Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

All Thunder Monster Cards

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These are the Thunder Monster Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to see all available Thunder monsters across all attributes and how to get them!

List of Thunder Monster Cards

Fire Thunder Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Magikey Fiend - Transfurlmine Spright Elf Spright Sprind

Water Thunder Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Bolt Escargot Bolt Penguin Lightning Conger
Tribe-Shocking Virus

Earth Thunder Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Electric Lizard Gem-Knight Amber Gem-Knight Prismaura
Gem-Knight Topaz Gem-Knight Tourmaline Morphtronic Magnen
Morphtronic Magnen Bar Subterror Behemoth Voltelluric Susa Soldier
Tripwire Beast

Wind Thunder Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Gigathunder Giclops Gusto Squirro Gusto Thunbolt
Kaminari Attack LaLa Li-oon Lightning Chidori
Mega Thunderball Mist Valley Executor Mist Valley Thunder Lord
Mist Valley Thunderbird Mist Wurm Nemeses Corridor
Prank-Kids Battle Butler Prank-Kids Dodo-Doodle-Doo Prank-Kids Fansies
Ritual Beast Ulti-Cannahawk Spiritual Beast Cannahawk Thunder Kid
United Resistance

Light Thunder Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Apocatequil Batteryman 9-Volt Batteryman AA
Batteryman AAA Batteryman C Batteryman Charger
Batteryman D Batteryman Fuel Cell Batteryman Industrial Strength
Batteryman Micro-Cell Batteryman Solar Brohunder
Core of Chaos Cuben Denko Sekka
Diana the Light Spirit Electric Snake Electric Virus
Electrode Beast Anion Electrode Beast Cation Elemental HERO Voltic
Gold Pride - Star Leon Guardian Tryce Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder
Kurivolt Lightning Rod Lord Mahunder
Mementotlan Twin Dragon Mithra the Thunder Vassal Morphtronic Radion
Pahunder Paralyzing Mushroom Plasma Ball
Rai Rider Rai-Jin Rai-Mei
Sanga of the Thunder Sishunder Some Summer Summoner
Super-Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon The Accumulator The Ascended of Thunder
The Calculator The Calibrator The Creator
The Immortal of Thunder Thunder Dragon Thunder Dragon Thunderstormech
Thunder Dragon Titan Thunder Dragonhawk Thunder Dragonlord
Thunder Dragonmatrix Thunder Hand Thunder King Rai-Oh
Thunder Nyan Nyan Thunder Sea Horse Thunderclap Monk
Thunderclap Skywolf Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon Vylon Prism
Wattberyx Wattbetta Wattchimera
Wattcobra Wattdragonfly Wattfox
Wattgiraffe Watthopper Watthydra
Wattkid Wattkiwi Wattkyuki
Wattlemur Wattmole Wattpheasant
Wattsquirrel Wattuna Wattwoodpecker
Zaborg the Mega Monarch Zaborg the Thunder Monarch Zap Mustung

Dark Thunder Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Evilswarm Thunderbird Fallen of Argyros Gigantic Spright
Lightning Punisher Spright Blue Spright Carrot
Spright Jet Spright Pixies Spright Red
The Chaos Creator The Dark Creator Thunder Dragondark
Thunder Dragonduo Thunder Dragonroar Voltester

Divine Thunder Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

There are currently no cards that belong to this category.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides

List of All Cards

List of All Cards

Card Type

Normal MonsterNormal EffectEffect FusionFusion RitualRitual
SynchroSynchro XYZXyz PendulumPendulum Link CardLink
SpellSpell TrapTrap


Monster Attributes
FireFire WaterWater WindWind EarthEarth
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Types of Spell and Traps

Normal SpellNormal Quick-Play SpellQuick-Play Continuous SpellContinuous
Field SpellField Equip SpellEquip Ritual SpellRitual
Normal TrapNormal Continuous TrapContinuous Counter TrapCounter


SpellcasterSpellcaster DragonDragon ZombieZombie WarriorWarrior
Beast-WarriorBeast-Warrior BeastBeast Winged BeastWinged Beast MachineMachine
FiendFiend FairyFairy InsectInsect DinosaurDinosaur
ReptileReptile FishFish Sea SerpentSea Serpent AquaAqua
PyroPyro ThunderThunder RockRock PlantPlant
PsychicPsychic WyrmWyrm CyberseCyberse BeastDivine Beast
IllusionIllusion - - -

Level / Rank / Link

Level0 Level1 Level2 Level3
Level4 Level5 Level6 Level7
Level8 Level9 Level10 Level11
Level12 Level13 - -



Abilities / Other

Toon Spirit Union Gemini
Tuner Flip Special Summon -


BannedBanned LimitedLimited Semi-LimitedSemi-Limited


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