Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Solo Mode Guide: All Rewards

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Yugi Oh Master Duel - Solo Mode
This is a guide on Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel's Solo Mode! Read on to see all available Solo Mode Gates, including their respective chapters, their rewards, and how to unlock their side chapters.

Solo Mode Gates

Solo Mode Gates
Duel Restart BannerFor Beginners
Tutorial | Duel Restart
Duel Strategy BannerDeck Strategy
Part 1 | Part 2
Deck Challenge BannerChallenges
Part 1 | Part 2
Delg the Dark Monarch Elementsaber Nalu Demise, King of Armageddon Megalith Phaleg Gem-Knight Fusion
Gladiator Beast Heraklinos Karakuri Shogun MDL 00 Burei Shiranui Spectralsword Geargiagear Gigant XG Digital Bug Rhinosebus
Dinomist Stegosaur Qliphort Scout Ib the World Chalice Priestess Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn The Weather Painter Rainbow
Herald of Pure Light Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En Danger! Bigfoot! Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys Giant Beetrooper Invincible Atlas
Blackbeard the Plunder Patroll Captain Mermail Abyssmegalo Revendread Slayer Dream Mirror of Joy Ghostrick Alucard
Starry Night Starry Dragon Myutant Synthesis Teardrop the Rikka Queen Subterror Behemoth Dragossuary S-Force Retroactive
Ally of Justtice Catastor Draco Masters of the Tenyi U.A. Mighty Slugger Bujintei Susanowo Eldlich the Golden Lord.png

Click one of the cards above to take you to that Gate's section!


A quick and simple gate that explains how to Summon monsters, use Spell and Trap Cards cards, and how certain cards work inside the graveyard.

Chapter Reward
Practice 1 ・ Gem x500
Practice 2 ・Starting Deck
Goal ・ Gem x500

Duel Restart

Master Duel - Duel Restart Top Image

This gate is built for players that want to learn about Yu-Gi-Oh! more, or are wanting to refresh their knowledge about the finer details of the game.

It is highly recommended to play through this gate before playing the "Duel Training" Gates.

Chapter Reward
Practice 1 Gene-Warped Warwolf x3
Practice 2 Mage Power x3
Practice 3 Blind Spot Strike x3
Practice 4 Raigeki Break x3
Duel 1 ・ Gem x200
Goal ・ Mate's Base: Normal Monster Card

Duel Strategy

Duel Strategy
Learn how to Summon special Monsters and other useful techniques for duels!

Chapter Reward
Duel 1 Raigeki x1
Duel 2 Monster Reborn x1
Duel 3 Marmiting Captain x3
Duel 4 Reinforcement of the Army x1
Duel 5 Destruction Jammer x3
Duel 6 ・Field Parts: Trap Hole
Goal ・Mate: Sangan x1

Side Chapters

Gate 2's Practice Chapters are unlocked after Duel 3

Chapter Reward
Practice 1 ・Gem x600
Practice 2 ・Gem x600
Practice 3 ・Gem x600
Practice 4 ・Gem x600

Duel Strategy 2

Duel Strategy 2 Gate.png

There are intricacies into battling in Duels, and this Gate aims to practice the finer details.

Chapter Reward
Practice 1 Mausoleum of the Emperor x3
Practice 2 Tremendous Fire x3
Practice 3 Interdimensional Matter Transporter x3
Practice 4 Ghosts From The Past x3
Practice 5 The Rock Spirit x3
Practice 6 Performapal Bubblebowwow x3
Goal ・Mate: Book of Moon x1

Side Chapters

Gate 2's Practice Chapters are unlocked after Practice 1, 3, and 5

Chapter Reward
Practice 1 Dig of Destiny x3
Unlocked after clearing Main Practice 1
Practice 2 ・Gem x100
Unlocked after clearing Main Practice 3
Practice 3 Linkerbell x3
Unlocked after clearing Main Practice 5
Practice 4 Puzzlomino, the Drop-n-Deleter x3
Unlocked after clearing Side Chapter Practice 3
Practice 5 ・Gem x100
Unlocked after clearing Side Chapter Practice 4

The Absolute Monarch

The Absolute Monarch
Learn the ins and outs of the Monarchs Deck.

Chapter Reward
Scenario Escalation of the Monarchs x3
Practice 1 ・Earth Orb x150
Duel 1 ・Dark Orb x150 (Loaned Deck)
Delg the Dark Monarch x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Structure Deck: Emergence of the Monarchs

Side Chapters

A side path can be unlocked after opened after Duel 1 and by spending 200 Dark Orbs.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Dark Orb x250 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Erebus the Underworld Monarch (Loaner Deck)
・Gem 200x (Personal Deck)

The Absolute Monarch Walkthrough and Rewards

The Warriors of the Six Elemental Lords

The Warriors of the Six Elemental Lords
Learn the ins and outs of the Elementsaber Deck.

