Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Beginner's Guide and How to Get Started

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This is a beginner's guide on how to get started in Path of Exile 2. Check out our page for tips and tricks on how to progress efficiently, understand game mechanics better, and more!

How to Get Started in Path of Exile 2

How to Get Started

Familiarize Yourself With the UI

HUD Explanation

  1. Chat - Opens the chat overlay.
  2. Health - Your character's current hit points. If you lose all of your life, you will die.
  3. Flasks - Flasks can either have recovery (HP, mana, or both) or utility (gives the player a temporary buff) properties.
  4. Menu Tab - Shows you all the menus you can access alongside the shortcuts.
  5. Microtransaction Tab - Directs you to the Shop page.
  6. Charms - Displays your active charms. You can use this to keep track of its current charges!
  7. XP - This represents the total XP you've accumulated and how much you need to level up.
  8. Town Portal - Allows you to create a portal that teleports you back to town.
  9. Skills - Abilities your character can cast or activate in battle.
  10. Mana - A main resource used to activate skills. This refills slowly over time but if you run out, you won't be able to cast active skills until the required mana is regenerated. Hovering over your Mana will show your current Spirit, a new resource you can use to activate auras, buffs, and other ongoing effects.
  11. Quests - Displays your current active quests.
  12. Map - Shows the current location of your character. Press Tab to show the full map!
  13. Metrics - Shows how well your computer is running the game.
  14. Status Effects - These are any effects your character has at a given moment, usually given by an opponent.

We recommend getting a good grasp of the HUD (Heads-Up Display) or User Interface of Path of Exile 2, especially if you are a new player. Key elements include Health, Mana, Flasks, Skills, XP, and Status Effects, all of which are important for understanding the game.

For veteran players, most of these will practically be the same as the previous game with some new features added such as Controller support.

Pick a League to Start With

Just like its predecessor, Path of Exile 2 will feature Leagues which are seasonal game modes that introduce new mechanics and fresh content for both new and veteran players.

As of early access, players can only start with the Standard League which is the normal game mode and is recommended for new players. When creating a character, you can also choose the game mode between Regular or Hardcore which deletes your character permanently upon death for those looking for a challenge.

League Guide and List of All Leagues

Choose a Class

PoE 2 Sorceress

Path of Exile 2 features 6 classes in early access (12 classes in total on release), with each one having its unique weapon and playstyle. Since this is the class you'll be using for your playthrough, make sure you choose a class that fits what you're looking for in a character.

List of Classes

Gender-locked with No Character Customization

Each class in Path of Exile 2 is gender-locked and will not allow you to customize the appearance of your characters so choose wisely as you will be using them for the rest of your progress.

Understand Terminologies

There are various in-game terms that Path of Exile 2 has which can be confusing for new players. Make sure to check out our Glossary to help get a good understanding of each terminology.

Glossary and Basic Game Mechanics

Loot and Equip Gear

POE 2 - Skill Gems

While you won't necessarily have the best gear for your character in the early game, having something to hit enemies with is better than not having a weapon. Equip any gear you find and discard it as you come across better items to increase your overall damage and defense.

Lists of Equipment
Weapons Armors Accessories

Use Skill and Support Gems

Skill Gems and Support Gems can be obtained from Uncut Gems dropped from Rare monsters. Skill Gems can be used to either choose which skill to engrave on your gem or level up your skills.

On the other hand, up to 6 Support Gems can be attached to each skill to help improve and upgrade them so try to collect them as much as you can.

Lists of Gems
Skill Gems Support Gems

Learn Passive Abilities

As you progress through the game, you can earn Passive Points to be used to learn passive abilities. Passive abilities can either increase the damage certain attacks deal or enhance your character's defenses.

Regardless of which route in the skill tree you choose, selecting passive abilities will help your character as you deal with stronger enemies!

Passive Skill Tree Guide and List of Passives

Focus on Completing the Campaign

The first thing you should focus on as you get started is to complete the campaign as this will introduce you to various mechanics and bring you to the endgame faster. Take your time while doing this since the campaign features many bosses that each have their mechanic you need to learn.

Walkthrough and List of Acts

Path of Exile 2 Beginner Tips

Tips for Beginners

Follow a Build Guide

Path of Exile 2 features a large passive tree and various skills to try which can be overwhelming for new players. This is why we recommend finding a build to follow as you progress so you do not have to worry about respecing too much and spending hours trying different skills.

