Elden Ring

List of All Tools

Elden Ring - List of All Tools
You can find different types of Tools in the form of souls on the ground in Elden Ring. Read on to see a list of all Tools, their effects, and where to find them.

List of All Tools

Item Effect How to Get
Image IconAcademy Magic Pot Uses FP. Throw to inflict heavy magic damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Old Fang Icon Old Fang x1
 ・Ritual Pot Icon Ritual Pot x1
 ・Learned from: Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 8
Image IconAcid Spraymist Uses FP to release acid mist from the mouth. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Miranda Powder Icon Miranda Powder x1
 ・Altus Bloom Icon Altus Bloom x1
 ・Formic Rock Icon Formic Rock x4
 ・Learned from: Perfumer's Cookbook 4
Image IconAlbinauric Pot Uses FP. Throw to impede healing using a flask of tears. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Mushroom Icon Mushroom x2
 ・Ritual Pot Icon Ritual Pot x1
 ・Learned from: Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 3
Image IconAlluring Pot Uses FP. Throw to lure foes of human build only. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Ritual Pot Icon Ritual Pot x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 21
Image IconAncestral Infant's Head Uses FP to spray spirit vapor. ・In a treasure chest guarded by an enemy west of the Hallowhorn Grounds.
Image IconAncient Dragonbolt Pot Throw at enemies to inflict heavy lightning damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Mushroom Icon Mushroom x2
 ・Fulgurbloom Icon Fulgurbloom x1
 ・Gravel Stone Icon Gravel Stone x1
 ・Ritual Pot Icon Ritual Pot x1
 ・Learned from: Ancient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook 4
Image IconBaldachin's Blessing Uses FP to temporarily boost poise. ・At the Roundtable Hold, talk to Fia and agree to let her hold you.
Image IconBeastlure Pot Uses FP. Lure beasts only. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Beast Blood Icon Beast Blood x1
 ・Ritual Pot Icon Ritual Pot x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 5
Image IconBewitching Branch Uses FP to charm pierced enemy. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Nomadic Merchant (Bellum Highway) (1600 Runes)
・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Miquella Miquella's Lily x1
 ・Sacramental Bud Icon Sacramental Bud x1
 ・Learned from: Fevor's Cookbook 3
Image IconBlasphemous Claw Deflects the power of the Black Blade. ・Defeat Bernahl when he invades at the Crumbling Farum Azula.
Image IconBlood Grease Coats armament, inflicting blood loss. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Root Resin Icon Root Resin x1
 ・Bloodrose Icon Bloodrose x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 6
Image IconBloodboil Aromatic Uses FP to enter a temporary state of fervor. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Arteria Leaf Icon Arteria Leaf x1
 ・Perfume Bottle Icon Perfume Bottle x1
 ・Altus Bloom Icon Altus Bloom x1
 ・Learned from: Perfumer's Cookbook 2
Image IconBloody Finger Attempts invasion of other player's world. ・Hand over the bloody Lord of Blood's Favor to White-Faced Varre as part of his questline.
Image IconBlue Cipher Ring Enables the wearer to answer calls for rescue. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Twin Maiden Husks (1000 Runes)
Image IconBoiled Crab Greatly boosts physical damage negation for a time. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Blackguard Big Boggart (600 Runes)
Image IconBoiled Prawn Boosts physical damage negation. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Blackguard Big Boggart (600 Runes)
・Choose as the starting keepsake.
Image IconBone Dart Throw at enemies to inflict damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:  ・Learned from: Crafting Kit
Image IconClarifying Boluses Alleviates madness buildup. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Dewkissed Herba Icon Dewkissed Herba x2
 ・Eye of Yelough Icon Eye of Yelough x1
 ・Learned from: Frenzied's Cookbook 1
Image IconClarifying Cured Meat Temporarily boosts focus. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Sliver of Meat Icon Sliver of Meat x1
 ・Slumbering Egg Icon Slumbering Egg x1
 ・Eye of Yelough Icon Eye of Yelough x1
 ・Rimed Rowa Icon Rimed Rowa x5
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 23
Image IconClarifying White Cured Meat Temporarily boosts focus. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Nomadic Merchant (Bellum Highway) (2000 Runes)
・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Slumbering Egg Icon Slumbering Egg x1
 ・Eye of Yelough Icon Eye of Yelough x1
 ・Rimed Rowa Icon Rimed Rowa x5
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 23
Image IconCracked Pot Container required for crafting cracked pot items. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Merchant Kale (300 Runes)
 ・ Nomadic Merchant (Weeping Peninsula) (600 Runes)
 ・ Nomadic Merchant (Limgrave North) (600 Runes)
 ・ Nomadic Merchant (Caelid South) (1500 Runes)
