Elden Ring

Somber Smithing Stone 6 Locations and Map

Somber Smithing Stone 6 is an upgrade material to reinforce special armaments in Elden Ring. See a list of all Somber Smithing Stone 6 locations on the map for the DLC and base game and its Bell Bearing location!

Somber Smithing Stone 6 Map

★ Click on icons to view their in-game locations.
★ Click on the Map dropdown to switch to Underground and DLC map locations.
★ See list of all Somber Smithing Stone 6 below.

The Interactive Map both shows the location of key points on the map, and doubles as a collectible checker.

  1. Click an icon on the right side to show all the pins of a specific type, or click the magnifying glass button to search for a specific pin by name.
  2. Click a pin on the map to see its name and description, and a relevant picture or video if available.
  3. From here, click Mark as Acquired to indicate that you've gotten a collectible already. This will change its icon on the map to show that it has been collected, and add 1 to that pin type's Counter.
  4. To undo this, click on the same pin and click Restore to unclaimed.
  5. To check how many pins you have marked so far, check the Counter in the bottom left, and click the icon that looks like a checklist to see counters for all pin types.
  6. If the collected pins start to get in the way, you can hide them all by clicking the green Show Pins button on the left side.
Icon How to Use
Name Button.png Show Names
This button reveals the Name of every icon currently shown.
Show Pins Button.png Show Pins
This button will toggle between showing and hiding all the pins which you have already marked as acquired.
Full Button.png Fullscreen
This button will change the map display to fill the screen.
Search Button.png Search Mode Toggle
This button will display a searchbar which you can use to search for an individual pin by its name.
Icon Mode Button.png Icon Mode Toggle
In Search Mode, this button will toggle you back to Icon Mode, removing the search bar and displaying the icons again.
All Pins Button.png All Pins
This button is shown along with the Icons on the right when there are over 6 types of pins. Click it for a full selection of all available pin types.
Interactive Map Counter.png Counter
Tracks the number of pins you have of a certain type. The pin type shown is set to the page and currently cannot be changed; however, all pin type counters can be viewed by clicking the checklist icon on the right side.
Interactive Map View All Counters.png View All Counters
This icon is found on the right side of the Counter. When a map has more than one pin type, click this icon to see Counters for all pin types.
Diablo 4 - Zoom In Zoom Out Icons.png Zoom In / Zoom Out
This icon is found on the top left side of the map. You can press these buttons, or use your scroll wheel while hovering, to Zoom In and Out of the interactive map.

Somber Smithing Stone 6 Bell Bearing Location

First Church of Marika in the Mountaintops of the Giants

In-Game View Map Location

The Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing 3 can be obtained right outside of the First Church of Marika in the Mountaintops of the Giants.

Use Bell Bearing to Purchase from Merchant

Somber Smithing Stone 6 can be purchased from the following merchant:

Merchant Price
Twin Maiden HusksTwin Maiden Husks 12000 Runes

You may purchase Somber Smithing Stone 6 in exchange for runes only after offering the Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing 3 to the Twin Maiden Husks.

All Bell Bearing Locations

All DLC Somber Smithing Stone 6 Locations

Jump to a DLC Location!
Ruined Forge Lava Intake Castle Ensis
Ellac River -

Note: These areas are only available in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC.

Found Inside the Ruined Forge Lava Intake

In-Game View Map Location

A Somber Smithing Stone 6 can be obtained in front of the third golem you encounter in this dungeon, which is hidden in the corner of the large room you drop down to.

Ruined Forge Lava Intake Location and Rewards

Two found in Castle Ensis

In-Game View Map Location

Two Somber Smithing Stones 6 can be obtained in Castle Ensis. One can be looted from a corpse at a tower just before the building where Moonrithyll, Carian Knight, is located, and another will be on the ramparts past Moonrithyll's location.

A Somber Smithing Stone 6 can be looted from a corpse at a tower just before the building where Moonrithyll, Carian Knight, is located.

Castle Ensis Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough and Location

Ellac River Lobster

In-Game View Map Location

A Somber Smithing Stone 6 can be picked up beside the giant lobster in Ellac River. You can reach this area from the Ellac River Site of Grace and jump down from the rocks.

