Elden Ring

Smithing Stone 2 Locations

Smithing Stone 2 is a type of Bolstering Material found in Elden Ring. Read on to learn where to find Smithing Stone 2, its effect, lore description, and price!

Smithing Stone 2 Locations

Northeast of the Warmaster's Shack

On an unmarked area northeast of the Warmaster's Shack, you can find plenty of giant trolls roaming around. If you let one of them destroy the statue in the area, you can obtain plenty of Smithing Stones 1 and Smithing Stones 2.

Warmaster's Shack Location and What to Do

Northwest of Third Church of Marika

You can find a Smithing Stone 2 on a ledge where you can find some bears and wolves fighting northwest of the Third Church of Marika.

Third Church of Marika Location and What to Do

Stormveil Castle

You can find a total of five Smithing Stone 2 inside the Stormveil Castle after defeating Margit, the Fell Omen.

Stormveil Castle Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough and Location

Siofra River Well

Enter the Siofra River Well from the Limgrave side. Find the corpse near the area with the multiple skeletons with spears to obtain a Smithing Stone 2.

Siofra River Interactive Map and Region Guide

Purchase From a Merchant

Smithing Stone 2 can be purchased from the following merchants:

Merchant Map Location Price
Twin Maiden HusksTwin Maiden Husks 1600 Runes
Nomadic Merchant (Weeping Peninsula)Nomadic Merchant (Weeping Peninsula) 400 Runes
Isolated Merchant (Weeping Peninsula)Isolated Merchant (Weeping Peninsula) 400 Runes
Nomadic Merchant (Liurnia Lake Shore)Nomadic Merchant (Liurnia Lake Shore) 400 Runes

Note that the Smithing Stone 2 is only available for purchase after offering the Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 1 to the Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold.

You can obtain the bell bearing after defeating the Crystalian at the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel.

Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel Location and What to Do

Smithing Stone 2 Overview

Smithing Stone 2 Effect

Smithing Stone 2 IconSmithing Stone 2
Reinforce armaments up to +6
Bolstering Material
Buy Price Sell Price
1600 Currently unknown

Smithing Stone 2 Lore Description

Lore Description
"Stone used to smith a variety of armaments. A shard found in plenty.

Strengthens armaments up to +6.

Smithing stone is found throughout the Lands Between, and mining galleries built to excavate it can be found anywhere."

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