Image IconCrystal Dart Uses FP. Throw to inflict magic damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Cracked Crystal Icon Cracked Crystal x3
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 11
Image IconCuckoo Glintstone Uses FP to produce a magic bolt. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Cracked Crystal Icon Cracked Crystal x1
 ・Crystal Bud Icon Crystal Bud x1
 ・Learned from: Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 1
Image IconCursed-Blood Pot Throw to douse enemy with accursed blood. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Mushroom Icon Mushroom x1
 ・Beast Blood Icon Beast Blood x1
 ・Bloodrose Icon Bloodrose x1
 ・Ritual Pot Icon Ritual Pot x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 12
・Obtained near an altar at the Village of the Albinaurics.
Image IconDappled Cured Meat Temporarily boosts immunity, robustness and focus. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Sliver of Meat Icon Sliver of Meat x1
 ・Golden Rowa Icon Golden Rowa x5
 ・Budding Horn Icon Budding Horn x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 18
・On a corpse at the burning outpost west of the Liurnia Lake Shore site of grace.
Image IconDappled White Cured Meat Temporarily boosts immunity, robustness and focus. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Golden Rowa Icon Golden Rowa x5
 ・Budding Horn Icon Budding Horn x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 18
Image IconDragonwound Grease Coats armament, granting special dragon attacks. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Root Resin Icon Root Resin x1
 ・Beast Blood Icon Beast Blood x1
 ・Gravel Stone Icon Gravel Stone x1
 ・Learned from: Ancient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook 3
Image IconDrawstring Blood Grease Quickly coats armament, inflicting blood loss. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Root Resin Icon Root Resin x1
 ・String Icon String x1
 ・Bloodrose Icon Bloodrose x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 6
Image IconDrawstring Fire Grease Quickly coats armament, inflicting fire damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Root Resin Icon Root Resin x1
 ・String Icon String x1
 ・Learned from: Armorer's Cookbook 1
Image IconDrawstring Holy Grease Quickly coats armament, inflicting holy damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Root Resin Icon Root Resin x1
 ・String Icon String x1
 ・Learned from: Missionary's Cookbook 4
Image IconDrawstring Lightning Grease Quickly coats armament, inflicting lightning damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Root Resin Icon Root Resin x1
 ・String Icon String x1
 ・Fulgurbloom Icon Fulgurbloom x1
 ・Learned from: Ancient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook 1
Image IconDrawstring Magic Grease Quickly coats armament, inflicting magic damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Root Resin Icon Root Resin x1
 ・String Icon String x1
 ・Crystal Bud Icon Crystal Bud x1
 ・Learned from: Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 5
Image IconDrawstring Poison Grease Quickly coats armament, inflicting poison. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Root Resin Icon Root Resin x1
 ・String Icon String x1
 ・Poisonbloom Icon Poisonbloom x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 8
Image IconDrawstring Rot Grease Quickly coats armament, inflicting scarlet rot. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Root Resin Icon Root Resin x1
 ・String Icon String x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 22
Image IconDrawstring Soporific Grease Quickly coats armament, inflicting sleep. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Trina Trina's Lily x1
 ・Root Resin Icon Root Resin x1
 ・String Icon String x1
 ・Learned from: Fevor's Cookbook 2
Image IconDuelist's Furled Finger Creates competitive multiplayer summon signs. ・On a large building in the area where Recusant Henricus appears northwest of the Stormhill Shack.
Image IconElden Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader. ・Defeat the Elden Beast at the Elden Throne in the Leyndell, Royal Capital.
Image IconExalted Flesh Temporarily boosts physical attack. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Rowa Fruit Icon Rowa Fruit x5
 ・Lump of Flesh Icon Lump of Flesh x1
 ・Arteria Leaf Icon Arteria Leaf x1
 ・Learned from: Armorer's Cookbook 3
・Free Alexander east of the Deathtouched Catacombs site of grace.
Image IconExplosive Stone Explodes when thrown, inflicting fire damage. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Twin Maiden Husks (300 Runes)
Image IconExplosive Stone Clump Explodes when thrown together, inflicting fire damage. ・Dropped by the Miner enemies in tunnels.
Image IconFan Daggers Throw fanned-out knives at enemies to inflict damage. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Patches (160 Runes)
Image IconFestering Bloody Finger Attempts invasion of other player's world. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Gatekeeper Gostoc (1000 Runes)
 ・ Isolated Merchant (Weeping Peninsula) (1000 Runes)