Chapter Reward
Scenario Elementsaber Molehu x3
Practice 1 ・Dark Orb x150
Duel 1 ・Fire Orb x150 (Loaner Deck)
Elementsaber Lapauila x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal Umbramirage the Elemental Lord x3

Side Chapters

Gate 4's side path can be unlocked after Duel 1 and by spending 200 Light Orbs.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 Phosphorage the Elemental Lord x3 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Elementsaber Lapauila Mana (Loaner Deck)
・Gem 200x (Personal Deck)

The Warriors of the Six Elemental Lords Walkthrough and Rewards

Ruin and Demise

Ruins and Demise
This Gate focuses on the Ruin & Demise decks, including a tidbit of their lore. Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario Ritual Foregone x3
Practice 1 ・Dark Orb x150
Duel 1 ・Light Orb x150
Goal ・Structure Deck: Being Who Sees the End of the World

Side Chapters

This Gate's side chapters are unlocked after Duel 1 and by spending 200 Dark Orbs.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Mate: Ritual Raven (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Demise, Supreme King of Armageddon (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)

Ruin and Demise Walkthrough and Rewards

The Mystery of the Megalith

The Mystery of the Megalith
Gate 6 is all about the Megaliths decks and a bit of their lore. Unlock this gate by clearing Ruin and Demise first.

Chapter Reward
Scenario Megalith Hagith x3
Practice 1 ・Wind Orb x150
Duel 1 ・Water Orb x150
Goal Megalith Phaleg x3

Side Chapters

These side chapters are unlocked after Duel 1 and by spending 200 Earth Orbs

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 Megalith Och x3 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Megalith Aratron (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)

The Mystery of Megalith Walkthrough and Rewards

The Pyroxene Warriors

The Pyroxene Warriors
A Gate that focuses on the Gem-Knights and their lore. Unlock this gate by clearing the following Gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario Gem-Knight Lapis x3
Practice 1 ・Fire Orb x150
Duel 1 ・Earth Orb x150 (Loaner Deck)
Gem-Merchant x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Structure Deck: Gem-Knights' Resolution

Side Chapters

The side path for this Gate is unlocked after Duel 1 and by spending 200 Earth Orbs.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 Fusion Conscription x3 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Ticket Pack x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Gem-Knight Master Diamond (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)

The Pyroxene Warriors Walkthrough and Rewards

The Glory of the Gladiator Beasts

The Glory of the Gladiator Beasts
This Gate focuses on the ins and outs of the Gladiator Beasts decks. This Gate is unlocked by completing The Pyroxene Warriors gate.

Chapter Reward
Scenario ・Earth Orb x150
Practice 1 ・Water Orb x150
Duel 1 ・Wind Orb x150 (Loaner Deck)
・Dark Orb x150 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Structure Deck: Roar of the Gladiator Beasts

Side Chapters

This Gate's side chapters are unlocked after Duel 1 and require 200 Wind Orbs.

At this stage, you should have 150. You can get the remaining orbs and then some by clearing Practice 1 of the Specter Slaying Flames Gate.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Fire Orb x250 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Gladiator Beast Domitianus (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)

The Glory of the Gladiator Beasts Walkthrough and Rewards

Studying the Origins of the Karakuri

Studying the Origins of the Karakuri
Gate 9 focuses on the Karakuri and their lore. Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario Karakuri Spider x3
Practice 1 ・Fire Orb x150
Duel 1 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 "Shinkuro" x3 (Loaner Deck)
Eliminating the League x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Earth Orb x150

Side Chapters

These side chapters can be unlocked after Duel 1 and require 200 Earth Orbs.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Mate: Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 "Shinkuro" (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Karakuri Super Shogun mdl 00N "Bureibu" (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200

Studying the Origins of the Karakuri Walkthrough and Rewards

Ghost Meets Girl

Specter Slaying Flames

Spectre Slaying Flames
Unlock this gate by clearing Studying the Origins of the Karakuri Gate first.

Chapter Reward
Scenario ・Dark Orb x150
Practice 1 ・Light Orb x150
Duel 1 ・Fire Orb x150 (Loaner Deck)
Free-Range Monsters x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Structure Deck: Heir to the Shiranui-Style

Side Chapters

This Gate's side chapters are unlocked after Duel 1 and require 200 Fire Orbs.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Dark Orb x250 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Shiranui Sunsaga (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)

Specter Slaying Flames Walkthrough and Rewards

Scheming Creatures

Master Duel - Scheming Creatures

Unlock this gate by clearing Specter Slaying Flames first.

Chapter Reward
Scenario ・Fire Orb x150
Practice 1 ・Fire Orb x150
Duel 1 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Loaner Deck)
How Did Dai Get Here? x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Legacy Pack Ticket x2

Side Chapters

This Gate's side chapters are unlocked after Duel 1 and require 150 Fire Orbs.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Protector: Yoko, the Graceful Mayakashi (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Yoko, the Graceful Mayakashi (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)

Gears of Justice Dispatch!

Gears of Justice Dispatch!
A Gate featuring the ins and outs of the Geargia Deck. This gate is unlocked when the following Gates are cleared first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario Geargiano x3
Practice 1 ・Light Orb x150
Duel 1 Geargiano Mk-II x3 (Loaner Deck)
Geargiattacker x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Earth Orb x150

Side Chapters

Side Chapters for this Gate are unlocked after Duel 1 and require 200 Earth Orbs.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Mate: Geargiano (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Geargiagear Gigant XG (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)

Gears of Justice Dispatch! Walkthrough and Rewards

Digital Bugs in Cyberspace

Digital Bugs in Cyberspace

A Gate that focuses on the Digital Bugs archetype. Unlock this Gate by clearing Gears of Justice Dispatch! first.

