Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Traptrix Deck List and Card Guide

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Master Duel - Traptrix Top Image

Traptrix is a Control deck in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel. Check out the core deck list, key combos, how to play & counter as well as alternative options!

Traptrix Deck List

Traptrix Deck Recipe

Main Deck: 40 cards
Traptrix Arachnocampa x3 Traptrix Mantis x3 Traptrix Myrmeleo x3 Traptrix Dionaea x2 Traptrix Nepenthes x2
Traptrix Pudica x3 Parallel eXceed x2 Traptantalizing Tune x3 Traptrip Garden x1 Traptrix Holeutea x3
Evenly Matched x3 Infinite Impermanence x3 Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare x2 Gravedigger x2 Bottomless Trap Hole x1
Floodgate Trap Hole x1 Terrifying Trap Hole Nightmare x1 - - -
Extra Deck: 15 cards
Traptrix Allomerus x2 Traptrix Pinguicula x2 Traptrix Rafflesia x2 Abyss Dweller x1 Traptrix Sera x2
Traptrix Cularia x1 Knightmare Phoenix x1 Traptrix Atypus x2 Knightmare Unicorn x1 Accesscode Talker x1

Traptrix Breakdown

Tier List Evaluation

Tier Ranking
God Tier IconGod
Deck Archetype Deck Difficulty
Control Easy
Deck Evaluation
CheckmarkTraptrix brought back the power of the "Trap Hole" archetype of Trap Cards

CheckmarkEach Traptrix Extra Deck monster supports the rest, including effect immunity and Trap Card recursion

CheckmarkCan switch into the offensive with stat-boosting and field-clearing effects

Traptrix Deck Guide: How to Play

Playstyle and Win Condition

Traptrix is an archetype of Plant and Insect Type Monsters. All Main Deck Traptrix Monsters are Level 4 and possess an Attack and Defense stats that totals to 2800 points. All Main Deck Traptrix Monsters are Unaffected by Normal Trap cards that has Hole in its name.

Master Duel - Traptrix Banner

Traptrix Decks are a rare case in modern Yu-Gi-Oh, where Trap Cards are given more emphasis in comparison to Spell Cards. This Deck aims to repeatedly disrupt the enemy's plans, most often through the usage of various "Trap Hole" Trap Cards, alongside other staple disrupting Trap Cards.

Traptrix is a reactive type of deck, in which they adapt their playstyle depending on the matchups.

Monster Cards

Traptrix Myrmeleo Traptrix Mantis Traptrix Dionaea

Traptrix Myrmeleo and Traptrix Mantis are your main starters as they search for Trap Hole Normal Trap Cards and Traptrix Monsters respectively.
Traptrix Dionaea's effect lets you Special Summon one Traptrix Monster from the Graveyard when it is Normal Summoned which lets you do more combo XYZ or Link plays.

Traptrix Pudica Traptrix Arachnocampa

There have been two new additions to the Traptrix archetype, each card providing additional support.

Traptrix Arachnocampa provides protection to your "Hole" Trap Cards once per turn, and can Special Summon itself from the hand.
Meanwhile, Traptrix Pudica serves as your Field Spell searcher, and can banish a monster the opponent controls if this card is Special Summoned.

Parallel Exceed

While not a "Traptrix" monster, Parallel eXceed enables all Decks that primarily use Rank 4 Xyz Monsters. Through its effect, it can Special Summon another copy of itself, and then this monster and the other copy Level 4 monsters while on the field.

Spell & Trap Cards

Besides search and draw effects, usually Traptrix Decks don't run that many Spell Cards. If you do decide to add some, there are two noteworthy additions that were released in the Dreaded Conspiracy Selection Pack.

Traptrip Garden

The Traptrix archive finally receives its own Field Spell in Traptrip Garden. One copy of it is enough for its effects; it provides you an additional Normal Summon for a "Traptrix" monster, protects your Inset or Plant-type monsters from battle once per turn, and it can Special Summon another "Traptrix" monster from the GY by banishing a monster you control.

Traptantalizing Tune

Traptantalizng Tune serves as your main way of getting cards needed. Drawing two cards after discarding either an Insect-type monster, Plant-type monster or a Normal Trap Card, is a fair trade-off. It can then banish itself to recycle one of your banished any of the same cards, and send it back to the bottom of the Deck.