 ・ Patches (1000 Runes)
 ・ Nomadic Merchant (Limgrave East) (1000 Runes)
 ・ Isolated Merchant (Caelid North) (1500 Runes)
 ・ Hermit Merchant (Capital Outskirts) (3000 Runes)
 ・ Nomadic Merchant (Forest-Spanning Greatbridge) (2000 Runes)
 ・ Isolated Merchant (Raya Lucaria) (1500 Runes)
 ・ Imprisoned Merchant (Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum) (2000 Runes)
Image IconFetid Pot Throw at enemies to cause buildup of deadly poison. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Cracked Pot Icon Cracked Pot x1
 ・Mushroom Icon Mushroom x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 4
Image IconFinger Severer Sends another, or oneself, home. ・Obtained at the starting area in the Stranded Graveyard.
Image IconFire Grease Coats armament, inflicting fire damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Root Resin Icon Root Resin x1
 ・Learned from: Armorer's Cookbook 1
Image IconFire Pot Throw at enemies to inflict fire damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Cracked Pot Icon Cracked Pot x1
 ・Mushroom Icon Mushroom x1
 ・Learned from: Crafting Kit
Image IconFireproof Dried Liver Temporarily boosts fire damage negation. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Rowa Fruit Icon Rowa Fruit x1
 ・Beast Liver Icon Beast Liver x1
 ・Learned from: Armorer's Cookbook 1
Image IconFlask of Cerulean Tears Restores FP. ・Obtain after being defeated by Grafted Scion in the Stranded Graveyard.
Image IconFlask of Crimson Tears Restores HP. ・Obtain after being defeated by Grafted Scion in the Stranded Graveyard.
Image IconFlask of Wondrous Physick Bestows various special effects. ・On a large bowl at the Third Church of Marika near the Site of Grace.
Image IconFreezing Grease Coats armament, inflicting frost. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Root Resin Icon Root Resin x1
 ・Learned from: Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 2
Image IconFreezing Pot Throw at enemies to cause buildup of frost. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Ritual Pot Icon Ritual Pot x1
 ・Learned from: Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 6
Image IconFrenzyflame Stone Uses FP to continuosly heal chaos followers. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Sanctuary Stone Icon Sanctuary Stone x1
 ・Yellow Ember Icon Yellow Ember x1
 ・Learned from: Frenzied's Cookbook 2
Image IconFrozen Raisin On horseback, feed to Torrent to vastly restore HP. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Rimed Rowa Icon Rimed Rowa x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 23
Image IconFurlcalling Finger Remedy Reveals co-op and hostile summoning signs. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Merchant Kale (1000 Runes)
 ・ Gatekeeper Gostoc (1000 Runes)
 ・ Patches (1000 Runes)
・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Erdleaf Flower Icon Erdleaf Flower x2
 ・Learned from: Crafting Kit
Image IconGiantsflame Fire Pot Uses FP. Throw at enemies to inflict heavy fire damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Fire Blossom Icon Fire Blossom x2
 ・Ritual Pot Icon Ritual Pot x1
 ・Learned from: Armorer's Cookbook 7
Image IconGlass Shard Shard of filthy glass. Worthless rubbish. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Patches (100 Runes)
Image IconGlintstone Scrap Break gem and use FP to produce a magic bolt. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Twin Maiden Husks (300 Runes)
Image IconGlowstone Emits a faint light from the location it is placed. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Ruin Fragment Icon Ruin Fragment x1
 ・Dewkissed Herba Icon Dewkissed Herba x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 2
Image IconGold-Pickled Fowl Foot Boosts rune acquisition for a time. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Patches (600 Runes)
・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Rowa Fruit Icon Rowa Fruit x3
 ・Gold Firefly Icon Gold Firefly x1
 ・Learned from: Missionary's Cookbook 2
Image IconGolden Rune 1 Use to gain a small number of runes. ・Destroy the glowing skulls on the ground in Limgrave.
Image IconGolden Rune 10 Use to gain a great many runes. ・Near the Dragonkin Soldier in Lake of Rot at Ainsel River.
Image IconGolden Rune 11 Use to gain a great many runes. ・On a dead body near the Dragon Temple site of grace in Crumbling Farum Azula.
Image IconGolden Rune 12 Use to gain a great many runes. ・On a dead body hanging on the wooden platform in Fort Faroth.
Image IconGolden Rune 13 Use to gain a great many runes. ・On a dead body east of Yelough Anix Tunnel in the Consecrated Snowfield.
Image IconGolden Rune 2 Use to gain a small number of runes. ・Dropped by the giant bats in Limgrave.
Image IconGolden Rune 3 Use to gain runes. ・Near the grave site in Jarburg at the Liurnia of the Lakes.
Image IconGolden Rune 4 Use to gain runes. ・On a dead body at the lower branching path inside Limgrave Tunnels.
Image IconGolden Rune 5 Use to gain runes. ・On a dead body behind the main gate in Stormveil Castle.