Chapter Reward
Scenario Howling Insect x3
Practice 1 ・Light Orb x150
Duel 1 Bug Matrix x3 (Loaner Deck)
Self-Destruct Ant x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Structure Deck: Growing Digital Bug

Side Chapters

These Side Chapters can be unlocked after Duel 1 for 200 Light Orbs

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Mate's Base: Bug Matrix (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Digital Bug Rhinosebus (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)

Digital Bugs in Cyberspace Walkthrough and Rewards

The Steam Dinosaurs of Unchartered Lands

The Steam Dinosaurs of Unchartered Lands

Gate 13 is all about the Dinomist Deck and its mechanics. Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario Dinomist Stegosaur x3
Practice 1 ・Earth Orb x150
Duel 1 Dinomist Plesios x3 (Loaner Deck)
Dinomist Brachion x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Water Orb x150

Side Chapters

These Side Chapters can be unlocked after Duel 1 and require 200 Water Orbs.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 Dinomist Eruption x3 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Dinomist Rex (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)

The Steam Dinosaurs of Uncharted Lands Walkthrough and Rewards

The Colossal Mechanical Conch

The Colossal Mechanical Conch
A relatively short Gate that features the mysterious Qliphorts and their mechanics. This gate is unlocked after clearing The Steam Dinosaurs of Uncharted Lands.

Chapter Reward
Scenario Qliphort Shell x3
Practice 1 ・Light Orb x150
Duel 1 Qliphort Cephalopod x3 (Loaner Deck)
Frontline Observer x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Dark Orb x150

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1 and require 200 Dark Orbs.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Mate: Qliphort Monolith (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Apoqliphort Towers (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)

The Colossal Majestic Conch Walkthrough and Rewards

The Legend of the Star Heroes

Chosen by the World Legacy (Main Chapters)

Chosen by the World Legacy
Gate 15 offers two Sub-Gates that start off with Chosen by the World Legacy. This Gate is unlocked by clearing the following Gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 World Chalice Guardragon x3
Scenario 2 Lee the World Chalice Fairy x3
Practice 1 ・Earth Orb x150
Duel 1 Ib the World Chalice Priestess x3 (Loaner Deck)
Imduk the World Chalice Dragon x3 (Personal Deck)
Scenario 3 World Legacy Discovery x3
Scenario 4 World Legacy's Heart x3
Duel 2 Auram the World Chalice Blademaster x3 (Loaner Deck)
Ningirsu the World Chalice Warrior x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal World Legacy - " World Chalice" x3

Chosen by the World Legacy Side Chapters

Chosen by the World Legacy offers two side paths, each unlocking after Duels 1 and 2. Gather four types of orbs in total to unlock both paths:

  • Light Orb x100
  • Wind Orb x100
  • Dark Orb x100
  • Fire Orb x100
Chapter Reward
Duel 3 ・Sleeve: Auram the World Chalice Blademaster (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 4 ・Icon: Auram the World Chalice Blademaster (Loaner Deck)
Practice 2 ・Earth Orb x250
Duel 5 ・Icon: X-Krawler Synaphysis (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Personal Deck)

Gift of the Martyr (Main Chapters)

Gift of the Martyr
Gift of the Martyr is the 2nd Sub-Gate of the Legend of the Star Heroes Gate that unlocks after clearing Chosen by the World Legacy.

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 World Legacy Landmark x3
Duel 1 World Legacy Trap Globe x3 (Loaner Deck)
World Legacy Clash x3 (Personal Deck)
Scenario 2 World Legacy - "World Armor" x3
Scenario 3 World Legacy Succession x3
Scenario 4 Mekk-Knight Avram x3
Duel 2 World Legacy's Corruption x3 (Loaner Deck)
World Legacy - "World Shield" x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal World Legacy Awakens x3

Gift of the Martyr Side Chapters

Gift of the Martyr has two side paths, unlocked by clearing Duels 1 and 2. You also need the following orbs:

  • Fire Orb x200
  • Earth Orb x100
  • Dark Orb x100
Chapter Reward
Practice 1 ・Earth Orb x250
Duel 3 ・Duel Field: World Legacy Ruins (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 4 ・Mate: World Chalice Guardragon (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 5 ・Icon: Knightmare Gryphon (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Personal Deck)

The Secret Powers of the Planet (Main Chapters)

The Secret Powers of the Planet.png
The Secret Powers of the Planet is the 3rd Sub-Gate of the Legend of the Star Heroes Gate that unlocks after clearing Gift of the Martyr.

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 Crusadia Maximus x3
Scenario 2 ・Protector: Crusadia Maximus
Scenario 3 ・Fire Orb x150
Scenario 4 ・Water Orb x150
Scenario 5 ・Earth Orb x150
Scenario 6 Crusadia Revival x3
Scenario 7 ・Dark Orb x150
Scenario 8 ・Protector: Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator
Practice 1 ・Wind Orb x150
NOTE: You need to clear Scenario 8 first before the Gate to Practice 1 can be opened.
Duel 1 Crusadia Vanguard x3 (Loaner Deck)
World Legacy - "World Crown" x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal Orcustrated Attack x3

The Secret Powers of the Planet Side Chapters

The Secret Powers of the Planet has two side paths, with the first one being unlocked after clearing Duel 1.