All Base Game Somber Smithing Stone 6 Locations

All Somber Smithing Stone 6 Locations
Pick Up - Volcano Manor
Pick Up - Volcano Manor Guest Hall
Pick Up - First Mt. Gelmir Campsite
Boss Drop - Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast
Pick Up - Old Altus Tunnel
Boss Drop - Sellia Crystal Tunnel
Pick Up - Leyndell East Outskirts
Pick Up - Leyndell Lower Capital Church
Pick Up - Leyndell Fortified Manor
Drop - Leyndell Lion
Scarab - Subterranean Shunning-Grounds
Pick Up - Subterranean Shunning-Grounds
Scarab - Forbidden Lands Bridge
Drop - Siofra Aqueduct Crucible Knight
Pick Up - Deeproot Depths Ant Cave
Scarab - Deeproot Depths
Scarab - Deeproot Depths West
Pick Up - Deeproot Depths North
Pick Up - Uhl Palace Ruins South
Scarab - Nokstella
Scarab - Lake of Rot

Volcano Manor Basilisk Area

In-Game View Map Location

A Somber Smithing Stone 6 can be obtained in a hidden room guarded by basilisks to the side of the lava lake. Jump down the balcony east of the Temple of Eiglay site of grace to reach this location. Run past the fire slugs, then enter the southwest room, which an Iron Maiden guards. Exit the room using the door in the west, then proceed northwest until you see the winged snake statues. 

Jump down on the cooled lava beneath winged snake gargoyles and proceed northwest until you see a room with lava and Basilisks inside. You can loot the corpse with the Somber Smithing Stone 6 at the northernmost corner of the hidden room.

Volcano Manor Walkthrough

Volcano Manor Rooftop Near Guest Hall

In-Game View Map Location

Exit the room with the Guest Hall site of grace, and then take the east exit. Descend the ladder in the south and jump across the flowing lava to reach the house on the other side. 

Climb the slope beside the house on the east until you reach the roof with the corpse. Loot the corpse for the Somber Smithing Stone 6.

Volcano Manor Walkthrough

First Mt. Gelmir Campsite

In-Game View Map Location

On the ledge southeast of the First Mt. Gelmir Campsite Site of Grace is a dead noble with a Somber Smithing Stone 6 guarded by a wolf. You can get to this area by following the path around Volcano Manor from the Seethewater River Site of Grace.

Volcano Manor Walkthrough

Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast

In-Game View Map Location

The Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast in Mt. Gelmir drops a Somber Smithing Stone 6, five regular Smithing Stone 6, and the Fallingstar Beast Jaw weapon. You can get to this area by following the path that circles Volcano Manor from the Seethewater River Site of Grace.

Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast Boss Fight Guide

Behind the Sheds in Old Altus Tunnel

In-Game View Map Location

From the Old Altus Tunnel Site of Grace, reach the bottom section of the cave. This area would be guarded by two Leyndell Knights and a Leyndell Soldier. Clear up this area and go behind the shack located in the south. 

Search the wall behind the shack to obtain the Somber Smithing Stone 6.

Hidden Beside a Shed in a Cavern

In-Game View Map Location

From the Old Altus site of grace, follow the path until you reach the wooden platforms of the main chamber. Climb the ladder you see up north from the platform and proceed until you enter a cavern with a shed. 

Head directly to the tight opening beside the shed close to the wall. Jump or roll to get inside that tight squeeze to reach a Somber Smithing Stone 6.

Old Altus Tunnel Walkthrough and Location

Sellia Crystal Tunnel

In-Game View Map Location

You obtain Somber Smithing Stone 6 as a reward for defeating the Fallingstar Beast at the end of the Sellia Crystal Tunnel in Caelid

In addition, you also receive the Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing 1, which unlocks the first two Somber Smithing Stones as purchasable items from the Twin Maiden Husks.

Fallingstar Beast Boss Fight Guide

On the East Outskirts of Leyndell

In-Game View Map Location

After opening the eastern gate in Leyndell, you can pick up a Somber Smithing Stone 6 behind a hidden statue in a ditch near the wall.

Leyndell, Royal Capital Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough

Past the Sewers Near Lower Capital Church

In-Game View Map Location

Head outside from the Lower Capital Church and drop down the canal to the left. Follow the path to the north until you reach a ladder that goes to the area below the massive dragon. Head west, and a Somber Smithing Stone 6 will be behind the ruined wall.

Leyndell, Royal Capital Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough

In the Fortified Manor in Leyndell

In-Game View Map Location

A Somber Smithing Stone 6 can be obtained at the end of the corridor surrounding the cloister north of the Fortified Manor where the Abductor Virgins are.

Leyndell, Royal Capital Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough

Dropped by the Lion Guardian in Leyndell

In-Game View Map Location

The Lion Guardian, found resting with a Perfumer to the southwest of the capital, drops a Somber Smithing Stone 6 when defeated. You can reach this enemy by heading south from the Avenue Balcony Site of Grace.

Leyndell, Royal Capital Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough

Dropped by a Scarab in Subterranean Shunning-Grounds

In-Game View Map Location

After you are able to unlock the area northeast of the Underground Roadside site of grace in Leyndell, push the door located in the south of that area to be able to access the silo behind it. 