Image IconGolden Rune 6 Use to gain many runes. ・On a dead body inside the Stillwater Cave in Liurnia of the Lakes.
Image IconGolden Rune 7 Use to gain many runes. ・Below the site of grace inside the Cave of the Forlorn at the Mountaintops of the Giants.
Image IconGolden Rune 8 Use to gain many runes. ・Near the grave area south of Lenne's Rise at Dragonbarrow area in Caelid.
Image IconGolden Rune 9 Use to gain many runes. ・On a dead body below the walkway at the entrance of the Crumbling Farum Azula.
Image IconGrace Mimic Light shows the path, but without order. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Patches (100 Runes)
・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Erdleaf Flower Icon Erdleaf Flower x1
 ・Learned from: Missionary's Cookbook 2
Image IconGravity Stone Chunk Uses FP to cause a gravitational explosion. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Hermit Merchant (Ainsel River) (300 Runes)
Image IconGravity Stone Fan Uses FP to emit fan-shaped gravitational shockwave. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Hermit Merchant (Ainsel River) (200 Runes)
Image IconHero's Rune 1 Use to gain an abundance of runes. ・On a dead body in the Spiritcaller's Cave at the Mountaintops of the Giants.
Image IconHero's Rune 2 Use to gain an abundance of runes. ・On a dead body sitting near a wall next to the Crumbling Beast Grave Depths site of grace at the Crumbling Farum Azula.
Image IconHero's Rune 3 Use to gain an abundance of runes. ・On the ground behind a tree trunk south of the tree surrounded by enemies at the Palace Approach Ledge-Road site of grace in Mohgwyn Palace.
Image IconHero's Rune 4 Use to gain an abundance of runes. ・On a dead boy at the bottom of a rock pillar in Mohgwyn Palace.
Image IconHero's Rune 5 Use to gain an abundance of runes. ・Inside the chapel northeast of the East Capital Rampart site of grace in Leyndell, Royal Capital.
Image IconHoly Grease Coats armament, inflicting holy damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Root Resin Icon Root Resin x1
 ・Learned from: Missionary's Cookbook 4
Image IconHoly Water Pot Uses FP. Throw at enemies to inflict holy damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Cracked Pot Icon Cracked Pot x1
 ・Mushroom Icon Mushroom x1
 ・Learned from: Missionary's Cookbook 1
Image IconHolyproof Dried Liver Temporarily boosts holy damage negation. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Beast Liver Icon Beast Liver x1
 ・Golden Rowa Icon Golden Rowa x5
 ・Learned from: Missionary's Cookbook 6
Image IconImmunizing Cured Meat Temporarily boosts immunity. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Rowa Fruit Icon Rowa Fruit x3
 ・Sliver of Meat Icon Sliver of Meat x1
 ・Learned from: Armorer's Cookbook 5
Image IconImmunizing White Cured Meat Temporarily boosts immunity. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Rowa Fruit Icon Rowa Fruit x3
 ・Learned from: Armorer's Cookbook 5
Image IconInvigorating Cured Meat Temporarily boosts robustness. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Sliver of Meat Icon Sliver of Meat x1
 ・Crab Eggs Icon Crab Eggs x1
 ・Golden Rowa Icon Golden Rowa x3
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 2
Image IconInvigorating White Cured Meat Temporarily boosts robustness. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Crab Eggs Icon Crab Eggs x1
 ・Golden Rowa Icon Golden Rowa x3
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 2
Image IconIronjar Aromatic Uses FP to temporarily turn wielder's body to steel. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Perfume Bottle Icon Perfume Bottle x1
 ・Altus Bloom Icon Altus Bloom x2
 ・Learned from: Perfumer's Cookbook 3
Image IconKukri Throw at enemies to inflict damage and build up onset of blood loss. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Nomadic Merchant (Weeping Peninsula) (60 Runes)
Image IconLands Between Rune Use to gain many runes. ・Choose as the starting keepsake.
Image IconLarge Glintstone Scrap Break gem and use FP to produce many magic bolts. ・On a dead body inside the hut with dogs inside the Limgrave Tunnels.
・ Dropped by the sorcerer miner enemies inside tunnels.
Image IconLightning Grease Coasts armament, inflicting lightning damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Root Resin Icon Root Resin x1
 ・Fulgurbloom Icon Fulgurbloom x1
 ・Learned from: Ancient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook 1
Image IconLightning Pot Throw at enemies to inflict lightning damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Cracked Pot Icon Cracked Pot x1
 ・Mushroom Icon Mushroom x1
 ・Fulgurbloom Icon Fulgurbloom x1
 ・Learned from: Ancient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook 2
Image IconLightningproof Dried Liver Temporarily boosts lightning damage negation. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Rowa Fruit Icon Rowa Fruit x3
 ・Beast Liver Icon Beast Liver x1
 ・Fulgurbloom Icon Fulgurbloom x1
 ・Learned from: Ancient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook 4