Chapter Reward
Practice 2 Orcustrated Core x3 (Loaner Deck)
Duel 2 Mate's Base: World Legacy Ruins (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Orcustrion (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Personal Deck)

The second path opens after clearing Duel 1 as well, but needs the following to open the path:

  • Light Orb x150
  • Wind Orb x150
  • Dark Orb x150
  • Fire Orb x150
  • Water Orb x150
Chapter Reward
Practice 2 Orcustrated Core x3 (Loaner Deck)
Duel 2 Field Parts: World Legacy Ruins (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 Icon: Crusadia Equimax (Loaner Deck)
・Gems x200 (Personal Deck)

Where the World Legacy Leads (Main Chapters)

Master Duel - Where the World Legacy Solo Gate Banner.png

Where the World Legacy Leads is the 4th Sub-Gate of the Legend of the Star Heroes Gate that unlocks after clearing The Secret Powers of the Planet.

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 Guardragon Shield x3
Scenario 2 Orcustrated Release x3
Scenario 3 Guardragon Reincarnation x3
Scenario 4 Icon: Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator
Scenario 5 Protector: Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax
Duel 1 World Legacy Collapse x3 (Loaner Deck)
World Legacy Cliffhanger x3 (Personal Deck)
Scenario 6 World Legacy Bestowal x3
Scenario 7 World Reassembly x3
Goal The World Legacy x3

Where the World Legacy Leads Side Chapters

Where the World Legacy Leads has two side paths, with the first one being unlocked after clearing Scenario 2 and receiving the Longirsu Icon reward.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 Guardragon Corewakening x3 (Loaner Deck)
Guardragon Justicia x3 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 World Legacy - "World Ark" x3 (Loaner Deck)
Protector: Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star (Personal Deck)
Duel 4 Icon: Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star (Loaner Deck)
・Gems x200 (Personal Deck)

The second side path needs players after clearing Duel 1, and receiving the Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax Protector reward.

Chapter Reward
Duel 5 World Legacy - "World Key" (Loaner Deck)
Mate's Base: World Legacy - "World Key" (Personal Deck)
Duel 6 Icon: Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax (Loaner Deck)
Mate: A New Life - Galatea (Personal Deck)

The Legend of the Star Heroes

Enforcers of Justice

Enforcers of Justice

This Gate introduces the Lightsworn and Twilightsworn archetypes.

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 Jain, Lightsworn Paladin x3
Practice 1 ・Light Orb x150
Duel 1 Garoth, Lightsworn Soldier x3 (Loaner Deck)
Photon Lead x3 (Personal Deck)
Scenario 2 Jenis, Lightsworn Mender x3
Practice 2 ・Dark Orb x150
Duel 2 Jain, Twilightsworn General x3 (Loaner Deck)
Darklight x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal Light Spiral x3

Side Chapters

Enforcers of Justice's Side Chapters can be unlocked after clearing Duels 1 and 2, and require 100 Dark Orbs and 100 Light Orbs.

Chapter Reward
Side Chapter After Clearing Duel 1
Duel 2 ・Light Orb x250 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Judgment Dragon (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)
Side Chapter After Clearing Duel 2
Duel 2 ・Dark Orb x250 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Punishment Dragon (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Personal Deck)

The Fairies Who Paint the Weather

The Fairies who Paint the Weather.png

This Gate introduces The Weather archetype, and is a fairly small Gate to finish.

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Water Orb x3
Practice 1 ・Wind Orb x150
Duel 1 ・Dark Orb x150 (Loaner Deck)
Celestial Transformation x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Light Orb x150

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1, requiring 200 Light Orbs and Dark Orbs each, and 150 Fire Orbs, Water Orbs, Wind Orbs and Earth Orbs each.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Earth Orbs x250 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: The Weather Painter Rainbow (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)

The Herald's Guidance

The Herald

This Gate introduces the Herald archetype, and is a fairly small Gate to finish.

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 Herald of Purple Light x3
Practice 1 ・Light Orb x150
Duel 1 Herald of Green Light x3 (Loaner Deck)
Herald of Pure Light x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Earth Orb x150

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1, requiring 200 Light Orbs.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 Invincibility Barrier (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Herald of Ultimateness (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)

The Struggle of the Six Samurai

Indomitable Warriors of Unwavering Loyalty

Six Samurai Gate

This Gate introduces the Six Samurai archetype, and is very straightforward aside from the lengthy introduction.

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 Shien's Castle of Mist x3
Scenario 2 Shien's Footsoldier x3
Scenario 3 Return of the Six Samurai x3
Practice 1 ・Wind Orb x150
Duel 1 Breakthrough! x3 (Loaner Deck)
Six Style - Dual Wield x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal Swift Samurai Storm x3

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1, requiring 100 Orbs from each element.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Shien's Dojo - Mate Base (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Great Shogun Shien (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)

The Warriors of Yore

Master Duel - The Warriors of Yore

This gate goes deeper into the lore sand strategy of the Six Samurai. Unlock this gate by clearing the previous gate, Indomitable Warriors of Unwavering Loyalty.