Head east in the silo and drop down to be able to access the flight of stairs underneath. Face west to see the Scarab with the Somber Smithing Stone 6.

Subterranean Shunning-Grounds Walkthrough and Location

On Top of the Pipes in the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds

In-Game View Map Location

A Somber Smithing Stone 6 can be obtained on one of the pipes in the Subterranean Shunning Grounds. From the Underground Roadside Site of Grace, take the ladder to the left that takes you to this area with the Imps.

Subterranean Shunning-Grounds Walkthrough and Location

Dropped by a Scarab on the Bridge Between Leyndell and the Forbidden Lands

In-Game View Map Location

You can find a Scarab that drops a Somber Smithing Stone 6 upon defeat east of Capital Outskirts site of grace at the Altus Plateau region.

Altus Plateau Interactive Map and Region Guide

Dropped by the Crucible Knight in the Siofra Aqueduct

In-Game View Map Location

The spear-wielding Crucible Knight found on top of the waterfall in the Siofra Aqueduct drops a Somber Smithing Stone 6 when defeated.

Subterranean Shunning-Grounds Walkthrough and Location

In the Ant Cave in Deeproot Depths

In-Game View Map Location

From the Great Waterfall Crest Site of Grace, tread through the roots and branches and jump on to the one that leads to a cave to the east. In this ant cave, a corpse containing a Somber Smithing Stone 6 can be obtained to your right after dropping down to the next area.

Deeproot Depths Interactive Map and Region Guide

Dropped by a Scarab in the Nameless Eternal City

In-Game View Map Location

A Scarab at the center of the Nameless Eternal City drops a Somber Smithing Stone 6. You can find this scarab by heading east from The Nameless Eternal City Site of Grace.

Dropped by a Scarab in the Deeproot Depths

In-Game View Map Location

Further to the western part of the Deeproot Depths, a Scarab on the large branches will drop a Somber Smithing Stone 6 when defeated. You may head west from The Nameless Eternal City Site of Grace and jump from the spiritspring to reach this area.

In a Ruined Tower in the Northern Part of Deeproot Depths

In-Game View Map Location

Found at the very north of the western section of the Deeproot Depths, a Somber Smithing Stone 6 can be looted from a corpse in the ruined tower where a bow-wielding Mausoleum Knight is.

On the Highest Ledge in Uhl Palace Ruins South

In-Game View Map Location

From the Nokstella, Eternal City Site of Grace, climb the ladder and head upstream until you can turn right at the area with ants. Pass this passage and follow the ledge to the right until you reach the top of the ruins, where you can also get the Wing of Astel. Then, there should be another path you can jump on to reach the higher ledge, which heads into the Somber Smithing Stone 6 at the end.

Uhl Palace Ruins (South) Location

Dropped by a Scarab in Nokstella, Eternal City

In-Game View Map Location

If you keep following the path following the buildings of Nokstella from the Nokstella, Eternal City Site of Grace, you'll eventually reach the large staircase/bridge with a scarab that drops a Somber Smithing Stone 6 when defeated.

Nokstella, Eternal City Walkthrough and Location

Dropped by a Scarab in the Lake of Rot

In-Game View Map Location

There is a Scarab that drops a Somber Smithing Stone 6 in the Lake of Rot at Ainsel River. Start from the Grand Cloister site of grace and head northwest towards the lake.

Lake of Rot Location and What to Do

Somber Smithing Stone 6 Overview

Somber Smithing Stone 6 Effect

Somber Smithing Stone 6 IconSomber Smithing Stone 6
Reinforce special armaments up to +6
Bolstering Material
Buy Price Sell Price
12000 Currently unknown

Somber Smithing Stone 6 Lore Description

Lore Description
"Large gold smithing stone drained of color.

Strengthens special armaments to +6.

Special armaments with unique characteristics cannot be strengthened with colored smithing stones. Number of steps and amount strengthened differ from standard equipment."

Elden Ring Related Guides

Elden Ring Smithing Stones

How to Get All Smithing Stones

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Ancient Dragon Smithing StoneAncient Dragon Smithing Stone
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Somber Smithing Stone XXXXSomber Smithing Stone 5 Somber Smithing Stone XXXXSomber Smithing Stone 6
Somber Smithing Stone XXXXSomber Smithing Stone 7 Somber Smithing Stone XXXXSomber Smithing Stone 8
Somber Smithing Stone XXXXSomber Smithing Stone 9 Somber Smithing Stone XXXXSomber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone
Somber Smithing Stones


2 Anonymous6 months

Truly garbage walkthrough. Thanks for giving the spark notes, but this is unhelpful.


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