Image IconLord's Rune Use to gain an enormous abundance of runes. ・Defeat the Erdtree Avatar at the main road of Leyndell, Royal Capital.
Image IconMagic Grease Coats armament, inflicting magic damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Root Resin Icon Root Resin x1
 ・Crystal Bud Icon Crystal Bud x1
 ・Learned from: Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 5
Image IconMagic Pot Uses FP. Throw to inflict magic damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Cracked Pot Icon Cracked Pot x1
 ・Learned from: Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 4
Image IconMargit's Shackle Briefly binds Margit, once imprisoned, to earth. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Patches (5000 Runes)
Image IconMemory of Grace Lose all runes, return to last site of lost grace visited. ・Obtained from the start.
Image IconMimic's Veil Uses FP to mimic nearby objects. ・In a treasure chest at the room with the Banished Knight in Stormveil Castle.
Image IconMiquella's Needle Subdues a once-accepted frenzied flame. ・Assist Millicent at the end of her questline and defeat Malenia, Blade of Miquella.
Image IconMohg's Shackle Briefly binds Mohg, once imprisoned, to earth. ・On the sewer area guarded by a giant lobster in the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds.
Image IconNeutralizing Boluses Alleviates poison buildup and cures poison. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Nomadic Merchant (Limgrave West) (600 Runes)
・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Cave Moss Icon Cave Moss x1
 ・Herba Icon Herba x1
 ・Learned from: Armorer's Cookbook 2
Image IconNumen's Rune Use to gain a multitude of runes. ・Dropped by the queen ants in the Deeproot Depths.
Image IconOil Pot Throw at enemies to soak them in oil. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Cracked Pot Icon Cracked Pot x1
 ・Melted Mushroom Icon Melted Mushroom x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 17
Image IconOmen Bairn Uses FP to unleash wraiths that chase down foes. ・Dropped by the Omen in the Underground Roadside inside the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds.
Image IconPickled Turtle Neck Temporarily boosts stamina recovery. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Nomadic Merchant (Limgrave North) (800 Runes)
・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Rowa Fruit Icon Rowa Fruit x3
 ・Herba Icon Herba x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 3
Image IconPoison Grease Coats armament, inflicting poison. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Root Resin Icon Root Resin x1
 ・Poisonbloom Icon Poisonbloom x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 8
Image IconPoison Pot Throw at enemies to cause buildup of poison. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Toxic Mushroom Icon Toxic Mushroom x1
 ・Cracked Pot Icon Cracked Pot x1
 ・Poisonbloom Icon Poisonbloom x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 14
Image IconPoison Spraymist Uses FP to release poison mist from the mouth. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Poisonbloom Icon Poisonbloom x1
 ・Miranda Powder Icon Miranda Powder x1
 ・Perfume Bottle Icon Perfume Bottle x1
 ・Altus Bloom Icon Altus Bloom x1
 ・Learned from: Perfumer's Cookbook 2
Image IconPoisonbone Dart Throw at enemies to inflict damage and build up poison. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Nomadic Merchant (Caelid North) (120 Runes)
・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Poisonbloom Icon Poisonbloom x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 14
Image IconPoisoned Stone Throw at enemies to cause buildup of poison. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Nomadic Merchant (Caelid North) (150 Runes)
Image IconPoisoned Stone Clump Throw together to cause buildup of poison. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Nomadic Merchant (Caelid North) (250 Runes)
Image IconPrattling Pate "Apologies" Emits a voice that says "Apologies". ・On a dead body near the lever that activates the boss room in the Unsightly Catacombs.
Image IconPrattling Pate "Hello" Emits a voice that says "Hello". ・On a dead body behind the first fire pillar in Stormfoot Catacombs.
Image IconPrattling Pate "Let's get to it" Emits a voice that says "Let's get ot it" ・In one of the rooms in the Sainted Hero's Grave west of the Rampartside Path at the Altus Plateau.
Image IconPrattling Pate "My beloved" Emits a voice that says "My beloved". ・On a dead body lying on a mushroom in Miquella's Haligtree.
Image IconPrattling Pate "Please help" Emits a voice that says "Please help". ・On the bottom area of the Impaler's Catacombs.
Image IconPrattling Pate "Thank you" Emits a voice that says "Thank you". ・On a dead body at the end of the main path in the Tombsward Catacombs.
Image IconPrattling Pate "Wonderful" Emits a voice that says "Wonderful". ・On the bottom of the area near the patrolling ogre in Cliffbottom Catacombs.
Image IconPrattling Pate "You're Beautiful" Emits a voice that says "You're beautiful" ・On a corpse on a house on the southern side Hermit's Village.