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Water Orb x200
Scenario 2 ・Earth Orb x200
Practice 1 ・Light Orb x200
Duel 1 ・Wind Orb x200 (Loaner Deck)
・Fire Orb x200 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Dark Orb x200

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1, requiring 100 Orbs from each element.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Protector: Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)

The Danger Files

Danger! Gate.PNG

This Gate introduces the Danger! archetype, and is a straightforward gate to accomplish.

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Earth Orb x150
Scenario 2 Rope of Life x3
Practice 1 ・Dark Orb x150
Duel 1 Escape from the Dark Dimension x3 (Loaner Deck)
Dark Illusion x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal Dark Sacrifice x3

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1, requiring 300 Dark Orbs.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 Danger!? Jackalope? - Mate (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Danger! Nessie! (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)

Worshippers of the Sacred Phoenix

Worshippers of the Sacred Phoenix.png

This Gate introduces the Nephthys archetype, and is a straightforward gate to accomplish.

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Fire Orb x150
Practice 1 ・Wind Orb x150
Goal Samsara x3

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1, requiring 300 Dark Orbs.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Protector: Nephys, the Sacred Flame (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Nephys, the Sacred Flame (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)

The Invincible Beetroopers

The Invincible Beetroopers.png

Insect Knights, or Beetroopers, fight with their unique tactical maneuvers.

Their power, which combines attack and defense through communication, is truly unbeatable.

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 Beetrooper Light Flapper x3
Practice 1 Beetrooper Assault Roller x3
Duel 1 Heavy Beetrooper Mighty Neptune x3 (Loaner Deck)
・Wind Orb x150 (Personal Deck)
Goal Beetrooper Fly & Sting x3

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1, requiring 300 Earth Obrs, and 100 Water Orbs, Fire Orbs, and Wind Orbs each.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Protector: Giant Beetrooper Invincible Atlas (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Beetrooper Sting Lancer (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)

We the Merry Plunder Patroll

We the Merry Plunder Patrol.png

The “Plunder Patroll” pirates are adept at building ships to take out to sea.

Get on board! Hoist the sales! Let's set sail in search of treasure!

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Water Orb x150
Scenario 2 ・Fire Orb x150
Practice 1 ・Water Orb x150
Duel 1 Sealing Ceremony of Suiton x3 (Loaner Deck)
Moray of Greed x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Water Orb x150

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1, requiring 50 Dark Obrs, 50 Light Orbs, 50 Fire Orbs, and 450 Water Orbs.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Protector: Blackbeard, the Plunder Patroll Captain (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Blackbeard, the Plunder Patroll Captain (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)

The Tribe of the Abyssal Waters

The Tribe of the Abyssal Waters

The People of “Mermail” are highly skilled fighters that live under the sea.

Their origins were hidden in their long journey of searching for a safe haven.

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Water Orb x150
Practice 1 ・Water Orb x150
Duel 1 Spined Gillman x3 (Loaner Deck)
Lost Blue Breaker x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Water Orb x150

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1, requiring 500 Water Orbs.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Protector: Mermail Abyssmegalo (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Mermail Abysstrite (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)

Dark, Dead Vengeance

Dark, Dead Vengeance

The horror began when the city was shrouded in darkness.

The Vendread are wraiths that increase in number as they attack the living.

While everyone else was grippled with despair, one man was compelled by vengeance to take a stand against the undead--even after becoming one of them.

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Dark Orb x150
Scenario 2 ・Light Orb x150
Practice 1 A Hero Emerges x3
Duel 1 Zombyra the Dark x3 (Loaner Deck)
Shuffle Reborn x3 (Personal Deck)
Scenario 3 ・Dark Orb x150
Scenario 4 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x2
Duel 2 Revendread Slayer Protector (Loaner Deck)
・Icon: Vendread Battlelord (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Dark Orb x150

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 2, requiring 600 Water Orbs to open.

Chapter Reward
Duel 3 ・Icon: Revendread Slayer (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)

Dream Dominance

Dream Domination Top Image

The Dream Mirror can freely change between the worlds of light and darkness on the field. Master both and bring out monsters from each world to dominate the battle!

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Light Orb x150
Practice 1 Mirror of Oaths x3 (Loaner Deck)
Duel 1 Dream Mirror Phantasms Card Protector
Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Dark Orb x150

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1, requiring 200 Dark Orbs and 200 Light Orbs to open.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Gem x200 (Loaner Deck)
・Gem x200 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor (Loaner Deck)
・Icon: Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Erlking (Personal Deck)

Delightful Dwellers of Darkness

Delightful Dwellers of Darkness

Ghostricks employ sneaky tactic, such as hiding upside-down in Defense Position or popping up in unexpected places, such as the hand.

It's impossible to hate these mischievous scamps, so let's try to uncover their secrets!

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Dark Orb x150
Practice 1 ・Dark Orb x150
Duel 1 Reverse Glasses x3 (Loaner Deck)
Punch-in-the-Box x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Dark Orb x150

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1, requiring 500 Dark Orbs to open.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Ghostrick Alucard Protector (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Ghostrick Alucard (Loaner Deck)
・Gems x 200 (Personal Deck)

Legend of the Starry Dragon

Legend of the Starry Dragon Top Image

The angelic white-winged Starry Knights fight by utilizing the power of Starry Night, Starry Dragon, which descends from the hand.

