Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Best Starter Deck to Choose

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Starter Decks
There are three choices of deck to choose from when starting your journey in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel! Read on to know the contents of each deck and know the best starter deck among the three!

Best Starter (Structure) Deck

Power of the Dragon is Best for Beginners

Blue Eyes White Dragon
Power of the Dragon is the best starter deck to choose in Master Duel. It teaches the basic fundamentals of a Duel without being having complicated mechanics that need to be learned. It also has overall stronger attacking power compared to the other two Starter (Structure)Decks.

Synchro of Unity or Link Generation for Veterans

For players who are familiar to the game's mechanics, you can choose between Synchro of Unity or Link Generation, as they use techniques that can ease the learning curve of the game. What makes both Decks strong are the effects of their cards, which when done right can create a combo for great plays.

All Starters Can be Obtained

While it may be daunting to choose which starter deck you want to have first, pay no heed if you plan to play the game a long time as the other starter decks you didn't choose are obtainable as mission rewards later on!

Which Starter Deck is the Best?

Power of the Dragon 317
Synchro of Unity 345
Link Generation 76

Starter (Structure) Deck Card List

When starting out in Master Duel for the first time, the game will give three options for your first Deck in the game. These Starter (Structure) Decks will provide a strong base as well as help learn the different mechanics of the game!

Power of the Dragon

Power of the Dragon
If you have yet to catch up with all the new mechanics in Yu-Gi-Oh!, and/or are only familiar with the original anime starring Yugi Muto, this is a good Deck to start. This Deck has quite a number of monster with high ATK, have the ability to Special Summon high-powered monsters, and conduct Fusion Summons easily.

Main Deck

Card Quantity
Luster Dragon x3
Divine Dragon Ragnarok x2
Blue-Eyes White Dragon x2
Twin-Headed Behemoth x1
The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion x2
Kidmodo Dragon x2
Lord of D. x2
Lancer Dragonute x2
Axe Dragonute x2
Kaiser Glider x2
Strong Wind Dragon x1
The Flute of Summoning Dragon x2
Stamping Destruction x3
Back to Square One x2
Fusion Substitute x2
Rush Recklessly x2
Silver’s Cry x2
Ring of Destruction x2
Threatening Roar x2
Defense Draw x2

Extra Deck

Card Quantity
King Dragun x3
Five-Headed Dragon x2

Power of the Dragon Basic Combo

Blue-Eyes White Dragon Combo
1. Have Lord of D., The Flute of Summoning Dragon, and atleast one Blue-Eyes White Dragon in your hand.
2. Normal Summon Lord of D. out on the field.
3. Cast The Flute of Summoning Dragon to Special Summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon (or one more if you have an additional Dragon).

This is your bread and butter combo to get Blue-Eyes White Dragon out on the field. Try and use this to gain board and tempo advantage over your opponent.

Best Cards to Add to Power of the Dragon

While the Power of the Dragon starter deck is a great choice for new players, the deck itself could be improved. The Extra Deck for example, is lackluster compared to what you will face on the ladder. Building it properly will net you a strong Blue-Eyes deck that you can try and use to do better in your Ranked Battles.

Main Deck

Card Quantity Crafting Cost
The Ultimate Creature of Destruction x2 60 CP-N
Return of the Dragon Lords x3 90 CP-SR
Trade-In x2 60 CP-UR
Melody of Awakening Dragon x2 60 CP-UR
Cards of Consonance x2 60 CP-SR
Silver's Cry x2 60 CP-SR
Dragon's Fighting Spirit x1 30 CP-N
Strength in Unity x1 30 CP-R
True Light x2 60 CP-SR
Defense Draw x2 60 CP-R
Destined Rivals x1 30 CP-SR
Blue-Eyes White Dragon x3 90 CP-UR
Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon x3 90 CP-UR
Maiden with Eyes of Blue x3 90 CP-R
Sage with Eyes of Blue x3 90 CP-R
White Stone of Ancients x3 90 CP-SR
Dragon Spirit of White x2 60 CP-SR
Effect Veiler x1 30 CP-UR
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x1 30 CP-UR
Total Crafting Cost: 360 CP-UR
450 CP-SR
270 CP-R
90 CP-N