Image IconPreserving Boluses Alleviates scarlet rot buildup and cures rot. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Nomadic Merchant (Caelid North) (2500 Runes)
・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Dewkissed Herba Icon Dewkissed Herba x2
 ・Sacramental Bud Icon Sacramental Bud x1
 ・Learned from: Armorer's Cookbook 6
Image IconPureblood Knight's Medal Audience with Mohg will be granted, one day. ・Hand over the bloody Lord of Blood's Favor to White-Faced Varre as part of his questline.
Image IconRadiant Baldachin's Blessing Uses FP to temporarily boost poise. ・Obtained from Fia in the Deeproot Depths.
Image IconRainbow Stone Shines with colored light when placed, serving as a guide. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Ruin Fragment Icon Ruin Fragment x1
 ・Learned from: Crafting Kit
Image IconRancor Pot Uses FP. Throw to spawn vengeful spirits. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Grave Violet Icon Grave Violet x2
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 9
Image IconRaw Meat Dumpling Restores HP but causes poison buildup. ・On a dead body near the stables at the Village Windmill Pasture.
Image IconRecusant Finger Attempts invasion of other player's world. ・Inside the locked room that requires the Drawing-Room Key southwest of the Volcano Manor site of grace.
Image IconRedmane Fire Pot Throw at enemies to inflict heavy fire damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Mushroom Icon Mushroom x2
 ・Old Fang Icon Old Fang x1
 ・Ritual Pot Icon Ritual Pot x1
 ・Learned from: Armorer's Cookbook 4
Image IconRegal Omen Bairn Uses FP to unleash many wraiths that chase down foes. ・Purchase fron Enia for 5000 Runes in exchange of the Remembrance of the Omen King.
Image IconRejuvenating Boluses Alleviates death blight buildup. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Dewkissed Herba Icon Dewkissed Herba x2
 ・Learned from: Missionary's Cookbook 7
Image IconRemembrance of Hoarah Loux Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader. ・Defeat Hoarah Loux, Warrior at the Leyndell, Capital of Ash.
Image IconRemembrance of the Black Blade Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader. ・Defeat Maliketh, the Black Blade at Leyndell, Capital of Ash.
Image IconRemembrance of the Blasphemous Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader. ・Defeat Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy at Mount Gelmir.
Image IconRemembrance of the Blood Lord Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader. ・Defeat Mohg, Lord of Blood at the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum in the Mohgwyn Palace.
Image IconRemembrance of the Dragonlord Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader. ・Defeat Dragonlord Placidusax at the Crumbling Farum Azula.
Image IconRemembrance of the Fire Giant Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader. ・Defeat the Fire Giant at the Flame Peak at the Mountaintops of the Giants.
Image IconRemembrance of the Full Moon Queen Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader. ・Defeat Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon at the Academy of Raya Lucaria.
Image IconRemembrance of the Grafted Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader. ・Defeat Godrick the Grafted in Stormveil Castle.
Image IconRemembrance of the Lichdragon Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader. ・Defeat the Lichdragon Fortissax in the Deeproot Depths.
Image IconRemembrance of the Naturalborn Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader. ・Defeat Astel, Naturalborn of the Void at the Grand Cloister.
Image IconRemembrance of the Omen King Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader. ・Defeat Morgott, the Omen King at the Leyndell, Royal Capital.
Image IconRemembrance of the Regal Ancestor Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader. ・Defeat the Regal Ancestor Spirit in Nokron, Eternal City.
Image IconRemembrance of the Rot Goddess Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader. ・Defeat Malenia, Blade of Miquella at the Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree in the Mountaintops of the Giants.
Image IconRemembrance of the Starscourge Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader. ・Defeat Starscourge Radahn at the Redmane Castle.
Image IconRoped Fetid Pot Throw behind to cause buildup of deadly poison. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Mushroom Icon Mushroom x1
 ・String Icon String x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 4
Image IconRoped Fire Pot Throw behind to inflict fire damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Cracked Pot Icon Cracked Pot x1
 ・Mushroom Icon Mushroom x1
 ・String Icon String x1
 ・Learned from: Crafting Kit
Image IconRoped Fly Pot Throw behind to release a swarm of flies. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Mushroom Icon Mushroom x1
 ・String Icon String x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 24