Their story is one of a battle waged in secrecy, passed down through legend told throughout countless ages.

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Light Orb x150
Practice 1 ・Light Orb x150
Duel 1 Seiyaryu x3 (Loaner Deck)
Enchanted Javelin x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Light Orb x150

Myutant Mutation

Myutant Mutation Top Image

Researchers have discovered mysterious creatures from outer space called Myutant.

As the mysteries of their biology are unraveled, they continue to evolve with both speed and diversity.

It is quite possible that this creature has already grown past humanity's ability to control it...

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Water Orb x150
Scenario 2 ・Fire Orb x150
Practice 1 ・Wind Orb x150
Duel 1 ・Water Orb x150 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・ x3

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1, requiring 250 Water Orbs and 50 Dark, Earth, Wind, and Fire Orbs respectively to open.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Icon: Myutant Mutant (Loaner Deck)
・Protector: Myutant Ultimus (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Myutant GB-88 (Loaner Deck)
・Gems x 200 (Personal Deck)

The Rikka Fairies Descend

Master Duel - The Rikka Fairies Descend

THe "Rikka" flutter down into the winter sky and show their splendor in a thousand different ways.

In a moment until it fades, they share countless moments of wonder.

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Water Orb x150
Practice 1 ・Water Orb x150
Duel 1 Rikka Konkon x3 (Loaner Deck)
Rikka Princess x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Water Orb x150

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1, requiring 500 Water Orbs to open.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Protector: Teardrop the Rikka Queen (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Teardrop the Rikka Queen (Loaner Deck)
・Gems x 200 (Personal Deck)

Wicked Dragon of the Hidden City

Master Duel - Wicked Dragon of the Hidden City

The "Subterror Behemoth" terrorizes those who live in "The Hidden City."

All know of its legends, and only those able to escape from it can survivel long in this world.

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Earth Orb x150
Practice 1 Shifting Shadows x3
Duel 1 Earthshaker x3 (Loaner Deck)
D2 Shield x3 (Personal Deck)
Scenario 2 ・Earth Orb x150
Goal Terrors in the Hidden City x3

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1, requiring 500 Earth Orbs to open.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Protector: Subterror Behemoth Speleogeist (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Subterror Behemoth Speleogeist (Loaner Deck)
・Gems x 200 (Personal Deck)

The Dimensional Observers of the S-Force

Master Duel - Dimensional Observers of S-Forc

The mysterious secret society, "S-Force."

Their missions that transcend various spaces and time, and are supported by agents with unique abilities.

New agents for the next generation have been assembled to respond to the ever-expanded field of activities.

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Dark Orb x150
Practice 1 ・Light Orb x150
Duel 1 S-Force Retroactive x3 (Loaner Deck)
S-Force Lapcewell x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Dark Orb x150

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1, requiring 100 Dark and Light Orbs to open.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Protector: S-Force Justify (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: S-Force Justify (Loaner Deck)
・Gems x 200 (Personal Deck)

Terminal World

Alliance for Justice

Master Duel - Alliance for Justice

The "Ally of Justice" alliance was formed to fend off invasive creatures from outer space.

Use the power of unity that transcends tribal boundaries to exterminate the oncoming "Worms."

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Dark Orb x150
Scenario 2 ・Light Orb x150
Practice 1 ・Dark Orb x150
Duel 1 Ally of Justice Clausolas x3 (Loaner Deck)
・Dark Orb x150 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Dark Orb x150

Alliance for Justice Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1, requiring 300 Dark Orbs to open.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Protector: Ally of Justice Catastor (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Ally of Justice Catastor (Loaner Deck)
・Gems x 200 (Personal Deck)

Mechanical Beings in Sync

Master Duel - Mechanical Beings in Sync

The mechanical lifeforms "Genex" - utilizing natural energy, secretively work to better the environment.

When the planet is engulfed in conflict, they, too, are drawn in.

Unlock this gate by clearing the previous gate, Alliance for Justice.

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Dark Orb x150
Practice 1 ・Earth Orb x150
Duel 1 ・Water Orb x150 (Loaner Deck)
・Earth Orb x150 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Icon: Genex Controller

Mechanical Beings in Sync Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after clearing the gate, requiring the Genex Controller Icon to open.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Protector: Genex Controller (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Mate: Genex Controller (Loaner Deck)
・Gems x 200 (Personal Deck)

The Sword of Will - X-Saber

The Sword of Will - X-Saber
How did this small group of elite mercenaries become the organization it is today?

Behind everything was the influence of two contrasting leaders.

Unlock this gate by clearing the previous gate, Mechanical Beings in Sync.

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Earth Orb x150
Practice 1 ・Earth Orb x150
Duel 1 XX-clusion x3 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Legacy Pack Ticket x2

The Sword of Will - X-Saber Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after clearing the gate, requiring 350 Earth Orbs to open.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Protector: Commander Gottoms, Swordmaster (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Commander Gottoms, Swordmaster (Loaner Deck)
・Gems x 200 (Personal Deck)

The Creatures of Naturia Forest

Master Duel - The Creatures of Naturia Forest

In an abundant, tranquil forest, creatures given life by nature itself live together in harmony.