Traptrix Holeutea

Another new addition to the Deck, and one the most important cards to play in a Traptrix Deck, is Traptrix Holeutea. By discarding a card, it can be activated the turn it was Set, and it becomes a Level 4 monster for you to use.

It can also banish itself from the GY to Special Summon a "Traptrix" monster from there.

Evenly Matched Infinite Impermanence

As for the other non-"Hole" Trap Cards, two come to mind to control the Field before you can set up properly. Evenly Matched is one of the best ways to safely clear the field to all but one card the opponent controls. This card is great if you're going second.

Infinite Impermance works well in negated monster effects that trigger while on the field, whether activated from hand or while Set on the field.

Best Hole Cards to Use

Traptrix lives and dies by the Normal Trap Cards Effects. "Hole" Trap Cards maximizes the potency of Traptrix.
The following are your options on what Trap Hole you should be using depending on the format.

Terrifying Trap Hole Nightmare ImageTerrifying Trap Hole Nightmare This "Hole" Trap Card focuses on Special Summoned monsters the opponent controls. It targets and destroys a Special Summoned monster with 2000 or more ATK. If another "Hole" Trap Card in the GY,
Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare ImageTraptrix Trap Hole Nightmare Traptrix's own dedicated Trap Hole card, this punishes the opponent whenever their Special Summoned monster activates its effect. It negates the effect and destroys the monster. The only caveat is that the activation of the effect has to happen the same turn it was Special Summoned; not much of problem since most Effect Monsters do so.
Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare ImageTraptrix Trap Hole Nightmare Traptrix's own dedicated Trap Hole card, this punishes the opponent whenever their Special Summoned monster activates its effect. It negates the effect and destroys the monster. The only caveat is that the activation of the effect has to happen the same turn it was Special Summoned; not much of problem since most Effect Monsters do so.
Void Trap Hole ImageVoid Trap Hole A Trap Hole variant that targets Special Summoned monsters with really high ATK in particular. Any monster that has 2000 ATK or more is a prime target for this card, and it negates their effects before being destroyed. The wording also says "monster(s)", meaning simultaneous Special Summons can all be cancelled through this card's effect.
Bottomless Trap Hole ImageBottomless Trap Hole A classic Trap Hole variant that can fit in any Deck. Monster(s) that are summoned by any means with 1500 or more ATK are this card's targets. Instead of sending them to the Graveyard when destroyed, this card Banishes them instead. At N rarity, this is a very cheap option to have, and you can get away with running 3 copies. Just be careful of monsters that have effects whenever they are banished.
Time-Space Trap Hole ImageTime-Space Trap Hole This Trap Hole card focuses on monsters from the hand, or Extra Deck Monsters that are Special Summoned. Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, Link monsters, as well as Pendulum Monsters that are placed face-up on the top of the Extra Deck all qualify here. It can manage to avoid floating and on-destruction effects by shuffling them back into the respective Decks. However, you have to pay 1000 LP for each monster that was shuffled back.
Floodgate Trap Hole ImageFloodgate Trap Hole A very popular version of Trap Hole which also bypasses floating and on-destruction effects. Instead, monster(s) that were Summoned are forced into face-down Defense Position, and the opponent cannot flip them up into face-up Attack Position regularly. This card is usually considered for Decks that have monsters with piercing battle damage. Great choice for a Trap Hole card to run at 3.
GravediggerGravedigger's Trap Hole A newer Trap Hole card that grew in popularity because of its ability to negate hand traps like Maxx "C", Nibiru, the Primal Being and Effect Veiler, among others. Banished monsters activating effects also count. Their effects are negated when this card is activated, and damages the opponent for 2000 LP as a bonus. One of the cards you can get away with running at 3.
Network Trap Hole ImageNetwork Trap Hole Perhaps the harshest Trap Hole card in the archetype. Its requirement is that the opponent must have Special Summoned a monster(s) from either the Main Deck, or from the Graveyard. This card banishes the target(s) face-down, meaning there is no way for the cards to be brought back into the Duel. Not even cards that trigger effects when banished are going to work.
Chain Hole ImageChain Hole While not necessarily a "Trap Hole" Trap Card, it still counts due to Traptrix Rafflesia's effect only requiring a "Hole" Normal Trap Card as a prerequisite. This punishes the opponent from using monster effects in response to a card/effect activation, forcing them to banish a card with the same name from the hand or Deck. This is a good counter against hand traps as well, and gets rid of more than one copy of said hand trap.
Break Off Trap Hole ImageBreak Off Trap Hole A very situational Hole card. It greatly counters any deck that do not utilize Link Summoning as you can trigger the timing itself, thus nuking the whole field. Albeit a very niche pick, it can still catch your opponent off guard with this card.