Image IconRoped Holy Water Pot Uses FP. Throw behind to inflict holy damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Cracked Pot Icon Cracked Pot x1
 ・Mushroom Icon Mushroom x1
 ・String Icon String x1
 ・Learned from: Missionary's Cookbook 1
Image IconRoped Lightning Pot Throw behind to inflict lightning damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Cracked Pot Icon Cracked Pot x1
 ・Mushroom Icon Mushroom x1
 ・String Icon String x1
 ・Fulgurbloom Icon Fulgurbloom x1
 ・Learned from: Ancient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook 2
Image IconRoped Magic Pot Uses FP. Throw behind to inflict magic damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Cracked Pot Icon Cracked Pot x1
 ・String Icon String x1
 ・Learned from: Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 4
Image IconRoped Oil Pot Throw behind to douse enemies in oil. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Cracked Pot Icon Cracked Pot x1
 ・String Icon String x1
 ・Melted Mushroom Icon Melted Mushroom x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 17
Image IconRoped Poison Pot Throw behind to cause buildup of poison. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Toxic Mushroom Icon Toxic Mushroom x1
 ・String Icon String x1
 ・Poisonbloom Icon Poisonbloom x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 14
Image IconRoped Volcano Pot Creates heat cloud, causing continuous fire damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Cracked Pot Icon Cracked Pot x1
 ・String Icon String x1
 ・Volcanic Stone Icon Volcanic Stone x2
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 20
Image IconRot Grease Coats armament, inflicting scarlet rot. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Root Resin Icon Root Resin x
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 22
Image IconRot Pot Throw at enemies to cause buildup of scarlet rot. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Toxic Mushroom Icon Toxic Mushroom x2
 ・Ritual Pot Icon Ritual Pot x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 22
Image IconRowa Raisin On horseback, feed to Torrent to restore HP. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Rowa Fruit Icon Rowa Fruit x1
 ・Learned from: Crafting Kit
Image IconRuin Fragment Material used for crafting items. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Gatekeeper Gostoc (100 Runes)
Image IconRune Arc Grants the blessing of an equipped Great Rune upon use. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Twin Maiden Husks (4000 Runes)
 ・ Nomadic Merchant (Bellum Highway) (4000 Runes)
 ・ Hermit Merchant (Capital Outskirts) (4000 Runes)
 ・ Imprisoned Merchant (Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum) (8000 Runes)
 ・ Hermit Merchant (Mountaintops of the Giants) (8000 Runes)
Image IconSacred Order Pot Uses FP. Throw at enemies to inflict heavy holy damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Mushroom Icon Mushroom x2
 ・Learned from: Missionary's Cookbook 5
Image IconScriptstone Reveals more messages from other worlds. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Ruin Fragment Icon Ruin Fragment x1
 ・Learned from: Missionary's Cookbook 2
Image IconShield Grease Boosts guarding ability and all damage negation. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Root Resin Icon Root Resin x
 ・Crystal Bud Icon Crystal Bud x1
 ・Learned from: Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 4
Image IconSilver-Pickled Fowl Foot Temporarily boosts item discovery. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Gatekeeper Gostoc (2000 Runes)
・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Rowa Fruit Icon Rowa Fruit x3
 ・Silver Firefly Icon Silver Firefly x1
 ・Learned from: Missionary's Cookbook 3
Image IconSleep Pot Uses FP. Throw to cause buildup of sleep. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Trina Trina's Lily x1
 ・Cracked Pot Icon Cracked Pot x1
 ・Mushroom Icon Mushroom x1
 ・Learned from: Fevor's Cookbook 1
Image IconSmall Golden Effigy Sends a co-op sign to summoning pools. ・Interact with the Effigy of Martyr at the First Step site of grace in Limgrave.
Image IconSmall Red Effigy Sends a hostile sign to summoning pools. ・On a large building northeast of Stormhill Shack in the area where Recusant Henricus appears to invade you.
Image IconSoap Removes filth and accumulations on the body. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Melted Mushroom Icon Melted Mushroom x2
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 17
Image IconSoft Cotton Temporarily reduces fall damage and sound. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Rowa Fruit Icon Rowa Fruit x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 7
Image IconSoporific Grease Coats armament, inflicting sleep. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Trina Trina's Lily x1
 ・Root Resin Icon Root Resin x1
 ・Learned from: Fevor's Cookbook 2
Image IconSpark Aromatic Uses FP to broadly scatter sparks in a wide arc straight ahead. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Miranda Powder Icon Miranda Powder x1
