Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

How to Beat Champion Cynthia in a Rematch Battle

BDSP - How to Beat Cynthia Rematch

Rematch Cynthia, the previous Champion of the Sinnoh region, in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Read on to find out how to rematch and beat Cynthia, Cynthia's rematch teams, her rematch rewards, and the best Pokemon to beat her rematch teams.

All Cynthia Battles
Cynthia Chamption Battle Cynthia Rematches

How to Rematch Champion Cynthia

Rematch Her after Becoming Champion

BDSP - Rematch Elite Four

You can rematch the previous Champion and the Elite Four at any time after becoming champion by entering through the door in the Pokemon League. However, you will only battle the same team that they had from the first time you battled them and you will not obtain any rewards.

How to Unlock Cynthia's Rematch Teams

First Rematch Team: Get the National Dex

BDSP - Getting the National Dex

To unlock Cynthia's first rematch team, you will first need to get the National Dex by seeing all the Pokemon native to the Sinnoh Dex. Once you have obtained the National Dex, you will face off against their new teams once you enter the Pokemon League door.

How to Unlock the National Dex

Second Rematch Team: Capture or Defeat Heatran

BDSP - Heatran in Stark Mountain

Her second rematch team is unlocked after capturing or defeating Heatran in Stark Mountain. Once the Stark Mountain event is completed, you can return to the Pokemon League to face off against their final team.

Cynthia's Rematch Teams and Types

Type and Suggested Level

BDSP - Champion Cynthia
Type Specialty All Around
Suggested Levels Lv. 78 ~ Lv. 80
(First Rematch)
Lv. 88 ~ Lv. 90
(Second Rematch)

Cynthia's Pokemon (First Rematch)

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP SpiritombSpiritomb
(Lvl. 74)
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pressure
Sitrus Berry
Shadow Ball
Dark Pulse
Sucker Punch
Pokemon BDSP RoseradeRoserade
(Lvl. 74)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Poison Point
Expert Belt
Dazzling Gleam
Shadow Ball
Sludge Bomb
Energy Ball
Pokemon BDSP TogekissTogekiss
(Lvl. 76)
Pokemon Fairy Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Serene Grace
Air Slash
Dazzling Gleam
Aura Sphere
Thunder Wave
Pokemon BDSP LucarioLucario
(Lvl. 76)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon Inner Focus
Wise Glasses
Aura Sphere
Dragon Pulse
Flash Cannon
Pokemon BDSP MiloticMilotic
(Lvl. 74)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Marvel Scale
Flame Orb
Mirror Coat
Ice Beam
Pokemon BDSP GarchompGarchomp
(Lvl. 78)
Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Rough Skin
Yache Berry
Dragon Claw
Swords Dance
Poison Jab

Cynthia's Pokemon (Second Rematch)

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP SpiritombSpiritomb
(Lvl. 84)
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pressure
Sitrus Berry
Shadow Ball
Dark Pulse
Sucker Punch
Pokemon BDSP Porygon-ZPorygon-Z
(Lvl. 85)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Adaptability
Expert Belt
Hyper Beam
Shadow Ball
Ice Beam
Pokemon BDSP TogekissTogekiss
(Lvl. 86)
Pokemon Fairy Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Serene Grace
Air Slash
Dazzling Gleam
Aura Sphere
Thunder Wave
Pokemon BDSP LucarioLucario
(Lvl. 86)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon Inner Focus
Focus Sash
Close Combat
Meteor Mash
Extreme Speed
Pokemon BDSP MiloticMilotic
(Lvl. 84)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Marvel Scale
Flame Orb
Mirror Coat
Ice Beam
Pokemon BDSP GarchompGarchomp
(Lvl. 88)
Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Rough Skin
Yache Berry
Dragon Claw
Swords Dance
Poison Jab

How to Beat Elite Four Cynthia (First Rematch)

Be Careful not to Get Walled by Milotic

BDSP - Cynthia

Like your previous battle against Cynthia's Milotic, it will be holding a Flame Orb which will boost its Defense stat due to Marvel Scale. This will make it difficult to take down with Physical attacks, so make sure to boost your Attack stat with moves like Dragon Dance on your Gyarados to defeat it with Crunch, or use Special moves against Milotic instead.