Extra Deck Monsters

Traptrix Sera Traptrix Cularia Traptrix Rafflesia Traptrix Allomerus

Despite having small Attack points, Traptrix Sera is the primary Boss Monster of the Deck. With its strong effects that lets you gain advantage each time a Normal Trap Card is Activated(even on your Opponent's side of the field).

Traptrix Cularia lets you Recycle your Trap Holes and Traptrix Monsters by setting them or Special Summoning them during the End Phase respectively.

Traptrix Rafflesia is your another Boss Monster of the Deck. Its effect lets you copy a Hole Normal Trap Card from the Deck. Rafflesia also protects your Traptrix Monsters from destruction.

Traptrix Allomerus lets you revive Plant or Insect type Monster from your Graveyard. Allomerus also lets you snatch one of your opponent's Monster that leaves the field due to your effects.

Traptrix Atypus Traptrix Pinguicula

There are now two new additions to the Extra Deck for "Traptrix". Traptrix Atypus is a new LINK-2 Monster that gives all other "Traptrix" monsters you control a considerable ATK boost. It can also negate face-up cards the opponent controls, and by banishing a Normal Trap Card, it can destroy one of them too.

Traptrix Pinguicula is a new Rank 4 Xyz Monster for the "Traptrix" archetype, which gets immunity to Trap effects and other monsters with the same type as the attached material. It also acts as a searcher by detaching a card, and it can attach new material to itself using the opponent controls that was sent to the GY or banished.

Abyss Dweller Knightmare Phoenix Knightmare Unicorn Accesscode Talker

For the other remaining Extra Deck options, they are flexible options the player can use at their discretion. We recommend Abyss Dweller as an option because of the plethora of Graveyard effects in the current meta.

For Link Monsters, go for staples like Knightmare Phoenix to deal with any Spells or Traps on the field. Knightmare Unicorn shuffles a card from the field back to the Deck. Accesscode Talker is the best LINK-4 monster in terms of accessibility and firepower.

Core Combos and Interactions

Basic 1-Card Myrmelo Combo

A basic bread-and-butter combo players can do, simply with a Trap Card and "Traptrix Myrmeleo" on hand. Depending on the rest of the cards on hand, combos can go on much further, so adjust as you go along.

Card Needed
Traptrix Myrmeleo
+ 1 Normal "Hole" Trap Card
Step Description
1 Normal Summon Traptrix Myrmeleo from the hand. Afterwards, activate its effect to add a "Hole"l Trap Card from the Deck to the hand. Go for Traptrix Holeutea in this case.
2 Using Traptrix Myrmeleo as material, Link Summon Traptrix Sera.
3 Set Traptrix Holeutea first, then activate it on the field by discarding a Normal Trap Card from the hand--preferrably, a "Hole" Normal Trap Card. This card becomes a Monster, and Special Summon it to your Main Monster Zones.
4 With the Special Summon of a "Traptrix" monster, activate the effect of Traptrix Sera; Special Summon Traptrix Dionaea from the Deck onto the field. Upon being Special Summoned, activate Dionaea's effect; retrieve the "Hole" Normal Trap Card that was discarded in the previous step, and Set it on the field.
5 The Special Summon of Traptrix Dionaea triggers the second effect of Traptrix Sera; Set another "Hole" Normal Trap Card straight from the Deck.
6 Using Traptrix Dionaea and Traptrix Holeutea as materials, Xyz Summon Traptrix Pinguicula. Then, activate its effect after being summoned to search a copy of Traptrix Arachnocampa. When you do, make sure to detach Traptrix Holeutea as material.
7 As you control another "Traptrix" monster on the field, you can Special Summon Traptrix Arachnocampa.
Active Field Spell: None
Traptrix Sera X
Traptrix Pinguicula
- Master Duel - Protector - Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game - Master Duel - Protector - Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game -

Alternative Options

DPE Engine

Destiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer Destiny HERO - Dasher Destiny HERO - Malicious Fusion Destiny Predaplant Verte Anaconda

Even a Control Deck like Traptrix can still utilize the Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer or DPE Engine for short. With its ability to swarm the field once it get its tempo, you can easily Link Summon Verte Anaconda in which enables the access to Fusion Destiny from the Deck.

