for a good amount of Rupees.

You fuse together a one-handed weapon and a rock to get the Rock Hammer.

How to Get Rock Hammer

How to Unlock Fuse Ability

Start In-isa Shrine Trial

In-isa Shrine Map Location In-isa Shrine Trial Start

You unlock the Fuse ability when you start the The Ability to Combine trial at the In-isa Shrine. This section is part of the main quest The Closed Door.

You can find the shrine southwest of the Temple of Time at the Great Sky Island. Its coordinates are 0024, -1503, 1408.

In-isa Shrine Walkthrough

Fused Weapons Examples

Examples of Fused Equipment
Fused Weapons Fused Shields Fused Arrows

Examples of Fused Weapons

Fused Weapon Description
Tears of the Kingdom - Tree Branch + Boulder Tree Branch + Boulder Stronger and more durable than just a Tree Branch.
Tears of the Kingdom - Farmer
Long Stick + Farmer's Pitchfork
Stronger and longer range.
Tears of the Kingdom - Wooden Stick + Log Wooden Stick + Log Log Club. Extends the range of attack slightly.
Tears of the Kingdom - Royal Shield + Royal Claymore Royal Shield + Royal Claymore A two-handed weapon fused with a shield. It seems that it automatically parries an attack when it is being used.
Tears of the Kingdom - Cobble Crusher + Blue Moblin Cobble Crusher + Blue Moblin's Horn A Cobble Crusher fused with what seems to be a Blue Moblin's Horn. It is assumed that fusing the horn will boost the Cobble Crusher's attack power.
Sturdy-Stick + Stick Fusing a Stick and a Sturdy-Stick will result to the creation of the Sturdy-Stick Stick, which is a more durable stick than before.

List of All Weapons

Examples of Fused Shields

Fused Shields Description
Tears of the Kingdom - Puffshroom+ Old Wooden Shield Old Wooden Shield + Puffshroom Creates a smokescreen when struck by an enemy.
Tears of the Kingdom - Traveler Traveler's Shield + Zonai Flame Emitter Spews flames when in the shielding position.
Tears of the Kingdom - Rock + Old Wooden Shield Rock + Old Wooden Shield Increases the attack of shield by 1.
Tears of the Kingdom - Rocket + Shield Rocket + Any Shield You can fly upwards when using this particular fused shield, making it a makeshift Revali's Gale.
Explosive Barrel + Any Shield Link can fuse an explosive barrel with any type of shield, making it explode.

List of All Shields

Examples of Fused Arrows

Fused Arrows Description
Tears of the Kingdom - Korok Frond + Arrow Arrow + Korok Frond Creates a wind-like effect that can knock down small enemies.
Tears of the Kingdom - White Chuchu Jelly + Arrow Arrow + White Chuchu Jelly Stronger and freezes damaged targets.
Tears of the Kingdom - Keese Eyeball + Arrow Arrow + Keese Eyeball Automatically follows an enemy's movement and hits them.
Tears of the Kingdom - Ruby + Arrow Ruby + Arrow While riding the horse, Link can be seen using his bow with a Ruby-fused arrow. Its effects can be assumed to be similar to the Fire Arrow, burning whoever or whatever it hits.
Tears of the Kingdom - Bulb-Like Plant + ArrowBrightbloom Seed + Arrow Shooting this fused arrow on the wall lights up the place.

What is the Fuse Ability?

Create Makeshift Weapons

Tears of the Kingdom - Fused Weapon
Fuse is one of Link's new abilities that he can utilize in the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Players can now combine materials with weapons, shields and arrows to improve their effectiveness, as well as giving weapons new effects.

This ranges from making a shield that spews flames by fusing a Zonai Flame Emitter with a shield, making an ice arrow by fusing White Chuchu Jelly with an arrow, making a long range makeshift spear by fusing a Long Stick and Pitchfork, and many more. Link can also unfuse a Fused weapon by accessing his inventory.

Fusing can also restore the durability of a badly damaged weapon, extending its lifespan just a bit.

All Abilities and How to Unlock

Fuse Weapon Maximum Limit is Only Two

Unfortunately, Link cannot fuse an already fused weapon with another object, making the maximum fuse limit to only two.

A message will appear stating Fuse has already been used on this if the player tries to fuse an already fused weapon. However, the player can access the menu, select the fused weapon and select Destroy Fused Material allowing you to keep the base weapon, resulting to the disappearance of the fused material.

Fusion Materials Can Be Sorted

You can also sort Link's available fusion material in his arsenal by choosing By Fuse Attack Power which as the name implies, sorts his materials by their attack power when fused.

List of All Materials

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Related Guides

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All Abilities and How to Unlock

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