Sweep Cynthia's Team with Stat Boosts

BDSP - Set Up During Cynthia

If you plan on using stat-boosting moves like Dragon Dance, set them up while Spiritomb or Milotic are on the field as these Pokemon will have more leeway compared to Cynthia's others. However, these Pokemon may inflict status conditions so bring plenty of Full Restores.

Bring Pokemon with Ice Type Moves

BDSP - Ice Move on Cynthia

Ice type moves are useful not only for Garchomp, but also against Togekiss and Roserade. Specifically, we recommend Abomasnow against this battle since it can inflict constant damage with Hail while also dealing super effective attacks.

Best Pokemon to Beat Cynthia (First Rematch)

Pokemon Recommended Moves
Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon
Ice Fang (Move Reminder)
Waterfall (Lv. 21)
Dragon Dance (Lv. 36)
・Waterfall does decent damage.
・Intimidate can lower the Attack of her Pokemon.
・Set up Dragon Dance to sweep Cynthia's team.
Pokemon BDSP StaraptorStaraptor
Pokemon Flying Type Icon Pokemon Normal Type Icon
Aerial Ace (Lv. 28)
Close Combat (On Evolution)
Brave Bird (Lv. 49)
・Has super effective moves against Roserade and Lucario.
・Brave Bird does tons of damage.
・Lower Garchomp's Attack with Intimidate.
Pokemon BDSP LatiosLatios
Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon
Draco Meteor (Move Tutor)
Thunderbolt (TM24)
Psychic (Lv. 60)
・Outspeeds Cynthia's Garchomp.
・Great Pokemon to use against Milotic.
Pokemon BDSP AbomasnowAbomasnow
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon
Ice Shard (Lv. 15)
Wood Hammer (Lv. 43)
Blizzard (Lv. 49)
・Great type matchup against most of Cynthia's Pokemon.
・Blizzard always hits during Hail.
・Hail can do constat damage.

How to Beat Elite Four Cynthia (Second Rematch)

Level Up Before Challenging Cynthia

BDSP - Cynthia

Cynthia will be at her maximum strength during your second rematch, and all her team will have higher levels than any other Pokemon in the game. They will also have competitive level stats, so it is best to only challenge Cynthia after training to at least Level 90.

All of Cynthia's Pokemon have High Attacking Stats

BDSP - Cynthia

All of Cynthia's Pokemon will have incredibly high attacking stats, especially her newly added Porygon-Z, as well as her usual Lucario and Garchomp. Because each of her Pokemon are different, bring a wide variety of Pokemon that can take on each member of her party.

Watch Out for Lucario's Focus Sash

BDSP - Gyarados against Cynthia

Unlike the previous two times you battled Cynthia, her Lucario is now a Physical attacker with the held item Focus Sash. Since Lucario cannot be taken out in one shot, it is best to send out a Pokemon that can resist Lucario's attacks such as Gyarados.

Best Pokemon to Beat Cynthia (Second Rematch)

Pokemon Recommended Moves
Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon
Ice Fang (Move Reminder)
Waterfall (Lv. 21)
Dragon Dance (Lv. 36)
・Waterfall does decent damage.
・Intimidate can lower the Attack of her Pokemon.
・Set up Dragon Dance to sweep Cynthia's team.
Pokemon BDSP LatiosLatios
Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon
Draco Meteor (Move Tutor)
Thunderbolt (TM24)
Psychic (Lv. 60)
・Outspeeds Cynthia's Garchomp.
・Great Pokemon to use against Milotic.
Pokemon BDSP AbomasnowAbomasnow
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon
Ice Shard (Lv. 15)
Wood Hammer (Lv. 43)
Blizzard (Lv. 49)
・Great type matchup against most of Cynthia's Pokemon.
・Blizzard always hits during Hail.
・Hail can do constat damage.

All Cynthia Battles

All Cynthia Battles
Cynthia Chamption Battle Cynthia Rematches

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Elite Four Trainers

1st Trainer 2nd Trainer
Aaron Bertha
3rd Trainer 4th Trainer
Flint Lucian

All Elite Four Types and Pokemon

Elite Four Rematches

1st Trainer 2nd Trainer
Aaron Bertha
3rd Trainer 4th Trainer
Flint Lucian

All Elite Four Rematch Teams


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