Extra Deck

Card Quantity Crafting Cost
Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon x2 60 CP-SR
Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon x1 30 CP-SR
Five-Headed Dragon x1 30 CP-UR
Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon x1 30 CP-SR
Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon x1 30 CP-UR
Vermillion Dragon Mech x1 30 CP-SR
Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen x1 30 CP-UR
Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis x1 30 CP-R
Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy x1 30 CP-UR
Number 97: Draglubion x1 30 CP-R
Relinquished Anima x1 30 CP-UR
Predaplant Verte Anaconda x1 30 CP-UR
Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres x1 30 CP-UR
Total Crafting Cost: 210 CP-UR
150 CP-SR
60 CP-R

Synchro of Unity

Synchro of Unity
This Starter (Structure) Deck is for players who managed to reach Syncho Monsters that were introduced in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, this is a great Deck to start with. This Deck specializes in being able to Special Summon regular monsters and Tuner monsters as frequently as possible in order to do a Synchro Summon from your Extra Deck.

Main Deck

Card Quantity
Turbo Synchron x2
Speed Warrior x3
Shield Wing x2
Junk Synchron x2
Shine Knight x3
Rockstone Warrior x2
Max Warrior x3
Tasuke Knight x1
Turret Warrior x2
The Warrior Returning Alive x2
Synchro Blast Wave x2
Shard of Greed x2
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Half Shut x3
Kunai with Chain x2
Synchro Deflector x2
Limiter Overload x2

Extra Deck

Card Quantity
Junk Warrior x1
Flamvell Uruquizas x1
Turbo Warrior x1
Nitro Warrior x1
Colossal Fighter x1

Best Cards to Add to Synchro of Unity

While the Synchro of Unity starter deck is a solid choice for newcomers and veterans alike, there is still room for improvement. To fully optimize this list, we need to add better Tuner Monsters while maximizing the potential of our Extra Deck.

Main Deck

Card Quantity Crafting Cost
Junk Synchron x3 90 CP-SR
Junk Converter x3 90 CP-SR
Maxx “C” x3 90 CP-UR
Fleur Synchron x2 60 CP-UR
Doppelwarrior x1 30 CP-R
Nibiru, the Primal Being x3 90 CP-UR
Quickdraw Synchron x1 30 CP-N
Caligo Claw Crow x2 60 CP-R
Synchron Carrier x1 30 CP-N
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3 90 CP-UR
Omni Dragon Brotaur x1 30 CP-R
Total Crafting Cost: 330 CP-UR
180 CP-SR
120 CP-R
60 CP-N

Extra Deck

Card Quantity Crafting Cost
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend x1 30 CP-UR
Black Rose Dragon x1 30 CP-UR
Coral Dragon x1 30 CP-UR
Satellite Warrior x1 30 CP-UR
PSY-Framelord Omega x1 30 CP-UR
Cosmic Blazar Dragon x1 30 CP-UR
Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon x1 30 CP-UR
Junk Warrior x1 30 CP-UR
T.G. Hyper Librarian x1 30 CP-UR
Junk Speeder x1 30 CP-UR
Herald of the Arc Light x1 30 CP-SR
Accel Synchron x1 30 CP-R
Garden Rose Maiden x1 30 CP-SR
Martial Metal Marcher x1 30 CP-SR
Celestial Double Star Shaman x1 30 CP-SR
Total Crafting Cost: 300 CP-UR
120 CP-SR
30 CP-R

How to Craft Cards

Link Generation

Link Generation
This Starter (Structure) Deck is for players who are up to date with the newest mechanic introduced in Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS: Link Summoning. Easy to learn, but hard to master, this makes use of Link Monsters: a new kind of Monster Card that does not have any DEF, and have special Link Markers pointing to various Monster Zones on the field.