Utopia Engine

Number 39: Utopia Number 39: Utopia Double Number S39: Utopia the Lightning Pentestag

The Utopia Engine lets you setup an easy OTK (One-Turn Kill) by using Utopia Double's effect which lets you reach 10000 Attack Points. With only downside of not being able to Attack Directly, Pentestag can help by giving your Utopia a piercing battle effect.

Artifact Engine

Artifact Dagda Artifact Scythe Artifact Lancea Artifact Moralltach Artifact Sanctum

The Artifact Engine is a reminiscence of Traptrix's former glory, the HAT Deck (Hand, Artifact, Traptrix). This engine adds more layer in controlling your opponent thanks to Artifact Sanctum not just being a Normal Trap Card(which can Activate Sera's effect) but also lets you Summon Artifact Scythe, locking them out from using the Extra Deck.

Dogmatika Engine

Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted Nadir Servant Dogmatika Punishment Elder Entity N Titaniklad the Ash Dragon

The Dogmatika Engine is mostly used thanks to its good goind 2nd plays.
Always do your standard combo before commiting to Dogmatika related combo as it locks you out of your own Extra Deck. Dogmatika sends Extra Deck Monsters to the Graveyard for their Effects or Costs, sending Elder Entity N'tss helps you clear board more easily.

Amazement Engine

Amazement Administrator Arlekino Amazing Time Ticket Amaze Attraction Cyclo-Coaster Amaze Attraction Horror House

The Amazement Engine offers more depth of play for the Traptrix Deck. You can easily Summon Amazement Administrator Arlekino when a Trap Card Activates, this greatly combos with your Trap Hole cards as Sera also procs off of Trap Cards. Activate the Amazement Traps as soon as possible as you need to Equip them quickly to use their effects. Amazement Spell/Trap Cards behave differently depending on who the turn player is. This will add more disruption layers in addition to your Hole Trap Cards.

Boss Monsters

Traptrix Rafflesia
Traptrix Rafflesia This is one of the two Traptrix Xyz Monsters which provide the support the Deck needs. So long as Traptrix Rafflesia card is on the field, other Traptrix monsters are safe from battle and card effects, both targeted and non-targeted. On top of that, this card can use the effect of any "Hole" Trap Card in the Graveyard, making it flexible in using the right effect in the right instance.
Traptrix Allomerus
Traptrix Allomerus This card's Xyz Material requirements can go above 2 Level 4 monsters, so do not hesitate to use as many Materials as needed; so long sa it has Xyz Material, this card is immune to all Trap Card effects. Traptrix Allomerus also has the ability to Special Summon a Level 4 Insect or Plant Monster, which perfectly fits the Traptrix archetype, and can bring back the opponent's monsters that were destroyed by your cards' effects to your side of the field, effectively stealing it.

Traptrix Counters: How to Beat

Best Decks to Use Against Traptrix


Ignister Deck Top Image

Having a very high Attack Monster in the form of Arrival Cyberse, Traptrix's small monsters will have a hard time dealing with it. @Ignister's boss monster is also immune to card effects making it invincible against Effect reliant deck like Traptrix. @Ignister also has a strong board breaking combos making it harder for Traptrix to comeback from defeat.
@Ignister Deck List and Card Guide

Labrynth Control


Labrynth Control Decks are far more consistent in setting up and taking advantage of Trap Cards in general, and when they set up properly they can start destroying cards from both your field and your hand. If you're going up against this Deck, be prepared to deal with their potent Trap Cards.

Labrynth Control Deck List & Card Guide

Runick Control


Going up against a Runick Control Deck, time is not on your side. This Deck will want to banish as many of your cards from the Deck as possible until you Deck Out, before you can properly set up your Traps. You have to stop the Deck's recursion to stand a chance.

