Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK)

How to Get the Phantom Armor: Location and Stats

The Phantom Armor is a Body Armor that players can equip in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK). Read on to learn the location and how to get the Phantom Armor, its defense stats, armor effects, as well as the required upgrade materials.

All Phantom Set Pieces
Tears of the Kingdom - Phantom Helmet
Phantom Helmet
Tears of the Kingdom - Phantom Armor
Phantom Armor
Tears of the Kingdom - Phantom Greaves
Phantom Greaves

How to Get the Phantom Armor

Tamio River Downstream Cave, Behind a Breakable Wall

Map Image Overworld Image
XYZ Coordinates - 2968, - 0985, 0033

Go Inside Tamio River Downstream Cave

On the southwest side of Rutile Lake, there is a small cave at the end of river. Enter the cave and this will lead you to Tamio River Downstream Cave.

Head deeper into the cave and you will see a Cracked Wall on your right before reaching the end of the cave. Use a Bomb Flower or your melee weapon to open the hidden path that contains the chest for the Phantom Armor.

How to Break Cracked Rocks

Great as an Early Game Armor

The Phantom Armor cannot be upgraded, but has a relatively high base defense stat for a non-upgradable armor.

This makes it a great early-game armor piece to obtain when you just started the game as you don't have an abundant supply of materials and Rupees, as well as access to Great Fairy Fountains to upgrade armor.

Trade 400 Poes at Bargainer Statues

Tears of the Kingdom - Bargainer Statue

You can buy the Phantom Armor for 400 Poes from a Bargainer Statue in the Depths after getting the armor first in-game.

How to Exchange Poes and Bargainer Statue Locations

Phantom Armor Stats and Upgrade Materials

Phantom Armor Overview

Phantom Armor Icon Phantom Armor Base Def. 8 Type Body Armor
Armor Set Phantom Set
Armor Effect
TOTK - Attack Up Icon Attack Up
Set Bonus None
Myths abound about armored phantoms that terrorized brave heroes. This piece looks just like the armor they supposedly wore. It’s a rather rare find.

The Phantom Armor is a Body Armor that has a base defense of 8.

Equipping the Phantom Armor will grant you the effect: Attack Up.

Defense and Upgrade Materials

Rank Defense Materials Required
(Base) 8 None

How to Upgrade Armor

Phantom Armor Color Variations

Sayge Kochi Dye ShopHoo-wee! The Phantom Armor cannot be dyed and does not have any color variations.

Kochi Dye Shop Guide: How to Recolor Armor

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Related Guides

Tears of the Kingdom - Armor Partial Banner
List of All Armor

List of Armor By Type

Tears of the Kingdom Armor Types
Headgear Body Armor Legwear Armor Sets

List of All Body Armor

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Archaic Tunic
Tears of the Kingdom - Hylian Tunic
Hylian Tunic
Tears of the Kingdom - Soldier
Soldier's Armor
Tears of the Kingdom - Snowquill Tunic
Snowquill Tunic
Tears of the Kingdom - Flamebreaker Armor
Flamebreaker Armor
Tears of the Kingdom - Zora Armor
Zora Armor
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Desert Voe Spaulder
Tears of the Kingdom - Rubber Armor
Rubber Armor
Tears of the Kingdom - Stealth Chest Guard
Stealth Chest Guard
Tears of the Kingdom - Climbing Gear
Climbing Gear
Tears of the Kingdom - Barbarian Armor
Barbarian Armor
Tears of the Kingdom - Radiant Shirt
Radiant Shirt
Tears of the Kingdom - Royal Guard Uniform
Royal Guard Uniform
Tears of the Kingdom - Froggy Sleeve
Froggy Sleeve
Tears of the Kingdom - Glide Shirt
Glide Shirt
Tears of the Kingdom - Tunic of the Depths
Tunic of the Depths
Tears of the Kingdom - Miner
Miner's Top
Tears of the Kingdom - Mystic Robe
Mystic Robe
Tears of the Kingdom - Ember Shirt
Ember Shirt
Tears of the Kingdom - Charged Shirt
Charged Shirt
Tears of the Kingdom - Frostbite Shirt
Frostbite Shirt
Tears of the Kingdom - Yiga Armor
Yiga Armor
Tears of the Kingdom - Zonaite Waistguard
Zonaite Waistguard
Tears of the Kingdom - Tunic of Memories
Tunic of Memories
Tears of the Kingdom - Champion
Champion's Leathers
Tears of the Kingdom - Island Lobster Shirt
Island Lobster Shirt
Tears of the Kingdom - Tingle
Tingle's Shirt
Tears of the Kingdom - Phantom Armor
Phantom Armor
Tears of the Kingdom - Evil Spirit Armor
Evil Spirit Armor
Tears of the Kingdom - Dark Tunic
Dark Tunic
Tears of the Kingdom - Fierce Deity Armor
Fierce Deity Armor
Tears of the Kingdom - Tunic of Awakening
Tunic of Awakening
Tears of the Kingdom - Tunic of the Wild
Tunic of the Wild
Tears of the Kingdom - Tunic of the Hero
Tunic of the Hero
Tears of the Kingdom - Tunic of Time
Tunic of Time
Tears of the Kingdom - Tunic of the Wind
Tunic of the Wind
Tears of the Kingdom - Tunic of Twilight
Tunic of Twilight
Tears of the Kingdom - Tunic of the Sky
Tunic of the Sky
Tears of the Kingdom - Ancient Hero
Ancient Hero's Armor


2 Anonymousalmost 2 years

there are coordinates in the screenshot for an exact location, you sarcastic genius.

1 Anonymousalmost 2 years

Perfect map screenshot! Love that it doesn’t have any of that pesky identifying information and is instead just blank. I don’t know about everyone else but that’s EXACTLY what I’m looking for in a guide.


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