Main Deck

Card Quantity
Protron x2
Digitron x2
Suppression Collider x2
Texchanger x3
Backlinker x1
Launcher Commander x3
Bitrooper x2
Link Streamer x2
Bravedrive x3
Dual Assembwurm x2
Share the Pain x2
Blustering Winds x2
Parallel Twister x2
Cynet Universe x2
Link Bound x2
Spool Code x2
Cyberse Beacon x2
Cynet Cascade x2
Jelly Cannon x2

Extra Deck

Card Quantity
Link Spider x1
LANphorhynchus x1
Progleo x1
Decode Talker x1
Rasterliger x1

Best Cards to Add to Link Generation

In a similar vein to Synchro of Unity, Link Generation relies on Special Summons to overwhelm your opponent and get Board Advantage. However, the current deck presented to new players lacks the firepower needed to compete against high-ranking players.

Main Deck

Card Quantity Crafting Cost
Flip Frozen x1 30 CP-R
Link Apple x1 30 CP-R
Stack Reviver x1 30 CP-N
Backup Secretary x2 30 CP-N
Cliant x1 30 CP-N
Backlinker x1 30 CP-R
Cyberse Gadget x3 90 CP-UR
Cyberse Wizard x1 30 CP-R
Launcher Commander x1 30 CP-R
Balancer Lord x1 30 CP-SR
ROM Cloudia x1 30 CP-SR
Clock Wyvern x1 30 CP-R
Firewall Guardian x3 90 CP-R
Grid Sweeper x3 90 CP-SR
SIMM Tablir x1 30 CP-R
Threshold Borg x1 30 CP-SR
Dual Assembwurm x1 30 CP-R
One-Time Passcode x1 30 CP-R
Cynet Mining x3 90 CP-UR
Link Burst x1 30 CP-N
Cynet Backdoor x1 30 CP-N
Cynet Crosswipe x1 30 CP-N
Cynet Regression x1 30 CP-N
Cynet Cascade x2 60 CP-N
Total Crafting Cost: 180 CP-UR
180 CP-SR
360 CP-R
270 CP-N

Extra Deck

Card Quantity Crafting Cost
Cyberse Reminder x1 30 CP-R
Firewall Exceed Dragon x1 30 CP-R
Pendransaction x1 30 CP-SR
Link Disciple x1 30 CP-SR
Binary Sorceress x1 30 CP-SR
Knightmare Phoenix x1 30 CP-SR
Code Talker Inverted x1 30 CP-SR
Decode Talker x1 30 CP-UR
Encode Talker x1 30 CP-N
Tri-gate Wizard x1 30 CP-SR
Cyberse Enchanter x1 30 CP-SR
Decode Talker Extended x1 30 CP-SR
Topologic Bomber Dragon x1 30 CP-SR
Firewall Dragon x1 30 CP-UR
Accesscode Talker x1 30 CP-UR
Total Crafting Cost: 90 CP-UR
270 CP-SR
60 CP-R
30 CP-N

How to Craft Cards

Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel Related Guides

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Beginner's Guides

All Beginner's Guides

Beginner's Guides
How to Farm Gems Best Way to Spend Gems
How to Craft Cards Best Cards to Craft
How to Use Pendulum How to Use Synchro
How to Use XYZ Summon How to Use Link Summon
Best Normal and Secret Packs to Buy How to Unlock Secret Packs
Best Starter Deck Best Early Decks to Craft
How to Get and Use Orbs Terms and Glossary
How to Farm SR and UR Materials Replay Guide: How to Save Replays
Cross Progression: How to Transfer Data Things to Do Daily
Trophies and Achievements Guides to Ranking Up
List of Secret Missions How to Report Players
How to Use Legacy Pack Tickets Best Deck Engines

FAQ Section

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ Section
How to Earn Keys Duel Live: How to Spectate Duels
Can You Reroll? Is the Duel Pass Worth it?
How Many of Each Card Can You Have? Is Master Duel Pay to Win?
Daily Reset Time Should You De-Rank Your Account?


3 Anonymousalmost 3 years

So, what card to remove for the link deck? It would be nice if someone would answers that >.>

2 Anonymousabout 3 years

I choose the synchro one because of the playset of MST…


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