Runick Deck Lists
Master Duel - Runick Partial BannerPure Runick Master Duel - Spright Riunick Partial BannerSpright Runick
Master Duel - Ishizu Runick Partial BannerIshizu Runick Master Duel - Naturia Runick Partial Banner.pngNaturia Runick

Best Cards to Tech Against Traptrix

Jinzo A monster notorious for preventing players from even using Trap Cards. So long as Jinzo remains active on the field, both players are locked out from using Trap Cards. Even worse, a specific Equip Spell Card would no longer affect the owner with Jinzo's effect. Expect this card to be a common counter, specifically in Machine-heavy Decks.
Royal Decree
Royal Decree Royal Decree is a staple floodgate among lockdown and beatdown Decks, and having it at 3 will cause problems for Traptrix Deck users. On top of that, the owner of this card does not need to pay any sort of cost to maintain this card; the only setback is that owner of Royal Decree also cannot activate Trap Cards as well.
Dark Ruler No More
Dark Ruler No More Dark Ruler No More acts like a one-turn Skill Drain that affects only the opponent's monsters, and in Traptrix Decks this can hurt all of the monsters in the Deck. The drawback that the player cannot deal damage after this card's effect resolves is neglible for the sake of removing key monsters from the field, or preventing them fromactivating cards.
Skill Drain
Skill Drain Another floodgate card popular in lockdown and beatdown Decks, Skill Drain prevents monsters on the field from activating their effects. The only cost for this card is that the effect applies to the owner as well, and 1000 Life Points have to paid first when first activating as maintenance.
Red Reboot
Red Reboot Likely the best counter for this Deck, Red Reboot not only negates a Trap Card upon this card's activation, but the opponent cannot activate Trap Cards after this card's effect resolves. Unless Traptrix Decks have Counter Traps ready in anticipation for this card, Red Reboot will effectively shut down every single Trap the Traptrix-using opponent sets.

Related Packs to Traptrix

Cosmic Mechanical Entities Dreaded Conspiracy
Legacy Pack Master Pack
Mother Nature's Snare Soldiers from the Storm
Space-Time Transcendents

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Control Decks

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Dinomoprhia Tri-Brigade Gladiator Beast Adventurer Witchcrafter
Dark Magician Gravekeeper Branded Tri-Brigade Branded Despia
Zombie Vampire Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon Spellbook
Branded Cyber Dragon Branded Zombies Pure Scareclaw
Dinomorphia Runick Labrynth
Harpies Buster Blader Umi Control
Endymion Nekroz Spright
Spright Runick Ishizu Runick Branded Ishizu
Crystal Beasts Orcust Altergeist
Witchcrafter Subterror Krawler Mayakashi
Ishizu Tearlaments Evilswarm Melffy Spright
Bystial Branded Dogmatika Bystial Naturia Runick
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Ninja Rescue-ACE Gishki Spright
Prediction Princess Vanquish Soul Jinzo
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Ghostrick Kuriboh Anti-Meta Stun
Runick Spright Fur Hire Horus Control Toy Box Dark Magician
Yubel Voiceless Voice Rikka Ragnraika
Ritual Beast Shining Sarcophagus Fiendsmith Magical Musketeer

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Alt-Win Decks

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All Budget Decks

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Budget Chain Burn Budget Majespecter Budget Yosenju
Budget Flower Cardian Budget True Draco Budget Amorphage
Budget Ishizu Tearlaments

Best Cards for Decks

Lists of Best Cards for Deck Building
Best Staple Cards Best Searchers Best Hand Traps
Best Board Wipes Best Negates Best Fusion Monsters
Best Synchro Monsters Best Xyz Monsters Best Link Monsters
Best Structure Decks Best Decks to Go 1st or 2nd


4 Anonymousabout 2 years

Budget alternatives to Anti-Spell Fragrance are Magic Jammer or Anti-Spell Fragrance.. wait what 😂😂😂

3 OMEGA8about 3 years

No mention of the Amazement, Dogmatika, or Artifact packages. This is an absolute joke of an article, list, and analysis. If anyone wants an actual Traptrix deck come to the Traptrix channel on the official Master Duel Discord.


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