List of All Builds

Equip Better Flasks

Equip Better Flasks

As you progress further, do not forget to upgrade your Flasks by equipping larger flasks and using your Currency Items to give them strong modifiers! You can get these flasks by either having enemies drop them or by purchasing them from vendors.

It's recommended to equip flasks with more flask charges and more recovery modifiers.

How to Refill Flasks

Explore Each Area Extensively

Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) - Follow Main Quests

While you are progressing through the main quest, it should be in your best interest to fully explore the areas as there will be chests of varying rarity and points of interest. Who knows, you might get a Rare drops!

Furthermore, try to kill as many of the enemies you encounter so that leveling up will not be an issue later on!

Leveling Guide: How to Get XP Fast

Utilize Weapon Specialization

POE 2 - Weapon Swap

Players can swap between different weapons depending on the situation you find yourself in. This gives you more flexibility with your build without having to commit to just one type of damage.

Furthermore, you can get Weapon Set points for the Passive skill tree, allowing you to allot specific passives for your secondary weapon set. Having this ability can give players more variety and agency during the early game when testing out builds!

Weapon Specialization Guide: How to Swap Weapons

Spend Gold Wisely

Gamble for Better Gear

Gold is a scarce resource that is hands-down the most important asset you can have in the game. It is important to plan out how you spend Gold throughout all of the Acts and Cruel Mode!

For example, it is recommended to gamble for Weapons during the early game to get great modifiers on your weapons early on. However, gambling is not recommended in the latter stages because of the price scaling. It would be better to save Gold to have the option of refunding skill points!

Best Ways to Farm and Spend Gold

Focus on Getting the Relevant Modifiers

During the early game, do not hyperfocus on equipping gear with the highest base stats and rarity. Rather, it would be best to use equipment that helps out your build, even if they are only of Magic rarity! For example, a Ranger should try and find modifiers that increase Attack Speed and Physical Damage.

Crafting Guide

Identify Items for Free at the Hooded One

POE 2 - Right click on Scroll of Wisdom

The Hooded One offers to identify items in your inventory for free! You can unlock him after finishing the Mysterious Shade quest in Act 1.

How to Identify Items and Equipment

Create or Join a Guild

While you can play solo just fine in Path of Exile 2, having a guild can help you progress much more smoothly. Furthermore, when you and your guildmates have the funds, we recommend buying the Guilds Stash so loot can be shared amongst each other!

Guild Features and How to Join

Utilize the Trading Feature

If there was a moment when you just wanted that specific item or modifier essence to complete your build, give trading a try! With trading, building your inventory will be much more efficient and rewarding!

Trading Guide: How to Trade

Salvage Gear that Have Sockets

Use Artificer

Salvaging unused gear with rune slots will get you Artificer's Orbs, which becomes an Artificer's Orb after obtaining a total of 10 shards. Artificer's Orbs can add rune sockets to your gear, further modifying them.

Additionally, you can buy gear with sockets at the shop. One socket is equivalent to one Artificer's Shard, and sometimes buying two pieces of gear with one socket each is cheaper than buying a single piece of gear with two sockets.

Sockets Explained

Use Town Portal to Sell or Store Gear

You can utilize the Town Portal button at the bottom right of the screen to summon a portal back to town. You can identify and sell or disenchant gear from your inventory or store them at your stash to free up space for the other items you'll be collecting.

Store the essential currency items for crafting to add modifications to your gear.

Save Your Exalted Orbs

Exalted Orbs are considered as the standard currency by the Path of Exile 2 community during trades. You can buy a good quality gear with just a single Exalted Orb! You can exchange your unused currency items for Exalted Orbs by utilizing the Currency Exchange feature, available after completing all 3 Acts and reaching Cruel difficulty.

If you have some rare-quality items stored in your stash, you can list them up for trade for an Exalted Orb. However, you'll be needing a Premium Stash Tab to sell items on the official trading site.

Currency Exchange Explained

Pick the Right Charms

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Pick the Right Charms

Equipping the right charms during boss battles can help turn the tide of the battle by countering a boss's elemental damage! If you're facing a boss that deals lightning damage, equip a Topaz Charm to increase lightning resistance when hit.

Farm Soul Cores in the Trial of Chaos

POE 2 - Soul Cores

Soul Cores are socketable items with modifiers that are more powerful than regular runes. Do multiple runs in the Trial of Chaos to farm Soul Cores, since these are exclusive to the Trial of Chaos.

Trial of Chaos Guide

Check Your DPS in the Skills Menu

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Skills Menu

Open your skills menu and check the DPS/DMG of your skills so you'll have an idea which weapon to equip or passives to unlock. You can press the arrow button next to the stat to open a new menu showing a comprehensive breakdown of the damage you'll be dealing.