However, the schemes of ill-intentioned intruders are about to disturb the peace.

Unlock this gate by clearing the previous Duel Terminal gate, The Sword of Will - X-Saber.

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Earth Orb x150
Practice 1 ・Light Orb x150
Duel 1 ・Protector: Naturia Leodrake (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Icon: Naturia Leodrake

The Creatures of Naturia Forest - Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after clearing the gate, as the Icon serves as they key to open the Side Chapters.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Mate: Naturia Cosmobeet (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon Frame: Leodrake's Frame (Loaner Deck)
・Gems x 200 (Personal Deck)

The Sealed Deities of the Fabled Realm

Master Duel - The Sealed Deities of the Fabled Realm

Gods of evil, sealed away in a nether realm and starved of battle, spent their days in endless strife.

Unlock this gate by clearing the previous Duel Terminal gate, The Creatures of Naturia Forest.

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Light Orb x150
Practice 1 ・Light Orb x150
Duel 1 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Loaner Deck)
・Light Orb x150 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Legacy Pack Ticket x2

The Sealed Deities of the Fabled Realm - Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after clearing the gate, requiring 400 Light Orbs to open.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Protector: Fabled Leviathan (Loaner Deck)
・Icon: Fabled Leviathan (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Mate: The Fabled Chawa (Loaner Deck)
・Gems x 200 (Personal Deck)

Mobile Weapons on the Field of Battle

Master Duel - Mobile Weapons on the Field of Battle
To prepare for the battle against the new invaders, the Allianec for Justice was rapidly developing overwhelming power.

Unlock this gate by clearing the previous Duel Terminal gate, The Sealed Deities of the Fabled Realm.

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Dark Orb x150
Practice 1 ・Fire Orb x150
Duel 1 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Loaner Deck)
・Water Orb x100 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Legacy Pack Ticket x2

Mobile Weapons on the Field of Battle - Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after clearing the gate, requiring 200 Dark Orbs and 100 Water Orbs to open.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Protector: Ally of Justice Field Marshall (Loaner Deck)
・Icon: Ally of Justice Field Marshall (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Mate: Genex Spare (Loaner Deck)
・Gems x 200 (Personal Deck)

The Progression of Weapon Development

Master Duel - The Progression of Weapon Development

As the Alliance for Justice faced challenges in weapon development, they found new possibilities in unknown powers and innovative ideas.

Unlock this gate by clearing the previous Duel Terminal gate, Mobile Weapons on the Field of Battle.

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Dark Orb x150
Duel 1 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Loaner Deck)
・Light Orb x200 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Legacy Pack Ticket x2

Mobile Weapons on the Field of Battle - Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after clearing the gate, requiring 100 Dark Orbs and 100 Light Orbs to open.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Icon: Ally of Justice Cosmic Gateway (Loaner Deck)
・Icon: Ally Mind (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon Frame: Ally of Justice Cosmic Gateway (Loaner Deck)
・Gems x 200 (Personal Deck)

Land of Tenyi

Master Duel - Land of Tenyi

The Tenyi style fights have long strived to harmonize with the chi that moves through the earth and continue to improve themselves to reach the ultimate state of being.

They call this state, "Flawless Perfection".

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Earth Orb x150
Scenario 2 ・Water Orb x150
Practice 1 ・Wind Orb x150
Duel 1 ・Fire Orb x150 (Loaner Deck)
・Light Orb x150 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Protector: Draco Masters of the Tenyi

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1, requiring 150 Fire and Water Orbs each to open.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Icon: Draco Berserker of the Tenyi (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Monk of the Tenyi (Loaner Deck)
・Gems x 200 (Personal Deck)

And the Crowd Goes Wild!

Master Duel - And the Crowd Goes Wild!

The "U.A." cards are well-known for their unique effects and their ability to switch in and out of the field.

Let the roars of the spectators reverberate through the crowd as you lead these sports superstars to victory!

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 Battle Break
Practice 1 ・Earth Orb x200
Duel 1 U.A. Mighty Slugger (Loaner Deck)
BOXer x3 (Personal Deck)
Goal Prideful Roar x3

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1, requiring 100 Earth Orbs to open.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Protector: U.A. Protector (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: U.A. Protector (Loaner Deck)
・Gems x 200 (Personal Deck)

Bujin of the Divine Realm

Master Duel - Bujin of the Divine Realm Solo Mode Gate

The "Bujin" are heavenly deities who protect the world. A dark cloud looms over the seemingly peaceful world...

Wield the power of various "Bujingi" to crush the schemes of evil!

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Scenario 1 ・Light Orb x150
Scenario 2 ・Dark Orb x150
Scenario 3 Bujin Hiruko
Practice 1 ・Dark Orb x150
Duel 1 Bujin Hirume x3 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Light Orb x150

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1, requiring 100 Dark Orbs and 200 Light Orbs to open.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Protector: Bujintei Susanowo (Loaner Deck)
・Icon: Bujinki Amaterasu (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Icon: Bujintei Susanowo (Loaner Deck)
Gems x 200 (Personal Deck)

Cursed Golden Land

Master Duel - Cursed Golden Land - Eldlich Solo Gate
Whispers among sailors of the "Isle of Gold."

Drawn were the many, by tales bold. Is it a curse or desire that takes hold?