 ・Perfume Bottle Icon Perfume Bottle x1
 ・Altus Bloom Icon Altus Bloom x1
 ・Learned from: Perfumer's Cookbook 1
Image IconSpectral Steed Whistle Summon and ride Torrent, spectral steed. ・Rest at your third Site of Grace.
Image IconSpellproof Dried Liver Temporarily boosts magic damage negation. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Rowa Fruit Icon Rowa Fruit x3
 ・Beast Liver Icon Beast Liver x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 11
Image IconStanching Boluses Alleviates impending blood loss. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Nomadic Merchant (Limgrave West) (600 Runes)
 ・ Imprisoned Merchant (Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum) (1200 Runes)
・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Cave Moss Icon Cave Moss x1
 ・Herba Icon Herba x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 7
Image IconStarlight Shard Use to gradually recover HP. ・On the ground near the Cathedral of Manus Celes site of grace.
Image IconStimulating Boluses Alleviates buildup of sleep. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Nomadic Merchant (Limgrave West) (1500 Runes)
・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Cave Moss Icon Cave Moss x1
 ・Slumbering Egg Icon Slumbering Egg x1
 ・Herba Icon Herba x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 16
Image IconSwarm Pot Throw at enemies to release a swarm of flies. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Cracked Pot Icon Cracked Pot x1
 ・Mushroom Icon Mushroom x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 24
Image IconSweet Raisin On horseback, feed to Torrent to greatly restore HP. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Golden Rowa Icon Golden Rowa x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 19
Image IconTarnished's Furled Finger Creates cooperative multiplayer summon signs. ・Obtained at the starting area in the Stranded Graveyard.
Image IconTarnished's Wizened Finger Used to write messages. ・Obtained at the starting area in the Stranded Graveyard.
Image IconTaunter's Tongue Lures in invaders. ・Defeat Mad Tongue Alberich at the Roundtable Hold.
Image IconTelescope Allows viewer to see faraway things. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Merchant Kale (500 Runes)
Image IconThawfrost Boluses Alleviates buildup of frost. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Cave Moss Icon Cave Moss x1
 ・Crab Eggs Icon Crab Eggs x1
 ・Herba Icon Herba x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 16
Image IconThrowing Dagger Throw at enemies to inflict damage. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Merchant Kale (40 Runes)
Image IconUplifting Aromatic Uses FP to raise the attack power of the user and nearby allies while also reducing the damage from one incoming attack by half. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Arteria Leaf Icon Arteria Leaf x1
 ・Perfume Bottle Icon Perfume Bottle x1
 ・Altus Bloom Icon Altus Bloom x1
 ・Learned from: Perfumer's Cookbook 1
Image IconVolcano Pot Creates heat cloud, causing continuous fire damage. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Cracked Pot Icon Cracked Pot x1
 ・Volcanic Stone Icon Volcanic Stone x2
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 20
Image IconWarming Stone Uses FP to continuously heal nearby allies. ・ Craft using the following materials:
 ・Erdleaf Flower Icon Erdleaf Flower x1
 ・Sanctuary Stone Icon Sanctuary Stone x1
 ・Learned from: Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 19
Image IconWhite Cipher Ring When invaded, requests the aid of a rescuer. ・ Purchase from the following merchants:
 ・ Twin Maiden Husks (1000 Runes)
Image IconWraith Calling Bell Uses FP to ring bell and calls prowling wraiths. ・On the underground area beneath Laskyar Ruins.

Where to Find Tools

Obtained as Part of the Story

Certain Tools such as items used for multiplayer are obtained as you progress through the story. Be sure to interact with the souls on the ground to pick them up.

Walkthrough and Progression Route

Purchase from Merchants

Items like the White Cipher Ring and Blue Cipher Ring can be obtained from merchants. Look out for any of them on your journey to purchase these items.

All Merchant Locations

Craft Using a Crafting Kit

Items such as the Furlcalling Finger Remedy can be crafted once you have obtained the Crafting Kit and the item's required materials.

How to Get Crafting Kit: Effects and Locations

Elden Ring Related Guides

Elden Ring - Items Partial Banner
List of Items

List of Item Categories

Spirit Ashes IconSpirit Ashes Key Item IconKey Items Crafting Material IconCrafting Materials
Arrow and Bolt IconArrows and Bolts Bolstering Material IconBolstering Materials Tool IconTools
Talisman IconTalismans - -

Item Guides

Elden Ring - Best Talismans List.pngBest Talismans Best Spirit Summons Elden Ring.pngBest Spirit Summons


1 Anonymousabout 2 years

This awesome man. Thanks for the in-depth article!


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