Assign Weapon Sets to Automatically Switch per Skills

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Damage Breakdown

Press the arrow button next to the DPS/DMG number and you can see a check on both weapon sets by default. Only leave the weapon set you wish to assign the skill to checked.

All Path of Exile 2 Tips and Tricks

Path of Exile 2 Tips and Tricks

Beginner's Guide

Gameplay Mechanics

Character Creation Guide Currency Exchange Explained
How to Ascend Classes How to Block
How to Dodge How to Fast Travel
How to Get and Use Sacred Water How to Get Through the Red Walls
How to Refill Flasks How to Show the Overlay Map
How to Trade How to Unlock Pets
What is the Max Level? What Happens When You Die?

Game and Character Progression

Best Ways to Farm and Spend Gold Endgame Guide: What to Do After the Campaign?
Hardcore Guide Hideout Location and How to Unlock
How to Ascend Classes How to Farm Uniques
How to Increase Damage How to Increase Defense
How to Make a Good Build How to Power Level Alts
Leveling Guide: How to Get XP Fast List of Permanent Buffs from the Campaign
Missables and One-Time Events Guide -

Gear and Crafting

Are There Vendor Recipes? Crafting Guide
How to Always Show Items on Ground How to Get Corrupted Items
How to Hide Your Helmet How to Identify Items and Equipment
How to Increase Inventory Size How to Use Corruption Altars
How to Use Reforging Benches Item Rarity Explained
Sell, Salvage, or Disenchant Equipment? Sockets Explained

Stats and Skills Guides

Best Defensive Stat How to Get and Use Persistent Buffs
How to Get Ascendancy Skill Points How to Get More Skill Slots
How to Increase Charm Slots How to Increase Support Gem Slots
How to Level Up Skills How to Respec Passives
How to Use Jewel Sockets Weapon Set Skill Points Explained
Weapon Specialization Guide: How to Swap Weapons -

Settings and Multiplayer

Can You Adjust Game Difficulty? Best PC Settings and Keyboard Bindings
Gateway Guide Guild Features and How to Join
How to Change Your Character's Name How to Change Voice and Text Language
How to Get Loot Filters on Console How to Get More Character Slots
How to Link Items in Chat How to Revive Party Members
How to Use and Customize Chat Box List of All Chat Commands
Is There Controller Support? Multiplayer Guide: How to Play Coop
Party Bonuses and Group Scaling Explained Stash Tab Sale Schedule and Prices
Should You Choose Mouse or WASD? -

Path of Exile 2 Related Guides

PoE 2 Wiki Partial

Path of Exile 2 Guides

Path of Exile 2 Wiki Contents
Builds Partial Banner.pngBuilds PoE 2 List of ClassesClasses
PoE 2 Tips and TricksTips and Tricks Path of Exile 2 - All Bosses Partial BannerBosses
Path of Exile 2 WalkthroughWalkthrough POE 2 QuestsQuests
Path of Exile 2 - Gems Partial BannerGems Path of Exile 2 - ItemsItems
Path of Exile 2 - Weapons Partial Banner ImageWeapons Path of Exile 2 - Armors Partial BannerArmors
Path of Exile 2 - Accessories Partial BannerAccessories Path of Exile 2 - Passive SkillsPassives
Path of Exile 2 - SkillsSkills Path of Exile 2 - Trials Partial Ascension Trials
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Glossary Glossary Atlas of Worlds Atlas of Worlds
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Leagues Leagues Path of Exile 2 - Characters Partial BannerCharacters
PoE 2 - CosmeticsCosmetics Path of Exile - Shop Bundles and MicrotransactionsMicrotransactions
PoE 2 Latest News and UpdatesNews and Updates -

## List of Recommended Guides
Best Class Tier ListBest Class Tier List POE 2 Best Stash TabsBest Stash Tabs to Buy
Path of Exile 2 - Which Class is Best For You?Which Class Should You Play? Path of Exile 2 - Unique EquipmentList of Unique Equipment
Path of Exile 2 - Best Minions to Summon.pngBest Minions to Summon Path of Exile 2 - Loot Filters GuideHow to Use Loot Filters
Diablo 4 PlayerDiablo 4 Player's Guide to PoE 2 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Best Charms to Use Best Charms to Use
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Best Ways to Farm Currency Best Ways to Farm Currency Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Best Unique Equipment Best Unique Equipment


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