The story begins with a study, we're told.
Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Chapter Reward
Practice 1 ・Water Orb x150
Duel 1 You're Finished x3 (Loaner Deck)
Split Mirror of the Underworld x2 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Icon: Eldlich the Golden Lord

Side Chapters

This Gate's Side Chapters are unlocked after Duel 1, requiring the player to have obtained the Eldlich the Golden Lord Icon to open this Side Chapter.

Chapter Reward
Duel 2 ・Protector: Eldlixir of Black Awakening (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Mate: Eldlixir (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)

The Sky Striker's Burden

Master Duel 3rd Anniversary - The Sky Striker

A girl in a war-torn land has been entrusted with the power to wield an armory of weapons and tasked with serving as the last line of defense against a rival nation.

A turning point in her story is at hand...

This is the very first Solo Mode Gate where special animated features are part of the story! Make sure to enjoy the Sky Striker's story to celebrate Master Duel's 3rd Anniversary!

Chapter Reward
Animation 1 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x2
Scenario 1 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x2
Practice 1 ・Icon: Dominant Expansionist Empire
Duel 1 ・Card Case: Sky Striker Ace - Roze (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Animation 2 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x2
Scenario 2 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x2
Duel 1 ・Icon: Sky Striker Ace - Roze (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Scenario 3 ・Icon: Sky Striker Ace - Shizuku
Duel 2 ・Wallpaper: Sky Striker Maneuver - Scissors Cross (Loaner Deck)
・Protector: Sky Striker Ace - Raye (Personal Deck)
Goal Gems x 200

SP Deck Challenge

SP Deck Challenge

A very straightforward Gate that features special Duels that call back to iconic Duels from the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime, with a modernized take on the Decks and Monsters used.

There are no Side Chapters in this Gate.

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Duel Reward
Duel 1 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 2 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 4 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 5 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 6 ・Mate's Base: Destiny Board (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 7 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 8 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 9 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 10 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Field Parts: Magical Hats

SP Deck Challenge 2

SP Deck Challenge 2.png

A very straightforward Gate that features special Duels that call back to iconic Duels from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, with a modernized take on the Decks and Monsters used.

There are no Side Chapters in this Gate.

Unlock this gate by clearing the following gates first:

Duel Reward
Duel 1 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 2 ・Mate Base: Draconic Tactics (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 3 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 4 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 5 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 6 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 7 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 8 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 9 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Duel 10 ・Legacy Pack Ticket x4 (Loaner Deck)
・Legacy Pack Ticket x2 (Personal Deck)
Goal ・Mate: Elemental HERO Stratos

Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel Solo Mode

Split into Gates and Chapters

YGO Master Duel - Solo Mode Gates.png
Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel's Solo Mode contains several Gates that act as campaigns that players can progress through. These gates are split into five chapter types:

  • Duel: A standard 1v1 match against an NPC. Some Duels can be cleared with a loaner deck for an extra reward.
  • Practice: 1v1 match against an NPC. These chapters can teach you certain mechanics of decks with the aid of a loaner deck.
  • Scenario: A brief presentation that provides a bit of lore and setting related to the Gate.Typically found at the start of every Gate.
  • Goal: The final chapter of a Gate's main path. It's usually a brief presentation, similar to a Scenario. Watching the entire presentation clears the Gate.
  • Locked: Usually placed at the start of a side path. Unlocked by spending a specific amount of an certain orb type.

Side Chapters

YGO Master Duel - Side Chapters.png
Some Gates have chapters that branch off the main path towards the goal. These Side Chapters can be unlocked after completing a specific chapter or paying specific orbs — most of the time, it's both.

Progress Through Gates to Earn Rewards

YGO Master Duel - Chapter Rewards.png
Every Gate's chapter grants players a reward. These rewards can range anywhere from simple icons to Structure Decks! Some chapters even offer different rewards depending if you used a Loaner or Personal deck.

Gates can be cleared without 100% chapter completion

YGO Master Duel - Clear and Complete Gate Sample.png
Players do not need to finish all chapters within a Gate to clear it. Gates are cleared as soon as players reach and watch their Goal. Rush towards the Goal within a Gate and move on to others first whenever you lack the necessary to unlock side paths. Rushing to the goal is also best for those who would rather unlock all gates first before completing side paths.

Related Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel Guides

Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel.png
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Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel Guides

Yugi Oh Master Duel - News and EventsNews and Events Master Duel - Beginner GuidesBeginner Guides
Card ListCard List YGO Master Duel - Deck ListsDeck Lists
Accessories Slim BannerAccessories Card Pack Partial BannerCard Packs
Yugi Oh Master Duel - Solo ModeSolo Mode Guide Best Deck Engine Partial BannerBest Deck Engines
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5 Pot of Greealmost 3 years

The Weather Painters duels are PURE CANCER, ESPECIALLY Weather Apocalypse. How can a LOANER DECK beat an opponent's deck that consists of BOTH Weather Painters AND True Draco, not to mention the fact that the AI can TRIBUTE SPELLS/TRAPS to SUMMON THEM?! Either this deck gets nerfed or thrown out the window entirely! Shameful display, Konami.

4 Anonymousabout 3 years

Solo is shit, you are forced to use a shit deck built by someone without any knowledge. Disgraceful Konami.


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