Elden Ring

How to Get Sanctuary Stones: Effects and Locations

Sanctuary Stone is a type of Crafting Material found in Elden Ring. Read on to learn where to find Sanctuary Stones, its effect, lore description, items crafted with it, and price!

Sanctuary Stone Overview

Sanctuary Stone Effect

Sanctuary Stone IconSanctuary Stone
Material used for crafting items.
Crafting Material (Consumable)

Sanctuary Stone Lore Description

Lore Description
"A rare piece of stone fragment found near places where ruins have falled from the sky.
Material used for crafting items.

It feeds and strengthens the light as it shines."

How to Get Sanctuary Stones

Item Where to Farm
Sanctuary Stone IconSanctuary Stone Found near the remains of fallen ruins, but rarely.

Items Crafted With Sanctuary Stone

Sanctuary Stone is a required material for the following craftable items:

Item Craftable Items
Sanctuary Stone IconSanctuary Stone

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List of Crafting Materials

Aeonian Butterfly IconAeonian Butterfly Albinauric Bloodclot IconAlbinauric Bloodclot Altus Bloom IconAltus Bloom
Arteria Leaf IconArteria Leaf Beast Blood IconBeast Blood Beast Liver IconBeast Liver
Blood-Tainted Excrement IconBlood-Tainted Excrement Bloodrose IconBloodrose Budding Cave Moss IconBudding Cave Moss
Budding Horn IconBudding Horn Cave Moss IconCave Moss Crab Eggs IconCrab Eggs
Cracked Crystal IconCracked Crystal Crystal Bud IconCrystal Bud Crystal Cave Moss IconCrystal Cave Moss
Dewkissed Herba IconDewkissed Herba Erdleaf Flower IconErdleaf Flower Eye of Yelough IconEye of Yelough
Faded Erdleaf Flower IconFaded Erdleaf Flower Fire Blossom IconFire Blossom Flight Pinion IconFlight Pinion
Formic Rock IconFormic Rock Four-Toed Fowl Foot IconFour-Toed Fowl Foot Fulgurbloom IconFulgurbloom
Glintstone Firefly IconGlintstone Firefly Gold Firefly IconGold Firefly Gold-Tinged Excrement IconGold-Tinged Excrement
Golden Centipede IconGolden Centipede Golden Rowa IconGolden Rowa Golden Sunflower IconGolden Sunflower
Grave Violet IconGrave Violet Gravel Stone IconGravel Stone Great Dragonfly Head IconGreat Dragonfly Head
Hefty Beast Bone IconHefty Beast Bone Herba IconHerba Human Bone Shard IconHuman Bone Shard
Land Octopus Ovary IconLand Octopus Ovary Living Jar Shard IconLiving Jar Shard Lump of Flesh IconLump of Flesh
Melted Mushroom IconMelted Mushroom MiquellaMiquella's Lily Miranda Powder IconMiranda Powder
Mushroom IconMushroom Nascent Butterfly IconNascent Butterfly Old Fang IconOld Fang
Poisonbloom IconPoisonbloom Rimed Crystal Bud IconRimed Crystal Bud Rimed Rowa IconRimed Rowa
Root Resin IconRoot Resin Rowa Fruit IconRowa Fruit Sacramental Bud IconSacramental Bud
Sanctuary Stone IconSanctuary Stone Silver Firefly IconSilver Firefly Silver Tear Husk IconSilver Tear Husk
Sliver of Meat IconSliver of Meat Slumbering Egg IconSlumbering Egg Smoldering Butterfly IconSmoldering Butterfly
Stormhawk Feather IconStormhawk Feather String IconString Strip of White Flesh IconStrip of White Flesh
Tarnished Golden Sunflower IconTarnished Golden Sunflower Thin Beast Bones IconThin Beast Bones Toxic Mushroom IconToxic Mushroom
TrinaTrina's Lily Turtle Neck Meat IconTurtle Neck Meat Volcanic Stone IconVolcanic Stone
Yellow Ember IconYellow Ember


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